The far-right representative has plunged the House into chaos—and turned his own party against him.

    1139 months ago

    People hate child rapist Matt Gaetz? Republitards loved him when he was fucking a little girl, but hate him after fucking an old man. It tracks.

  • The growing anger towards Gaetz is unlikely to help him as Republicans weigh whether to expel him from Congress.

    Ha fucking ha. No they won’t. There’s still that weirdo liar Santos. If they still haven’t done anything with him, I seriously doubt they’ll do jack dandy to teen sex trafficker Gaetz.

          239 months ago


          McCarthy did the right thing for once, and came up with a solution to the looming shutdown that managed to pass by getting both Republican and Democratic votes. And he got shitcanned for it.

          The message here is that as far as MAGA Republicans are concerned, bipartisanship is a firing offense.

              59 months ago

              It may have been a no win choice for Dems, but I’m a little worried that we’re gonna end up with a much worse speaker.

              Keeping McCarthy would have at least been fucking over Gaetz.

                  19 months ago

                  Yeah, that seems like it’s best case.

                  Dream case would be the less right reps putting up someone sensible enough for Dems to support.

                  This predicates a sensible candidate existing, so will remain a dream (and still a shitty one, like dreaming a full day of school just before waking up on a school day).

        • Billiam
          89 months ago

          I dunno, Boebert got caught on video “reaching across the aisle” with her Democratic boyfriend during Beetlejuice and the GOP hasn’t done anything to her.

      • fiat_lux
        139 months ago

        Maybe if their constituents actively annoyed them about it for long enough? Far-fetched, but it might just work.

          • fiat_lux
            29 months ago

            Ain’t no staffers got shit on a handful of people with vuvuzela following the representative around whenever they’re in public. Rotate the shifts, 1 hour each, and you only need 24 people daily for permanent vuvuzela brrrrrrr heralding their elected official of choice.

            I would also enjoy watching a legion of mimes mockingly reacting to representatives in interviews, if the vuvuzela is too ‘public nuisance’.

            Or both. Both would be great. Public shaming could be a very creative and cathartic outlet.

              29 months ago

              They have cops to handle outright harassment. Politicians are the kind of people cops actually look out for.

              • fiat_lux
                19 months ago

                Vuvuzelas and mimes are surely free speech, in the land of the free and the home of the brave. 🇺🇸 /s

      • BraveSirZaphod
        129 months ago

        The Realpolitik of the situation is that if they expel Santos, he gets replaced by a Democrat immediately, who will swim to re-election. Gaetz is in a safe Republican district under a Republican governor, so they can replace him without causing any real problems.

        Not to even remotely equate the situations, but it’s the same reason why Dems went after Franken and are going after Menendez right now; it doesn’t cost them anything to do so. They’d be much less likely to go after someone like Senator Manchin of WV, Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, and Senators Warnock and Ossoff of Georgia unless they were absolutely forced to, since doing so would mean the loss of the Senate.

        And it is a genuinely messy question. How heinous an act is worth losing the ability to pass any legislation and make any judicial appointments? I really don’t think there is a clear answer to that. A few Senators made the difference between Roe v. Wade standing and falling.

        39 months ago

        Breeding fetuses in space, unveiling gender reveal parties, then aborting them to harvest adrenochrome and liquefying the remains to use as a base for COVID shots?

      69 months ago

      I remember when this weasel helped to storm a SCIF for a little stunt.

      Add that in with J6 and plotting a coup, and yet: these assholes have the BALLS to pretend to be upset about someone pulling a fire alarm.

      329 months ago

      Remember that when push came to shove, Democrats kicked Al Franken out of the Senate, while Republicans doubled down in their support for Roy Moore.

            9 months ago

            Wasn’t even a mistake it was a comedy bit she consented to.

            Moore got banned from a mall for creeping on 14yo girls and his CURRENT WIFE MET HIM WHEN SHE WAS 16.

            They are not even close to the same thing you’re right.

