A whole swath of GOP voters appears firmly committed to not voting for Trump in November.

Donald Trump has a problem no matter what happens in New Hampshire on Tuesday night: There’s a whole swath of the Republican electorate and a good chunk of independents who appear firmly committed to not voting for him in November if he becomes the nominee.

It’s an issue that became starkly apparent in polling ahead of the Iowa caucuses, when an NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll of voters in that state found that fully 43 percent of Nikki Haley supporters said they would back President Joe Biden over Trump. And it’s a dynamic that has been on vivid display as the campaign shifted this week to New Hampshire.

“I can’t vote for Trump. He’s a crook. He’s too corrupt,” said Scott Simeone, 64, an independent voter from Amherst, who backed Trump in 2016 and 2020. “I voted for him, and I didn’t realize he’s as corrupt as he is.”

  • @MegaUltraChicken@lemmy.world
    965 months ago

    “I can’t morally support the lesser of 2 evils”

    Yes you can. Not voting/third party voting helps the Republican party. This is a mathematical fact. Every single person who doesn’t vote for Joe Biden and could is supporting Donald Trump. If you’re an eligible voter you can only influence the election in one of two directions. There is no “sitting out” option. It does not exist. Not voting does not remove your influence on the results, it simply lessens the impact.

    Biden is not my first choice by any means, but this is the reality of the situation. If you think it could be fixed by electing Republicans to power I would be very interested in hearing how the fuck that would work.

    • @xor
      5 months ago

      edit: i’m saying ive heard it, not that it’s something i agree with
      i have heard the argument “with a democrat as president, the left is asleep”
      i.e. there were no major protests during biden’s presidency that involved burning dumpsters…

        • @xor
          -25 months ago


      • @IHawkMike@lemmy.world
        215 months ago

        That stance only works if the foundations of the government are strong enough to ensure an eventual return to the status quo. We used to be able to safely assume that the pendulum would always swing back.

        However we have learned that our foundations are not quite as stable as we all thought. We have learned that it’s based on a series of “gentleman agreements” that can just be ignored with no repurcussion.

        And the next time the conservatives get to the white house – at least under the current political climate – it just might be the spark that launches the US into full-blown fascism. And we’re not coming back from that.

        • @Serinus@lemmy.world
          45 months ago

          it’s based on a series of “gentleman agreements”

          And it always has been. For some reason people don’t seem to get this out of the stories of our founding fathers. Democracy has always been based on good faith at some level.

          The founding fathers looked at monarchy and saw that it was eventually bad for everyone. Just ask Charles I or Richard III or Louis XVI (a little late) or James II.

          Their aim was to spread power in order to make something more stable that would serve everyone better. But all the rules they made up relied heavily on good faith.

          Politicians used to be aware of this and respect it. They’d hold differing opinions, but they both played by most of the rules, and would still meet at the DC bars at the end of the day. This is the main source of the idea that “they’re all the same”.

          Newt Gingrich was the beginning of the end of bipartisanship in Washington. CSpam had starting airing Congress on television. Newt used this as a platform to win the game. He disregarded much of the Washington political etiquette in favor of using effectively propaganda to win elections for Republicans. He was Fox News before it was formalized into a news corporation.

          We’ve broken enough of the good faith rules that it’s hard to get back. Obama made a real attempt at bipartisanship, and look where that got him. Dems are tired of getting run over by clinging to the old ideas of good faith, and Republicans abandoned it long ago.

          In the old days this would eventually be resolved by the King’s army of 8000 men going against a rebellious army of 5000 men, and then having a large portion of the King’s army turn against the king whose head would soon roll.

          We’ve forgotten how painful having family members die over politicial fights used to be, and we’re looking to repeat that history. It’s a coin flip whether we come back from this and establish good faith and mutual respect or we effectively end the era of the United States of America.

          Forward progress in the world is a very recent thing. We’re not entitled to it. We’re about a month of empty grocery store shelves from going back to an agrarian society and feudalism.

        • @xor
          15 months ago

          i agree with you… i was just saying something i’ve heard

        • @xor
          5 months ago

          well, the idea ive heard, is with a democratic president, they still do evil shit like destroy the environment and arm genocidal regimes… but the left is placated by a few concessions and symbolic gestures…
          while under a replication president, they start actually disrupting things, organizing, and making changes…
          i think there’s some truth in it, but it’s a stupid strategy…
          there is definitely better punk rock under republican presidents, though…

          always a silver lining ;)

    • @centof@lemm.ee
      5 months ago

      Not voting/third party voting helps the Republican party. This is a mathematical fact.

