• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • On a side note: Just the fucking fact that people would need a ride to vote also shows that

    a) Voting is too damn hard in the US. I know that the Republican party has been working (and keeps working) hard on making voting nearly impossible, because less votes is better for them, but seriously: make voting easier.

    b) The US is extremely over dependent on cars. In the Netherlands almost nobody would drive their car to go vote, you use a bike. Why? Because the cities in the country are designed for people first, not for cars first. Start modifying your cities to not require cars. Add bicycle roads, actually invest in public transportation, add pedestrian walk ways. The US sucks for human beings, it’s awesome for cars.

  • Haven’t watched the video yet, will do somlatwr, but if no one worked, we would over amshort time literally return to the stone age.

    Who would make for for all? Would we have to scour for our own food again, each on their own? There is a reason we do farming, it is MUCH more efficient. A hand full people can make grain, beef, flour, and bread for hundreds of thousands, if not millions. It liberates all those other people to work on other things and make society grow.

    If we all do our own food then in no time growth will stagnate, loads of people will fail to make their own food and decide to get it from others, and since there is no police anymore either (they’re busy making and finding their own food) there is no protection either.

    We would to have time to keep up infrastructure. More fertilizer would mean that there wouldn’t be enough food produced for everyone, the world would go back to about 2-3billion humans. In on itself not a bad thing, there are too many humans, but 5-6 billion humans starving to death sucks.

    No more modern medicine, no ody is working anymore, remember? Sucks to be a diabetic, bye bye. If you’re trans, you’re outta luck, you got bigger fish to fry.

    We CAN’T stop working, we’d die out. If that video means something else, then the title is wrong.

    What we can do is redistribute wealth. Nobody should need to work two jobs and still not be able to meet rent, that is absurd.

  • I toss a wild variety of expletives to those bots as they are always programmed to do what the provider wants, often not allowing what I want.

    Or sometimes they’re just there withiui an option to get rid of them

    At least Alexa will stfu if I tell it to fuck off. Google will start bitching about how it has feelings, which it doesn’t, and which is just a play made up by some managers which pisses me off even more

  • “stupider than simply wrong”

    What are you? 5?

    My sentiment is that it’s a crazy situation where people are defending a multi billion dollar company that we all coninously pay, who spies and serves ads despite said payments, that time after time willfully neglects security, anything in the name of profits, over a free system that works better, more reliably, is open, and dependable.

    Your response: you’re stupid

  • What is wrong with saying that a paid product that is far inferior to a free (both as in beer and freedom) product should be dropped in favor of said free product when said paid product has embarrassing failures, scandals and abusive behavior on pretty much a weekly basis?

    How long ago was it that Microsoft testified in front of Congress after deciding they weren’t going to fix a security hole because the negative press would cost them contracts (and thus money) which resulted in China successfully hacking the US government? A month or so? What did the Microsoft dipshit say again? Oh yeah, THIS time (after all the previous times) the CEO would be on top of security, weally! And more importantly, weeewe sowwyyyy, we won’t do it again.

    Yes yes yes, this is a different provider, who cares? Its a core product that is only there because their system is so badly Designed in the first place.

    These are.paid products and millions if not billions of machines went down and I’m the bad guy for saying that this is not acceptable and that people should drop that paid spyware and anware shit for Linux, which is free and a hell of a lot more reliable than this windows crap? YOU ARE PAYING MONEY FOR THIS, YOU STILL GET ABUSED AND THEN ITS STILL NOT RELIABLE! WHY DO YOU A ACCEPT THIS BULLSHIT? what is wrong with you?

    Edit: At this point it’s hard not to see these reactions as a beaten and abused wife saying “oh but my husband really isn’t such a bad guy once you get to know him!”. I don’t get these attitudes, why do you accept this treatment from a multi billion dollar company?