It’s not about efficiency. It’s about ripping you off.
This is a secondary account that sees the most usage. My first account is listed below. The main will have a list of all the accounts that I use.
Garbage: Purple quickly jumps candle over whispering galaxy banana chair flute rocks.
It’s not about efficiency. It’s about ripping you off.
It saddens me when hard-working employees are punished for bad leadership.
Exceptionally bad.
Do I get partial credit if I punch them elsewhere?
Chad projection.
One contributing factor is how our insurance system works. If someone gets injured on my property, my insurance company will sue and I don’t have any control over that. It’s a system designed for money’d super giants to fight it out to figure out who’s right.
Hopefully the death knells of a failing company and not a sign of something more sinister.
I think it’s telling that the more one knows about software, the less that they want it in their lives.
Their brainwash news sources wouldn’t even cover the story.
Only when it personally affects them and there’s no plausible deniability regarding the cause.
These are people who failed the marshmallow test as kids. You have to keep your expectations low.
It’s garbage, but I have lock-in with Facebook messenger.
I’m sure this will make staple foods cheaper for Americans.
I wish there was more point to Madness in the lower stakes. I don’t see why I’d want this joker without access to eternals.
One would hope that’s not necessary!
I think the judge is mistaken. This is an official act. That means it’s not constrained by things like rulings. In fact, law just isn’t applicable. They really should put more effort into staying up-to-date. /s
As no surprise to anyone, he has no respect for the law.
Oh that’s normal mine’s always on.
The Supreme Court has done everything but declare the Constitution null and void.
This is how it started too! People sharing observations over letters and then telegraph.