      False, If it is a mathematical fact prove it.

      Every single person who doesn’t vote for Joe Biden and could is supporting Donald Trump.

      Also false. You are relying on the faulty assumption that there either candidate is entitled to your vote.

      There is no “sitting out” option. It does not exist.

      False. You are not forced to vote for anyone.

      I agree with your overall point, but could you make your point without spouting blatantly false information that is just the party line?

      In what world does : Not voting = voting for someone else.

      • @MegaUltraChicken@lemmy.world
        525 months ago

        False, If it as a mathematical fact prove it.

        We operate in a first past the post voting system. This means you vote for a single candidate and the candidate with the most votes wins the election. A non-vote or 3rd party vote mathematically benefits the minority party by decreasing the number of votes needed to win. The minority party in our electorate is the Republican party.

        Nothing is false about what I said, you just don’t like it. It has absolutely nothing to do with the party line. If I had my choice Biden wouldn’t be the nomination. No candidate is entitled to your vote, but your influence will affect the race whether you want it to or not.

        • @centof@lemm.ee
          -415 months ago

          I understand our voting system. None of what you said mathematically proves anything.

          But if you want to be ignorant and spout falsehoods that is your right.

          I already pointed out 3 false ‘facts’, and I agree with your overall point. Just make it without the psuedo facts. Your point would be much more convincing without them.

            • @centof@lemm.ee
              -125 months ago

              If 2 of the people in your example, who dislike trump, decide to not vote(while everyone else does); It is misleading to say that they are supporting trump by not voting. The only people supporting Trump are those who vote for him. Ditto for Biden.

              I understand the problems with first past the post. I regularly encourage people to support alternative voting systems like RCV through local initiatives like ballot measures. Represent.us is a great org that pushes for democracy reforms such as RCV, campaign finance reforms, and independent redistricting.

              • @KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                125 months ago

                You seem to be confusing “helping” and “supporting”. They mean two different things, especially when put in context.

                When did anyone say they were supporting Trump? They said it would be helping Trump. Are you saying their votes, or lack thereof, didn’t matter? That their choice to stay home and not vote made no difference?

                • @centof@lemm.ee
                  -75 months ago

                  In what way are they two different thing? Support could be a more specific form of help but that’s about the only difference imo. They have essentially the same meaning to me. I don’t really want to quibble over semantics.

                  Are you saying their votes, or lack thereof, didn’t matter? That their choice to stay home and not vote made no difference?

                  I never said that. Not voting is not supporting anyone. Voting for Biden is supporting Biden. Voting for Trump is supporting Trump. Any claims that not voting supports a certain candidate are political rhetoric. Trying to conflate an individual not voting with supporting a certain candidate is nonsense.

                  I don’t deny that there are organized actors who are trying to convince certain people not to vote and that some people saying that may be a part of such a campaign.

                  I also don’t deny that on a national scale not voting does harm democrats, but that is entirely different than on the individual scale. It is a political trend in our current culture not a fact.

              • @Pratai@lemmy.ca
                55 months ago

                Supporting Trump and getting Trump aren’t the same thing. If you don’t vote for Biden, YOU’RE GETTING TRUMP.

          • @MegaUltraChicken@lemmy.world
            165 months ago

            We don’t have to agree, that’s fine. You haven’t refuted a single thing I’ve said, just that you dont like it. I’ve very clearly explained my point and supported it with pretty simple logic. Last time: decreasing the number of votes in a pool lowers the votes needed to win. This benefits the minority because they now need less votes to win. The GOP is the minority. Thus, not voting benefits the GOP. I truly don’t know how to explain that clearer.

            There really isn’t anything left to discuss at this point. Best wishes!

          • @corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
            125 months ago

            I understand our voting system. None of what you said mathematically proves anything.

            So, once they DO prove it you just refuse to listen.

            I’ve tried to debate this type of person. Eventually people just stop wasting their time and spread the word that it’s pointless. Watch for a situation you may misinterpret as no one wanting to challenge you because of your debate skills; you’re only half right.

            • @centof@lemm.ee
              -95 months ago

              You seem nice. I at no point refused to listen.

