Not an April fools, but it might have been a plan they (whoever it was) chose to later not follow through with.
I vaguely remember the Sony fiasco.
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Not an April fools, but it might have been a plan they (whoever it was) chose to later not follow through with.
I vaguely remember the Sony fiasco.
Both of these were in the USA. The first was with a friend’s purchase, the latter was an article he sent me. It’s been a little while, but I know one was Samsung, but can’t remember the other brand or which was which.
Not all tvs allow you to do that. Some require you to be online. Some took it a step further and are equipped with 4/5G modems to bypass your network restrictions.
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The smart ones are sold at cost or at a loss, and your privacy is then sold to subsidize the profits. A dumb tv costs more money up front (since it’s not subsidized by your privacy), but it costs far less in overall value. It’s a tradeoff that the consumer needs to make. The lovely thing, is that (for now, at least) it is still a choice we can make.
Minus the Andy. So, just a dick.
Is that my voice? Is that my voice??
The poison. The poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco’s poison. That poison?
I did not like this amalgamation of our collective childhoods hahahahahahhaa
And now you can be that rich bloke for a measly $1.5mil (USD, I’m assuming).
Not if you swing properly…
Is that a stripper pole on the middle?
The base model or the AI Max Pro Plus model?
I saw this house on a show about incredible real estate homes. I can’t remember the name of the show, but I remember thinking that this is a ridiculously dumb use of money and now it’s for sale hahahaha
How are the knockoffs? Good enough? Or is it worth getting the Safari?
I haven’t finished going through all of it yet, but it seems pretty extensive and inclusive. This is great!
Yeah. I regret the iPad purchase. I should have gotten the pixel tab…
As is, one can only hope. Until a source of animal-like protein can be perfected and become cheap enough for sustained consumption by a lower class individual, some people (more than you realize) will not be able to get off animal proteins due to various medical conditions. I suppose accessible cures for these conditions would be a proper solution as well.
I’m not even going to touch on the luxury of choosing your next meal here, since that’s been addressed already.
As long as time exists, all internet advertising is time theft.
Your friend needs to read Good to Great by Jim Collins, and reassess.