• IHeartBadCode
    13310 months ago

    Windows 12: Paintbrush now comes with ads to Microsoft’s subscription AI Paintbrush service. Also bucket fill is now a $0.49 DLC.

    • partial_accumen
      6110 months ago

      “What to make quick copies of certain areas of the image? Buy 100 packs of both ‘Copy’ and ‘Paste’ tokens now on sale in the Microsoft store! Each use of Copy or Paste function uses only 1 token. Make sure you stock up for ‘Back to School’!”

      • Kale
        10 months ago

        That’s despicable. Us real users will subscribe to Windows (I’ll subscribe to the basic package with the CMD/powershell add-on package). Windows will bundle the subscription with my Office 365 subscription so I only have one easy monthly payment! Plus my Fusion 360 and Photoshop subscription, Backblaze subscription, Google Drive subscription…

    • @jmcs@discuss.tchncs.de
      1210 months ago

      That’s going to be in the free upgrade to Windows 10 and 11. Back porting some critical features to old, but still supported releases, is an essential part of good customer support.

    • @jmcs@discuss.tchncs.de
      5710 months ago

      Technically it was just a Microsoft Tech Evangelist that said that, in a non official capacity, and I’m pretty sure the sales people took him to the torture chamber after that.

      From a technical point of view, there was nothing stopping Microsoft from making Windows 10 a rolling release, so I can see how some naive fools might have convinced themselves that their employer wouldn’t be shitty to their users for the first time ever.

      • @surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
        1910 months ago

        It wasn’t just a tech evangelist. Our Microsoft sales people were telling us that feature updates would mean no more major os versions.

      • ares35
        910 months ago

        at some point we’ll be renting windows, not buying it. so there will be a “last windows you’ll ever buy”. if microsoft had their way, we’d be at that point now (they’ve run trials on subscription-based windows way back in the early win7 days). but us lowly users are probably ‘safe’ until whatever’s after 12.

        • @Perfide@reddthat.com
          410 months ago

          I would agree if not for the fact they keep making it easier to get windows for free. I haven’t bought windows in over a decade, activation is easy af, the days of sketchy malware riddled keygens are long gone.

          The truth is worse, imo. They don’t need individual consumers to pay for the OS, OEM licenses are where they make bank anyways. At the consumer level, you’re never gonna sell enough copies, even on a subscription model, to profit more than you would be from giving it away for free, getting everyone using it, and then simply selling their data until the end of time.

          • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
            110 months ago

            And it helps enhance their other products. Your home computer has always come with windows. So your employer buys it for everyone because everyone understands it. Maybe they have you use Mac if you’re an artist or dev. But since you’re on windows you’ll use office, and it might cost you a bit, but they’re more concerned with your employer buying it for you. Hell you probably have office at work even if you’re on mac. And from there each and every new thing they add is part of their ecosystem with all the trust of “it’s from Microsoft, it’ll work”

            It’s easier and more corporate trustworthy to just buy Microsoft and the only thing that can challenge that is if enough people not only don’t use it at home, but actively are worse with it than something else.

            • @msage@programming.dev
              010 months ago


              It’s from Microsoft, it’s gonna be much worse than any alternative, it will crash like the economy every time in a critical moment, and your employer won’t let you use anything else.

        • Kale
          710 months ago

          The Microsoft thing to do is start using Xbox naming, but offset from the Xbox brand. Windows 360. Then Windows Series S for home users and Series X for corporate. Then use Windows One for confusion’s sake. The first service pack can be called Windows One X.

          I used to like picking up old hardware and modding it for fun. When Xbox One launched, searching for mods for the OG Xbox became really annoying, because all of the old forum posts during the Xbox 360 decade(s) called the first Xbox “Xbox 1” frequently, not dreaming that the third platform would be named “one”.

  • Arghblarg
    7610 months ago

    Don’t let your guard down. Maybe this time they’ll fully pull the TPM/UEFI trigger and make it impossible to install any other OS on new PCs… they have lots of leverage over manufacturers to tighten the screws on the BIOS and boot process.

    • @jmcs@discuss.tchncs.de
      7010 months ago

      The European Commission would appreciate the multi billion euro “donation” from Microsoft if they did something so obviously anti competitive.

      • Detective Kakuna
        10 months ago

        I agree, but also when has a threat of a fine ever stopped a capitalist from doing what they want? They just call it the cost of doing business.

        • @jmcs@discuss.tchncs.de
          210 months ago

          The kind of fines that are based on global revenue are at least enough to slow them down. Right now we are a bit in a phase of Whac a Mole phase of the EU doing new directives with these kinds of fines and American companies trying to find loopholes, but I don’t see how Microsoft would weasel out of this one.

          • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
            310 months ago

            Also the US is interested in busting some trusts at the moment and that sort of behavior could cost Microsoft dearly. It’s one thing to demand that your software only run on your hardware, it’s a whole other thing to pay companies to block their hardware from software you don’t own

          • @msage@programming.dev
            110 months ago

            The funny thing is, they don’t need to weasel out.