              29 months ago

              I don’t think the comedy bit was what sent it over the edge, it was the pic of him pretending to put his hands on her boobs in a pic while she was sleeping (from a perspective, he wasn’t near her), that was the mistake. I agree, I think they had a fun relationship and he thought it was funny. I also think she didn’t realize her lying would be taken so far. I saw her in shock when he resigned. She’s a useful idiot and a shitty friend/person.

            -19 months ago

            I know everyone focuses on the photo and Learn Tweeden, but there were eight other women who made accusations. This is an old article, but it lists the eight accusations before he left, and there was a ninth after he left, detailed in the second link.

            It’s not just the one photo. It’s that half the women had the same story of Franken touching them inappropriately during photos at public events.


            Ninth woman:

              69 months ago

              There is one thing though, I believe the guy who has been honest all the way through. I want to believe the women, but from the get go, this seemed like a set up job. I could be convinced I’m wrong, but the list of women and what they’re saying is way different than the other metoo awful crap I’ve seen.

                39 months ago

                Oof, men being creeps in photos is super common in my experience. I do historical costuming, and men think it’s hilarious to pretend to squeeze your boobs or butt (or bustle) when they ask for photo. Obviously the historical clothing adds another layer to the situation, but I don’t dress that way to be a punchline to a joke. Most of my costuming friends have similar stories of men oozing into the picture after their wives ask for a picture. My friends who do cosplay have had men do weird shit in photos, too. And they never introduce themselves first, so they can just disappear into the crowd after.

                Admittedly that’s different than the situation with Franken where other people asking for his picture, but men are comfortable invading women’s personal space when it comes to photography. Lots of my female friends who don’t do costuming have stories about the creepy guy who gets too close for photos at family or work events. Just because Franken is famous doesn’t mean he can’t be a creepy dude who takes advantage of the situation.

    • Billiam
      69 months ago

      You see, your mistake was thinking “family” meant “mom, dad, two kids, a dog, and a white picket fence” when really it means “La Cosa Nostra.”

      Well, a less competent version anyway.

    489 months ago

    “Fly as many underage girls across state lines as you want, but you effed with our power play, so now you have got to go”

    • @mwguy
      09 months ago

      What happened with that. Last I heard the FBI started an investigation and then nothing.

    439 months ago

    If fucking teenagers wasn’t enough to get him tossed out on his ass, I wouldn’t expect that moral-deprived party of snakes to lift a finger to do a thing about him

      29 months ago

      Probably because his political handlers own him as a useful tool asset at least until the statute of limitations lapse on his alleged crimes kompromat

    • Bramble Dog
      29 months ago

      Because he didn’t traffic children.

      If you look at the charges of Greenberg and that essentially nobody once ever referred to Gaetz as a suspect but rather “subject of” or “involved in” it becomes pretty clear what happened.

      Greenberg was running a blackmail ring, or at least managing it, Matt Gaetz was the target of it. He started getting suspicious and went to the FBI.

    179 months ago

    The moderate Republicans keep saying Gaetz is Biden’s favorite Republican so at least someone likes him. /S

  • FuglyDuck
    159 months ago

    …. Pretty much everyone hated him before, but we hate him now, too

    49 months ago

    I’m not fully convinced on this one. NPR just interviewed people this morning in his district who had a “I didn’t really like him before but now I think he’s great” response. Seems that some people get happy when someone turns over the apple cart.

      69 months ago

      Ah, yes, the “burn it all down” contingent that DGAF about foreseeable consequences to the degree that they should be excluded from jury duty for lacking the ability to be representative of a “reasonable person,” i.e., being unable to determine what a normal person would do under the same set of circumstances.

    49 months ago

    “I think Matt Gaetz is a disgraceful human being,” Matt Lawler told reporters Wednesday. “I think he has certainly alienated lots of people left and right.”

    Lawler added he thought Gaetz should be kicked out of the Republican conference altogether.

    Always entertaining when Republicans start judging one another as bad people. I wonder what kinds of ethics they imagine themselves to have?