• @Infynis@midwest.social
    13312 days ago

    There are two kinds of Republicans—billionaires and suckers

    He proves he’s a sucker, because a real fascist would know never to ask to be proven wrong

  • 🍔🍔🍔
    12 days ago

    man i just spent like an hour in the bathtub reading further into this and belly laughing

    i will say though that i think the guy who sold mike lindell the ‘data’ that he’s referring to in the challenge might actually be a genius lol. this is apparently the third or fourth time he’s identified someone who needs some kind of technological hail mary and then he just shows up and is like “i have… the data”. he sold proof that obama faked his birth certificate and also sold a bunch of completely bogus software to the pentagon during the post-9/11 defense industry boom such as software that “decodes” al jazeera broadcasts into secret al qaeda messages. an employee of his testified that he doesn’t even have an IDE installed on his computer. he’s literally made tens of millions of dollars off of this grift and despite being basically constantly legally embattled for the past 20 years has apparently not suffered any consequences. i wish him a long and successful career being the smartest dumb guy in the room

    mike lindell actually comes away from this looking almost sympathetic because he is so, so clearly a moron whose conception of data is like, a PS1-era spinning icon of a CD-ROM. it’s very hard for me to guess whether or not he was acting in good faith: on the one hand, the logical thing to do with proof of election tampering is not ‘announce a five million dollar challenge for someone to prove that i don’t have it’, but on the other hand, it doesn’t make any fucking sense to do that if you don’t think you have proof either. either way i would love to know how much money he paid for it (by the way, the data is: a text file with a list of IP addresses in mainland china, a PDF with a ‘graphic depiction of voting machines’, and many terabytes of gibberish binary files timestamped to several days before the challenge was set up). look at this quote the guy is literally zoolander stupid

    “I said, ‘Wow!’ This would absolutely explain what I couldn’t explain!” Lindell recalled in an interview. “It was done with computers! I knew that was the only explanation."

  • @slickgoat@lemmy.world
    8712 days ago

    What I find fascinating is the total number of numbskulls and cartoon villains, all collected under the Trump banner, and that lunatic mob may very well take government.

    What’s the hell wrong with American voters?

    • Flying Squid
      12 days ago

      They are in a conservative news bubble or they don’t pay much attention to things that don’t directly affect them and attribute those that do to the wrong party. Or they’re just greedy or racist. Or stupid.

      Take your pick, mix and match.

      • @sudo42@lemmy.world
        1611 days ago

        True. I’m gonna go out on a limb and add another reason: Money in politics.

        When I was a kid, if a politician was accused of taking bribes, they would fall over themselves to deny the accusation. Later, the politician would simply reply, “It was pay for access, not a bribe.”
        Now, they don’t even respond to such accusations. Bribes are so normalized that we don’t even notice them anymore.

        (For the pendants, yes there are pols that are occasionally punished for literally accepting bribes, some recently. My point is that there is little difference between literally accepting money and storing it in a freezer and having several billionaires fund your re-election campaign with dozens of legal loopholes.)

        This allows The Rich to have a very heavy hand on the tiller for which way elections go. If rich folks weren’t pouring big money into elections (corporations are people too!) I’m willing to bet at least one political party in the US would be dead now.

      • @el_abuelo@lemmy.ml
        3611 days ago

        I think you need to be intentionally naive, or just an absolute shitbag, to want to vote for lower gas prices at the cost of increased human suffering. Let alone whether it’s something Trump could even deliver.

        • @Passerby6497@lemmy.world
          1311 days ago

          Also, consider what was going on 4 years ago: COVID. Gas prices went up because people are using their vehicles again , and because of that, oil isn’t in the negatives and gas prices rise.

          • Same thing with inflation. People weren’t buying as much crap during COVID. After that, corporations wanted some of that lost revenue so they raised prices and/or shrunk content. Then others followed suit due to need or greed. They all just went further than they needed too to up their profits.

        • @mortemtyrannis@lemmy.ml
          811 days ago

          Well that’s the public reason they are voting for Trump.

          The private reason is that they are a boot licking fascist.

          • KillingTimeItself
            011 days ago

            i think it is the reason that their voting for trump, not because they’re stupid, but because they have the entitlement to think that gas prices should be lower even though clearly they haven’t dissolved in bankruptcy yet.

    • @afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
      1811 days ago

      What’s the hell wrong with American voters?

      Rage at a system that doesn’t work and dreaming of being a person who doesn’t have to apologize for anything. There is a reason why crime movies, games, and TV shows are so popular. It isn’t that most people want to be going around murdering all day, it is they want to be able to.