            You block for competiton from working (dualbooting Linux users) for long enough they forget there is anything else, then you pull the claws back a bit to avoid the fines after the damage is already done.

            Rinse, repeat.

    • @PixelProf@lemmy.ca
      810 months ago

      Windows 11 has tabbed file explorer, a package manager, it’s quick, the interface looks nice and feels nice, and it’s been really stable for me. I don’t know where the complaints are at, it’s been great. All they need to do is regress all of the ads-in-your-OS stuff from 10. Bring back the start menu that doesn’t hang for 30 seconds looking something up online before showing you your installed programs.

        • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘
          210 months ago

          I agree. But I’d rather have both a gorgeous OS that also works well.

          • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
            210 months ago

            Sure, but how much time do you really spend looking at the OS UI rather than that of the games and applications you’re running when everything is going smoothly?

            Very little in my case, so beauty is very low on my list of priorities for an OS of all things.

            • 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘
              110 months ago

              I don’t play games. The only real customization I do to how the UI looks, is to put it in dark mode. Because of these, and some other factors, the OS UI is front and center for me. So, I would like a beautiful, yet highly usable, OS. Something that just works well for my use cases, and looks good doing it.

              My preferred OS may not be your preferred OS. And, you know what? I like that. It means that we get a choice in look and feel, we’re not all stuck on the same OS, and we get to learn how others use computers and other people’s preferences in UI. It’s awesome!

      • @Perfide@reddthat.com
        1110 months ago

        Vista was better aesthetically than Windows xp, it was still dog shit.

        Also, heavily disagree. Literally the only good thing windows 11 did imo was finally unifying some of the settings that were split between the settings app and the OG control panel.

  • @Lightning66@lemmy.world
    3410 months ago

    Windows 12 dev employee: what if … what if… We break the taskbar into bits.

    Wait wait wait… I think we can uh… maybe just maybe not add bloat… Turns around to see the employer… Gulp

    Turns back to screen… Adding bloat is always the answer… Right boss?

    • @heimchen@discuss.tchncs.de
      2010 months ago

      I am waiting for an taskbar, entirely replaced by bing chat. You will never find anything with seconds of the delay, besides internet websites and is horrible to use with bad internet. Offline mode will also not be available anymore, because Microsoft needs funktion critical telemetry

    • @visak@lemmy.world
      1410 months ago

      The Start menu will now be hosted in SharePoint Online so that your shortcuts are available everywhere!

    • @IndefiniteBen@feddit.nl
      210 months ago

      If they break it into bits, maybe they can allow it to move to the side of the screen!

      Then I can move directly from 10 to 12.

    • @Bogasse@lemmy.world
      1710 months ago

      Same after Windows 8.1 ! 🥳

      I’ve had to use Windows 11 a tiny bit for work and it was the most painful experience I had for a while. Most apps I used on there had obvious bugs, like the VPN chosen by my company requiring me to reboot every time it goes to sleep …

  • Roundcat
    2210 months ago

    Probably only supports chromium browsers, such as the only browser you’ll ever need Microsoft Explorer Edge™

  • @Worstdriver@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Used Ubuntu for a year and while initially it was nice, I got tired of having to spend two weeks learning which magic spells to chant at my computer every time I wanted to install a given application.

    I’d use Mac again, except that it tries to punish you every time you go outside the Apple box. For me, Windows is the right balance of ease of use, scaling degrees of complexity, and ability to boldly go where I have no damn business going.

    Your experience may vary, and that’s good, because you shouldn’t have to like what I like, and vice versa.

    • @SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
      810 months ago

      I’ve actually started to find Windows to be more difficult than Linux for many things.

      Simply because windows requires using config user interfaces and they keep on changing where the setting UI I need to use can be found. When I search for instructions on how to do something, many times the instructions are for a different version of windows so I have to spend a lot of time trying to find where they’ve moved the setting to.

      Sure some bash command can seem basically like a magic incantation. But I’ve learned enough to understand bash well enough to know when an incantation is suspicious, the rest is just copy and pasting text into a terminal window.

      And really “apt install” is what I’m doing 99% of the time. Sure it’s not clicky clicky, but it’s consistent.

    • @clanginator@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Yup. I’ve been using linux off and on since middle school - just installed Arch on my laptop because I felt like tinkering and such, but I’ve tried dozens of distros over the years, even fully switching for months at a time, and for a daily driver Windows is still unbeatable for me - sometimes I do feel like messing with my computer, but not all the time.

      I rarely have to tinker with Windows more than a bit to get it doing what I want.

      However, I do wanna get to the point where I’m as comfortable/knowledgeable with Linux as I am with Windows, but it’s definitely a wildly different beast.

    • @s_s@lemmy.one
      110 months ago

      I find it wild that your experience is that Linux is difficult to install software, but that said: I’m not constantly trying to install Windows software.

