I limit mine to messages and calls because I don’t like the distraction of tons of notifications. Curious what others do
I don’t pro actively block any of them, because I do appreciate reminders, but once something starts to get annoying, it’s cut off.
Anything time-sensitive. Emails, calls, messages, and calendar reminders. Then I have a Sleep setting that silences all of them when I go to bed.
No Ads
If a notification sends me an ad, I will block the app and also review whether I even need it. Anyone willing to shovel ads at me in my notifications is not my friend.
Other stuff is simple:
- If I need to know the information right away I allow a notification. Stuff like calls, messages, server monitoring, security, etc. Notifications that only fire when actively using or just after using an app also get to stay on if they are useful.
- If it’s not urgent, I set a reminder in my to do list to review it on a recurring basis, for example “check Mastadon, weekly, Saturday”
Follow up question: how do you handle apps that have persistent notifications?
Most apps with persistent notifications that I used allowed you to turn off that notification in the app’s settings. Others utilize androids notification category management to allow you to disable the persistent notification.
None at all. My phone is for looking up things, and for looking at pictures that make me happy. I don’t need notifications for either of those, lol.
wait, you guys are blocking notifications? Are you allowed to do that??? /j
Calls and texts - and only through icons. Otherwise it’s do not disturb 24/7.
Likewise except my watch vibrates and notifies me of incoming calls so I can then not answer them.
I allow notifications from my email provider, my bank, and IMs - although I disable group notifications. Everything else is prohibited.
I have it on by default, until its abused. Once it’s abused it’s never getting it back
Calls, text, voice mails, my investment account when a stock sells, news alerts, when the washing machine finishes (so the load doesn’t sit there)
SMS, calls, and doorbell
The only thing that’s allowed to notify me is my pager for work
Family Link
That’s it. Everything else can wait till I open it up.
Like yourself, SMS and phone calls. My bank app also handles authentication of online purchases a bit better with notifications enabled. Everything else is disabled.
On desktop I have notifications for email as well as those mentioned above.
Text messages, phone calls, security cameras, financial alerts, and a game discord (only server and game news specifically).
(edited to clarify)
Security cameras. My bad.
Ah that makes much more sense. Cheers!
Other than the necessities, the one app I allow notifications for is the C-SPAN app. They send maybe 1 notification a week for something like a live presidential address on a news event.
Anything that might create excessive notifications (social media/news) I use as a web app on top of not enabling notifications.
Only texts and calls are audible notifications. Everything else is slient.