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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 31st, 2023

  • I know I am late to this party, as the game is already over, but… We were really hoping the Pats aren’t actually tanking this season, and they win this game. The problem is, they are actually tanking this season, so they lost.

    I’ve been saying it for a while now, but the Pats want a top 2 pick. They have been trying really hard to be this bad all season, and I am surprised people haven’t taken more notice.

  • The thing is, with the weapons our offense could have next season if the Bears draft a few pieces like an O-Lineman and a decent WR to complement Moore, the Bears should be able to find an OC that fits the plan. The defense isn’t perfect, but they have been serviceable for the past few games. We have a really strong run defense at the moment, and if they could put together the pass rush, then the DBs would have an easier time too. I can’t name a good candidate, but I am sure there is someone out there, probably at the college level, that would be a good fit for Fields, and if the Bears want to move on from Fields, then they could easily pick an OC that can mold their new QB.

    Coach Eberflus is a first time head coach and is still learning how that actually works compared to being a DC. He has made a lot of mistakes over that past two years, but I think he has started to find some kind of rhythm. I know we can’t give him too much more time to prove himself, but when the Bears picked him as HC they new he didn’t have the experience and that there would be growing pains.

    My question is, who do Bears fans think would be a better head coach and is available right now? We already have to replace our
    DC. Do we gut the whole coaching staff, again? That would be what, the fifth head coaching change and the sixth offensive coordinator since 2012. We need to have some continuity in our coaching staff at some point. Building a locker room and culture takes more than two years to do. I don’t think firing everyone is the smart move. We are already in the middle of a rebuild. Let’s not tear it all down and start over again. And I don’t think that is Poles’ plan either, or he would have been selling at the trade deadline instead of looking for pieces for next year.

  • I feel very similarly to you, but I think the problem is Getsy and not Flus. I think Flus trusts his defense to get him to the finish line because he is a defensively minded head coach. Lovie had this issue sometimes too. I think if Flus had an offensive mind he trusted to get the job done, he would get rid of Getsy, but I don’t think he trusts anyone on his staff enough to take over that role and he knows he can’t call both offensive and defensive plays the whole game while also managing the rest of the team.

  • I know this might be a bit of a hot take, but I don’t think Eberflus is the problem.

    I think Getsy needs to go, but Eberflus can’t call both the offense and defense all on his own, as well as coachmanage the team.

    He needs to find someone who knows how to utilize Justin Fields and the weapons we have on offense to the fullest, but I don’t think that person is on the coaching staff right now. Maybe it could be the QB coach (Andrew Janocko), but I don’t think he has enough experience for Eberflus to trust him with that kind of responsibility.

  • There are two ways to build a contender.

    1. Draft a top 5 QB and build your team around him with whatever capital your GM has left to work with.
    2. Have a Kyle Orton quality QB and build your team with expensive weapons with the piles of cash your GM has to work with.

    Pick one.

    It seems like most of this sub wants to have Option #1. I wouldn’t be upset with Option #2 even if that meant that our QB was Justin Fields.

  • I’m in no way saying we have had bad luck. I believe we have had plenty of serviceable QBs over the years. What the team has lacked, and still does (but is getting better), is a support system. In Lovie’s era we had the defense, but not a reliable offensive line. We even had the weapons under Trestman, but the offensive live was a sieve. Recently, the team management has started to pay attention to the offensive line, but at the expense of the defense.

    In my mind we currently need a lot of pieces to be a decent team. Our secondary on defense while serviceable isn’t deep enough. I feel like we need one to two more DBs. On the DLine we just picked up a great addition in Sweat, but we need another threat up front so we can take the pressure off the DBs. That is at least 3 players on defense to get us where we need to be to be an average team in the league. On offense we still need two offensive linemen. We are have seen over the past few years how important having a healthy OLine is and having them all on the same page because they have experience working together will only help make the offense better. We also need a WR1 or WR2. I know we picked up Moore, but he can’t be our only weapon downfield. We either need a better WR1 to take his place and make him compete to earn back his WR1 position, or a better WR2 to support him and take some of the attention away from the defenses to free Moore up.All that said, we need more than just a QB to make this team better.

    But recently, people are calling for coaches and managers to be fired. We need to have some continuity from this franchise and if we are yelling to fire our Offensive Coordinator, our Head Coach, or even our General Manager, we are not going to see the change that that coach (or GM) envisions for the team. If we as a fanbase want to see our Head Coach or Offensive Coordinator fired, then we need to have faith in our franchise to find a better one to replace them with. What I was saying in my original comment is, I don’t trust our franchise to pick a better OC, HC, or GM. And if we draft the best QB in the draft with a Top 5 Pick, and then they are coached by another Getsy, Lazor, Helfrich, Loggions, Gase, etc. we will be right back on the QB train again because we will still be either throwing screen passes or running the ball on 2nd an 8+ because they don’t have the balls call a pass play and throw the ball downfield. We will all be right back where we are now bitching and moaning about how this team can’t develop QB talent. And the thing is, it’s not a QB issue. It is a team issue.

    I propose we trade down away from the QBs and pick up talent on both sides of the ball to build around. Get the DB or two that we need. Grab a DLineman. Grab a pair of WRs, an OT/G maybe even a Center that we need. Maybe pickup a TE that can bailout our QB when they are in the redzone or catch a pass on 3rd down past the sticks. We have a ton of cap space available and we need to find the players to pay it to. The most cost effective way to do that is through the draft. That way when out team is ready in a year or two we can pick up our QB and they can succeed like CJ is doing down in Houston.

  • For me it has nothing to do with him, and everything to do with the Bears Organization’s track record with quarterbacks. This franchise has not shown any ability to develop a QB in the past 50 years, and I don’t expect that to change. Many good QBs have come through Chicago only to leave a shell of what we were promised. I believe Caleb may be the next great NFL QB, however, I can’t see that being true in Chicago.

    The Bears Organization is built on a “defense first” mentality. And without a drastic change in coaching and management philosophy, we are not going to see that change anytime soon. Poles may be a smart GM, but would you trust Getsy, Eberflus, or any of the rest of the coaching staff to develop a young talent like Williams? How would you feel about having a new QB and a new OC and/or HC? Do you really trust the McCaskey’s to hire the best coach for that young talented QB? Because I DON’T.

  • I know people are calling for Belichik’s head in New England because the team has looked really bad, but I honestly believe they are have been tanking this whole year. Chicago just hasn’t made a concerted effort to get the #1 pick. We can’t trust the Panthers to get us their either, and if anything they have incentive to screw us out of that pick. New England just doesn’t give a shit. Their team is much better on paper than they have played all year. This is 100% intentional. Do not be surprised by them ending up with the first overall pick in the draft.