      • Freeman
        210 months ago

        It’s probably why windows 12 will continue to remove words and replace actions with icons. Eventually the whole OS will be hieroglyphs for buttons.

    • Zagorath
      110 months ago

      I’d use Mac again, except that it tries to punish you every time you go outside the Apple box

      I’ll admit I haven’t used a Mac for a little over 5 years now, but when I did use one this did not match my experience at all. I never had any trouble getting it to do what I wanted, and I rarely used any Apple ecosystem stuff because I was always Apple laptop + windows desktop + Android phone and needed cross-platform tools.

      It’s not as free as Linux for sure, but all these people talking about a walled garden feel like they’ve hardly used a Mac at all and are just assuming it must be similar to iOS, because nothing about my experience felt like a walled garden.

      • @s_s@lemmy.one
        10 months ago

        Mac is definitely the lowest wall in Apple’s garden. Most people should be able to step over.

  • @Xeknos@lemmy.world
    1410 months ago

    10’s my last one. I’ll be going on a linux journey here soon enough - maybe keep a dual boot of 10 on a separate SSD for the games I absolutely can’t get to work in linux, but they can keep their Windows 11/12.

    • @audaxdreik@pawb.social
      910 months ago

      I’m right there with you.

      Microsoft (and honestly a lot of mainstream software) has been slowly evolving over the years from providing robust, full-featured products that allow you build your own workflows to shipping things with an inherent “paradigm” or “ideology” on how they should be used. Mostly (unsurprisingly) to the ends of data collection, ad serving, and profit driving. Gross, gross, gross.

      • @neutron@thelemmy.club
        310 months ago

        Data collection will only intensify as microsoft saw the gold rush in AI and plans to integrate chatgpt-like assistant to the next iteration of windows.

    • @neutron@thelemmy.club
      410 months ago

      I’m sticking to my win10 LTSC vm whenever something doesn’t run on wine. I dont like it when candy crush appears on the start menu.

  • WheatleyInc
    1110 months ago

    Microsoft stinks, I use Windows because I’m lazy. MAC is so much worse though, why have I never heard a Linux user criticize MAC?

    • Gamey
      410 months ago

      Most of us used Windows before and a Mac is a lot closer to Unix (many Terminal applications and stuff work well) but from a usability standpoint the completely walled garden is awful and bashing Apple is one of my favorite hoppies, iOS and their hardware are just even better attack surfaces and I like low hanging fruits!

    • Id wager few have used a Mac compared to Windows. Windows was always more ubiquitous, and its usually the default in work and school settings so it has a lot more chances to disappoint

      • @shalva97@lemmy.sdfeu.org
        210 months ago

        Exactly. During my 4 years in University I have not even seen Mac from far. Most of the computers were cheap Dell mini pc and the rest was desktop computers. I couldn’t hate on something I haven’t seen…

        • KrisND
          410 months ago

          Bad bot, NewPipe works great but the piped website is horrible and I have yet to get it to even play a video with default settings.

          • Zagorath
            110 months ago

            Why is it a bad bot?

            Personally, I prefer using really YouTube. I like having the record of what I watched on my account and being able to interact with things like the “like” button and comments, or add it to my Watch Later playlist. So I’m never going to intentionally seek out Piped.

            But that doesn’t mean the bot is bad. It’s doing a good job for people who do prefer that site of making it easy for them. And I don’t see anything wrong with that.

            • KrisND
              10 months ago

              I called it a bad bot because it’s become annoying, I strictly only use NewPipe on mobile because I like the features. I see this as nothing more than mass advertising with a bot to auto correct ppl.

              However, with the bots I’ve seen here both piped.video and piped.yt do not work on my desktop or mobile devices, I have tried troubleshooting it but it’s not worth too much time when I can just view the direct YT using adblock and still not have any issues.

              There is no reason the website should require me to turn off protections or other things if my current settings work on YouTube already.

              It is also annoying that I have bots turned off in my settings and for some reason this bot that goes around making messages is the only one I see anywhere.

    • @cooopsspace
      -510 months ago

      Because Mac is tonnes better than windows still despite inflated hardware costs.

  • be_excellent_to_each_other
    810 months ago

    Since switching to Linux in 2007, I have touched Windows only when paid to do so. Each successive move by Microsoft has affirmed for me that I made the correct decision. At this point, I would just not use a computer at home if my only way to do so was with Windows on it.

    • @limelight79@lemm.ee
      010 months ago

      My only use for Windows at home is for Zwift, an online virtual cycling community, and I use a dedicated computer for that purpose. But someone figured out how to get it to run under Linux using Docker, so I figure when I can no longer use Windows 11, I’ll switch to Linux on that computer.

      Supposedly that computer isn’t compatible with Windows 12, which I assume means that security chip or whatever is turned off (the computer is new enough - 2021 - that I assume it has it). I assume I could turn it on in BIOS, but…eh.

  • Eddie
    210 months ago

    Windows 11 is my favorite Windows release ever. They finally focused their efforts on modern, forward thinking design.

    Fight me.