    • @pantyhosewimp@lemmynsfw.com
      1111 days ago

      On average, insufficient education and critical thinking skills because of a quasi-oligarchy that favors lots of desperate people to keep unskilled labor costs down. These oligarchs are also in league with sociopath religious leaders who know that religious recruitment is higher when life is miserable. Because 80% of our leadership are effectively solipsists, little is done to improve anything long term because it doesn’t benefit them immediately or personally.

      Based on the probabilities we can derive from examining history, the situation will have to deteriorate for a few more generations before a widespread radical event changes key aspects of civilization. We should all try to change things now in less destructive and less risky ways, but I fear it won’t work.

      • nifty
        411 days ago

        lots of desperate people to keep unskilled labor costs down

        America needs more unions sooo badly

  • Rentlar
    7912 days ago

    Having heard him make a deposition, Lindell’s the kind of guy I could see insisting on representing himself against better judgement.

    • AlexanderESmith
      2712 days ago

      It was unclear if Lindell would retain new counsel in the case. As Foster pointed out, business entities cannot represent themselves in court.

      lol not even if he wanted to (which would be very entertaining to watch, sadly)

        • @kcuf2@lemmynsfw.com
          712 days ago

          If it’s incorporated (not a sole proprietorship or a partnership), the business is a legal entity just as a person, so the company would have to represent itself, but it’s not a real physical entity, so it can’t.

          • @ours@lemmy.world
            412 days ago

            Just stuff a bunch of his pillows into a suit and call it a day. I mean how bad can M. Pillow, esquire, do?

          • FuglyDuck
            312 days ago

            And Lindell is not a lawyer so he can’t either.

    • @jaybone@lemmy.world
      1211 days ago

      You… you’ve seen his commercials right? He seems like not only the kind of guy who would represent himself, but he would also be on a ton of cocaine when he does it.

    • @Thorry84@feddit.nl
      512 days ago

      Can you practically represent yourself (as a non-lawyer) in a court as high as what he needs to appeal? They will throw it out on procedure grounds alone right?

    • @Devdogg@lemmy.ml
      511 days ago

      I don’t think he can. I seem to recall businesses aren’t allowed to represent themselves in court.

  • @sp3tr4l@lemmy.zip
    7111 days ago

    Ya’ll should watch some of his ‘broadcasts’.

    Not, like, the whole things.

    Tommy Campbell’s YT channel does basically recaps of the stupidest shit the stupid MAGA clowns do and… well Mr. Lindell features quite often.

    Lindell is basically the most perfect stereotype for a loser idiot boomer that lucked his way into being a business owner, and he is of course astoundingly technically incompetent.

    There are at this point running gags with a number of words that he seemingly is incapable of pronouncing correctly, the guy produces moron clips at such a rate Im surprised he isnt a number of widely used meme formats.

    • @afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
      1211 days ago

      incapable of pronouncing correctly

      Lonely bookish kids, grown men who do not listen to anyone else, ESL adults who had to pick up the language without help. Take a guess which one of the three he is.

    • Corhen
      411 days ago

      sounds amazing. can you put up a link?

      • @sp3tr4l@lemmy.zip
        11 days ago



        I am on mobile but the url should fix itself.

        Another running bit he does is…

        Ok, so he calls it a ‘special version’ of Lauren Boebert’s autobiography.

        I think what this means its that the only editorializing is that he adds ‘It was like a fairy tale.’ at the end of all of the maybe couple of pages he reads, which presumably would not actually be in the actual book.

        But you see, I cannot actually tell how much of the rest of what he is reading is direct from the book and hammed up for effect.

        She comes across as having the writing ability of maybe an 8th grader… and the stories are so absolutely absurd… but the problem is that Lauren Boebert is so fucking absurd, I cannot reliably draw a line between what Boebert has written, and what Campbell is hamming up.

        Its … its like reading a diary of the villain from mean girls, except she’s a hick, regularly does crimes, has the trashiest life imaginable, she has infinite self confidence and is somehow self aware but also not self aware at the same time.

  • @Snapz@lemmy.world
    3612 days ago

    “But the pillow executive moved forward with an appeal anyway.”

    God damnit… I truly hope that history looks back on this period of time as the outrageously ridiculous and overwhelmingly disappointing failure that it is. Fuck, man… God damnit, this is so FUCKING stupid.

    • @bcron@lemmy.world
      2712 days ago

      History will probably unveil one of the largest psychological operations ever perpetrated by foreign actors in order to dismantle a hegemony and it’ll be clear as day. In a couple decades everyone will act at though it was totally obvious that in less than 10 years the ‘common sense’ rural folk decided to worship someone with used car salesman ethics and elect his entourage of unqualified nincompoops, none of which have enough intuition to start a lawnmower

      • @barsquid@lemmy.world
        611 days ago

        “Less than 10 years” isn’t giving Rupert Murdoch the blame he deserves. Repubs have been working on this for decades.

