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Why do Republicans feel compelled to be on the unethical or wrong side of literally everything!?
Drinking sewage to own the libs.
Because money and hurt narcissistic feelings. But mostly money.
Because the Republican party represents the rich class. Whatever helps the bottom line. I’m absolutely shocked how many middle to lower class people vote for Republicans. They’re literally voting against their own interests. The Democrats need to modify their agenda to be a full fledged worker class party or we’re doomed.
But they have been told soooooo many times by the best news station (fox) and the most trustable youtubers that it’s the Democrats that are working for the rich and against them so they MUST support the orange supreme leader. /s
boomers loves fox, younger cons love newsmax/oan and people like shapiro,etc.
effective use propaganda, especially with collusion of MSM and social media helps, with decades of it. of course being sourced from RU helps too, which is the main backers of disinformation in the us.
That’s a good question. I think they just follow the money, meaning they do what the biggest spenders tell them to do. This isn’t even any sort of political movement anymore, it’s pure corruption.
I had a hard time staying sane trying to see them as actual American politicians. When you let yourself see them as fifth columnists hell-bent on ending America, reality starts to feel way more coherent.
They just have to be contrarian. All they do is to be contrarian. Always reminds me of this moment from Obama: https://youtu.be/akjXqfvLu28
No matter how good of an idea or how simple it is, it’s just more important for them to be contrarian.
The US needs Obama 2.0
Didn’t you hear? All US presidents are baby fuckingly evil especially Obama.
So fluoride is too much, but poop is okay? Got it.
Poop is natural, fluoride is a chemical!
I dislike this as much as everyone else, but… Would you give us a “/s” or some other indication of sarcasm? Some people assert what you wrote –or similar things– unironically.
you need your essential NOROviruses, e-coli [(O157:H7), salmonella typhi, listeria, and camplybacter probiotics. maybe bringing back the good old MS. cholera.
You have died of dysentery
Make Oregon Trail Great Again…?
Never stopped being great!
There’s a card game of it, I play it with my kids and they don’t know why I love it so much.
make organ failure good again?
You know what, why not? What could go wrong? The organ in question was probably a lazy, drug-addled immigrant organ.
(/s because someone wont get the joke)
Republicans LOVE drinking poop. Pass it on.
they eat too.
It’s all about protecting companies. Well done USAians. Well done.
As a citizen I feel this choice is not in my favor.
As a resident of the city that won the lawsuit, and thus doesn’t have to pay for a $10 billion sewer renovation, I feel this is not in my favor
Well, that’s disappointing. When trying to convince some less-culty conservatives that some kinds of regulations can be a good thing, I used this very thing as an example, thinking nobody in the right fucking mind would support dumping biological and industrial waste into water supplies.
In hindsight, I really set the bar too low.
No, let’s see the silver lining on this one. My water was already giving me headaches and nausea (which stopped when I transitioned to bottled water, which is something I really didn’t want to do), so let’s lean into this.
The water in the US is safe to drink is a fucking lie, if we hit this hard people will get sick, then they’ll be ready to learn
Sweet! What water supply do they use? Asking for a friend.
Bottled I’d assume
I don’t think Trump consumes water, pretty sure his body runs on Diet Coke.
US supreme court
I meant it more as he won’t have to worry because he doesn’t drink water like the rest of us
hes 70% coke by liquid weight, aspartame and phosphates.
Also he doesn’t run anywhere at any time
Time was when an American about to go abroad would be warned by his friends or the guidebooks not to drink the water. But times have changed, and now a foreigner coming to this country might be offered the following advice:
If you visit American city,
You will find it very prett
Just two things of which you must beware
Don’t drink the water and don’t breathe the air!
Pollution, pollution!
They got smog and sewage and mud.
Turn on your tap
And get hot and cold running crud!
- Tom Lehrer
can’t wait to go back to having to turn all drinking water into light beer because it’s the only way to purify it
Itll be brondo
To celebrate this ruling I went to my local reservoir where my town gets their drinking water and I went for a swim where I both urinated and defecated in the water. THANKS SCOTUS, you saved me from getting out of the water.
So American voters get to not only eat shit, but now also drink it? How oddly appropriate…
Non voters too.
THANK GOD. I was trying to get more poop in my life.
It will do wonders for our immune systems.
John Roberts and the Court that Destroyed America.
When fluoride in your water is evil, but actual shit is fine, you know that you’re in a fucked up place
Soooo much winning
Can we be done with “winning”? I don’t think I like this “winning”.
I’m tired, boss.
Because poop has great probiotics that will help our kids grow strong… Tumors and Bacteria.
Tumors aren’t the issue
The problem is the smell…
Should be mentioned that the plaintiff in this case was San Francisco.