              I stated I agree with their overall point in all my comments. In general their point that not voting helps republicans is true. But it is not always true, therefore, it is not a ‘mathematical fact’. What I disagree with is their false claim that it is a mathematical fact. It is not certain and provable that voting for a not voting for a candidate or voting for a third party helps Republicans. There is no mathematical evidence for it provided.

              A single republican who previously voted for Trump voting for a third party or declining to vote in 2024 ‘helps’ Biden. That disproves the original claim that not voting or voting third party helps republicans.

          • @Pratai@lemmy.ca
            95 months ago

            You clearly don’t understand what’s being explained to you. Be humble, admit you’re wrong, and correct. This is how we become better people.

            • @centof@lemm.ee
              -125 months ago

              What do you claim I am wrong about or don’t understand? If I clearly don’t understand it then why did you feel the need to point that out?

              I value what you say and would not laugh at you for expressing your beliefs. :P

              • @Pratai@lemmy.ca
                65 months ago

                Do you seriously think I’m unaware of your sea lioning here? Get more experience before taking your show live, kiddo.

                • @centof@lemm.ee
                  -45 months ago

                  The only reason you are calling it sea lioning is because it is massively downvoted. If this same discussion was upvoted you wouldn’t care.

                  Sea lioning

                  Sealioning (also sea-lioning and sea lioning) is a type of trolling or harassment that consists of pursuing people with relentless requests for evidence, often tangential or previously addressed, while maintaining a pretense of civility and sincerity (“I’m just trying to have a debate”), and feigning ignorance of the subject matter.

                  Asking someone to explain their claim that I don’t know what I’m talking about is not a request for evidence. And I’m not feigning ignorance on this matter, I am explaining why the original claims in question were false.

            • @centof@lemm.ee
              5 months ago

              Exactly that is exactly my point. Calling something a mathematical fact is in essence claiming it is always true. Which in this case is false. But at this point, some people are just following acceptable groupthink and not actually listening.

          • @Hazzia@discuss.tchncs.de
            45 months ago

            None of what you said mathematically proves anything.

            Okay maybe I can help spell it out for you.

            Lets say Timmy, Ryan, and Bobby are running for class president. Timmy wants to increase recess time by half an hour, but supports an increase in pop-quizes. Ryan wants to lynch the teachers and burn the school down. Bobby is a pigeon.

            Lets say there are 101 students to vote, where the person with the most votes wins.

            Lets say there are 40 children who are all about lynching teachers and burning down the school. If the campaign were only Ryan v Timmy, Ryan wouldn’t have enough support to win.

            Lets now say there are 25 children that are not “actively” pro-teacher-lynching, but are so absolutely pissed about the idea of more homework, that they refuse to vote for Timmy. Therefore, they all decide to vote for Bobby.

            Our final count becomes:

            Timmy: 36 Ryan: 40 Bobby: 25

            Ryan has now won the election and the 61 children who did not vote for Ryan are now forced to watch him and his followers destroy the school.

            It becomes more complicated with the electoral college involved, but the core concept remains: in any democratic zero-sum system, removing votes for one party passively enables another.

            • @centof@lemm.ee
              15 months ago

              That is a good humorous example of a first past the post voting system and it flaws. I like the bit where Bobby is a pigeon.

              In any democratic zero-sum system, removing votes for one party passively enables another.

              No, actually not in any democratic system. In our current first past the post voting system, it is applicable (minus the electoral college). But (ranked choice voting)RCV or (Score then Automatic Runoff)STAR based systems the outcome would likely be different in some cases. That scenario also ignore the most common scenario where people simply don’t vote. In your scenario, everyone is required to vote. In real life, of the 25 bobby votes some would sit out, some would vote third party and some would vote for a ‘major’ candidate like Biden or Trump.

              • @Hazzia@discuss.tchncs.de
                25 months ago

                Okay, you’re right about ranked choice changing the math of the situation. That was an oversight on my part.

                The 25 Bobby votes were meant to be just anybody who didn’t vote for a ‘major’ candidate (Timmy and Ryan were supposed to be Biden and Trump, respectively), so sorry if I wasn’t clear. The actual votes themselves, whether they sat out the vote or voted 3rd party (Bobby), doesn’t change the math, so I just left that possibility out.