      • @HaleHirsute
        411 days ago

        Meanwhile the rest of us have already known it, and tell them, but they won’t listen.

    • @Railing5132@lemmy.world
      311 days ago

      My concern is that within a couple of decades this country will be converted into a theocratic fascist nation that won’t allow history to be taught (at least, not the “unapproved” version). My closest data point in support of this is the current projected electoral vote count: Biden - 224, Trump - 301, tied - 13. How in the hell (gerrymandering, media horseracing, and everything else) is this fraud LEADING?

        • Flying Squid
          211 days ago

          I’m okay with conservatives repeating a past where they con themselves into having to pay out $5 million and having all of their lawyers abandon them over trying to fight that.

        • @Snapz@lemmy.world
          11 days ago

          Well said - I’ve said this since he first ran, but his truest instinct is to nuke the entire world a day before he dies to avoid even the chance that people laugh at him when he’s dead.

          That said, he will die thankfully and I hold out hope that we will collectively raise the money to buy the land he’s eventually buried in, raise the body and live it to the middle of nowhere where we to turn it into the only public restroom within 50 miles of the closest mega truck stop - that our money also subsidizes to run a 24 hour all you can eat $2.99 fried fish, stuffed cabbage and chilli buffet.

  • @Blackmist@feddit.uk
    3311 days ago

    I have no idea why this man is in the American news cycle so much. I guess “talks a lot of bollocks” is enough these days.

    He always looks like he should be dictator of a small South American country. Not a real one, obviously, they’d decorate the nearest tree with him, but the sort of dictator who ends up there through a series of zany mishaps in the kind of shit sitcom that Paramount+ might greenlight. With a really uninspired title as well, like El Presidente.

    • @Daxtron2@startrek.website
      1011 days ago

      Because he spent millions on ads for his shitty pillow so everyone who was exposed to ads knew his face. And then he came out as a raging fascist so then he became a controversial commercial celebrity.

    • @III@lemmy.world
      1011 days ago

      I don’t think MAGA really view him in high regard, they more or less allow him because Trump loves him. For all non MAGA people, it’s medium entertaining how much of a top to bottom train wreck this guy is. I haven’t seen a single instance of him in a public space where he doesn’t make himself look like a complete fool only to realize he has exposed himself to then try to get out of whatever hole he just dug unsuccessfully, making him look even more foolish. So, you know, an honest and reasonable representative of the average MAGA.

  • @smokebuddy@lemmy.today
    2212 days ago

    “I think he’s the single greatest purchaser of advertising I’ve ever seen.

    I said, Mike, I don’t care how many pillows you sell, and now you’re selling slippers, and sheets, you’re selling everything. I said, I don’t care, you can’t afford that much advertising.”

    • modifier
      1812 days ago

      Give him his due, the man can sniff out a chump to be exploited.

    • @Khanzarate@lemmy.world
      2312 days ago

      I don’t think its that rare, but its not common. Usually it means that the client is breaching their agreement. Often that breach is in the form of they lied to the lawyer. Lawyers have confidentiality, so the only reasons to lie are external to the case itself.

      Could also mean Lindell stopped paying them, probably for money troubles.

  • bean
    1311 days ago

    He cries into his own lumpy pillows at night

    • @Khanzarate@lemmy.world
      1312 days ago

      I’m not sure but the mandatory arbitration lindell himself put in said to pay the guy, so it was as rigged as lindell could get it without it being illegal, and they still felt it was well-proven, and lindell should pay.

    • @pantyhosewimp@lemmynsfw.com
      211 days ago

      I claim that I have a five dollar bill in my pocket. I challenge you to prove me wrong.

      We turn my pocket inside out. No five dollar bill is there. I lose the challenge.

      • @Skanky@lemmy.world
        111 days ago

        In Mike Lindels case, what was the pocket that he was forced to open, revealing no data was there?

        It seems like such a ridiculous exercise.

        • @pantyhosewimp@lemmynsfw.com
          111 days ago

          From the article:

          Engineer Robert Zeidman entered the “Prove Mike Wrong” challenge and proved that Lindell did not possess data showing that the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump

            • @irreticent@lemmy.world
              110 days ago

              The “pocket” that he was supposed to open to show proof was the file(s) he claimed had proof of election fraud. When he opened the files there was no proof, just unrelated data and gibberish.