• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • "I had a client with three young children, who believed that she had to keep abreast of the details of the Middle East conflict. This meant that once her children were finally in bed, she would find herself scrolling for hours in an attempt to stay up-to-date and knowledgeable on what is happening.

    She believed that to be a conscientious and caring human, it is something she had to do."

    I think we do have to keep somewhat abreast of what’s going on. Some brands we support could be complicit. We might be voting for the very people who are fuelling the horrors that are unfolding around the world.

    We as people just aren’t built to process the volume of information that’s available nowadays though and spending hours attempting to do so isn’t the answer. On the other hand, I’m not sure that we should be unaffected by what’s happening to our fellow humans either. Looking after our own well-being has to be a part of the equation though.

  • Would you mind breaking down the difference between people who immigrated illegally and illegal immigrants? I’m asking this in good faith because the online discourse has gotten so toxic that I’d like to be able to flag it when I see it.

    My current understanding is that the latter language is dehumanising by describing the person to be illegal in their existence. Usually we would say that someone has done something illegal, not that they themselves are illegal.

    But to those with a short attention span the difference can appear academic.