She doesn’t enjoy getting her nails done, but she likes the result. It seems a shame to put up with two hours of something you don’t like but we paid for, but we went again. That’s where I am now.
Maybe when she’s done we’ll pick up some Indian food but maybe not because we haven’t discussed dinner yet.
I can’t be in one of these places for a minute. The fumes trigger a bad asthma attack almost instantly.
I can always smell when my wife has done her nails. I loudly ask if she’s running a body shop because of the paint smell.
I’d go one further and say, OSHA wouldn’t allow those levels of aerosols in an actual body shop.
I agree with you but perhaps you know how it is. There for moral support.
Did you get yours done as well?
Good question! Allow me to satisfy you with the answer that I did not get my nails done. I simply waited in a chair.
The chair was OK.
I’m always grateful to find a “husband chair” whenever I go shopping with my wife.
The other day my wife took me to the nail salon. There were only 3 of them so it was quick & cheap. I asked if I could get a color next time, she said yes, we have a selection.
Next time, consider getting a pedicure. They’re very relaxing.
You should get a mani/pedi together.