  • @Zombiepirate@lemmy.world
    585 months ago

    Given the choice, GOP primary voters will overwhelmingly choose the bigoted dumbass who has never won the national popular vote, and they’ll be confounded when he loses it again a third time.

    Almost like being an arrogant stupid loudmouth chode is unpopular? No way to know.

    • tate
      105 months ago

      As I read the first sentence of your comment, I thought i was still reading the article summary. My jaw dropped! How I wish we would see professional journalists laying out the hard truth like that!

      Thank you.

    • I don’t know, the hatefest of between choosing two awful geriatric men is probably going to fuel incredibly low voter turnout for the Dems.

      I would bet big money low turnout among young voters throws this to whatever independents decide they want.

      • @tburkhol@lemmy.world
        05 months ago

        With RFK Jr on the ballot in a few key states to take the “anyone under 70 years old” vote, you can be pretty sure of getting Trump.

  • @frezik@midwest.social
    365 months ago

    “I can’t vote for Trump. He’s a crook. He’s too corrupt,”

    I heard the same from Republicans the last two times. Each time, they lined up and voted Trump.

    • @Hazzia@discuss.tchncs.de
      85 months ago

      I understand the sentiment, but did you verify that specifically the people who said they wouldn’t vote for Trump, did vote for Trump??

      I see a lot people mentioning this kind of thing where “a group” says one thing and does another, but never a discussion on if that’s 2 separate subgroups. I do know that at least a few people would totally flip teams, but I always wonder how prevelant that really is. It would be interesting of the republican base does turn out to be fractioning off that hard.

    • A Phlaming Phoenix
      25 months ago

      This boomer voted for him twice already and only now realized he’s “as corrupt as he is.” We’re so fucked.

    • @Aermis@lemmy.world
      15 months ago

      Look I know that Trump would be much worse for majority of Americans than Biden would be, but most democrats don’t want to vote for Biden either. But they still will. Just like Trump voters would rather keep it republican than go Democrat, even if that means they don’t want Trump.

      I’m still disappointed and quite honestly hurt that I have to vote for Biden. But here we are. Americans on both sides bitterly disappointed and feel like it’s over for America if either candidate wins. There is no good candidate. I’m surprised there hasn’t been a nationwide revolt yet. Americans have been voting in the below average red morale since Trump and Hillary were candidates. Except maybe the die hard avid Maga trumpers. They’re the only ones that are voting in the green morale. And they make up a small minority of Americans.

      Nazi party in Germany only controlled 1/3 of the vote in the elections that got Hitler into power. Nazis weren’t popular in Germany. But they were happy with their leader.

  • @xantoxis@lemmy.world
    255 months ago

    Well, he has two big problems ahead. The bigger one than this is we already held this election and he lost.

  • @linearchaos@lemmy.world
    215 months ago

    Hope for the best and stay vigilant

    Way too many polls have Even ods or Trump winning. We need people to get out there and vote like their lives depend upon it.

  • @CodeName
    145 months ago

    If 8% of his former voters have gone never trump that sinks him in pretty much every swing state. Some of these were decided by just a few thousand votes in the past two elections, and 1% margins or less.

  • @loxo@lemmy.world
    95 months ago

    Trump is a symptom of the disease that will never die. We all have to keep fighting, voting, discussing. Late stage capitalism will attempt to silence us all.

  • @mercano@lemmy.world
    85 months ago

    The quote makes it sound like the Amherst voter is comfortable voting for some amount of corruption, just not too much.

  • @SoupBrick@yiffit.net
    5 months ago

    Thank god there are still sane Republicans. I know MAGATs are the loud minority of their party, but it is disheartening seeing some of the “real” Republicans being ok with voting for someone who literally said they will be a dictator. Not to mention the fact that trump has also been using nazi talking points.

    Disclaimer: I am not Republican nor do I agree with their “policies”, but I know people who vote R just because the politicians pretend to present Christian values and fight for small businesses.

  • @Daxtron2@startrek.website
    75 months ago

    We have to hope that enough of the left will suck it up and vote for Biden. I get it guys, he’s got a lot of issues. I don’t particularly like him, but if we want our country to continue being more-or-less free, we don’t have a choice. It’s that or prepare for a civil war, and I know I don’t particularly want to die on the mason-dixon line

  • Rentlar
    45 months ago

    The big question is will Republicans hold their nose from the Trumpy stench and vote for him? 🤭