Your Republican Party is left progressive yes? So they probably didn’t account for geo location when they started banning search terms.
Commander in thief
So like cow milk, goat milk, what are the other four?
This guy has a lot of different doors.
Also if I’m typing it, I’m referring to the domain name, which I don’t think allows special characters. (Just thinking of registered DNS names allowing all ISO character sets, that would be a scammers paradise.)
Yeah how is that putting up with bullshit? Is your waitress handing you a menu bullshit? Like she should just psychically know what you want?
I think the legal loophole there is they actually have a product, which makes it legal (though still a scam.)
I was referring to the online scams they used to refer to as things like HYIP (high yield investment program) or whatever. Which were straight up ponzi schemes.
PayPal (who was kind of the only game in town at that point) started banning a bunch of these as they just got complaints from everyone left holding the bag.
Then crypto came along and now even the president gets to run open scams. Yay.
Serious? That was fast.
Aren’t you supposed to be posting in verse?
You would still need (small) trucks to stock the walkable grocery stores.
Dem loaves and fishes
And I assume it’s the abortion issue influencing this. Otherwise Catholics would be solidly democrat. It’s the Protestant Christians that tend to be solid republican.
Dropped him with a quick escape.
I’m posting their sister right now.
This is exactly what I don’t get about that whole pre-election anti-dem bombsrdment spam. I wonder how many of those accounts were Russian Musk troll bots.
EDIT oh there’s one right here in this thread. Sticking to their guns. And look at that tld.