Fox News won’t bother mentioning this to their viewers.

  • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
    2512 months ago

    Every time we elect a Republican president we have to start rolling the ball all the way back up the hill again. Every goddamn time.

    • Optional
      1452 months ago

      Good news! Apparently a lot of excitingly new young progressives are mad we haven’t rolled it back up high enough and are refusing to help!

      Wait. Okay, not good news. Sorry.

      • BarqsHasBite
        2 months ago

        Because they’re not rolling it up fast enough! Can’t you see? They just have to roll it faster and preferably all the way and then I’ll get excited and help. Yup. Until then I’ll be adding ankle weights to you too. And don’t forget it’s all your fault too.

          2 months ago

          It is our fault that we aren’t organized enough. Empowering other progressives enough. If your happy with Biden you’ve given up.

          • BarqsHasBite
            2 months ago

            Chips act, green energy, union empowerment, student debt, marijuana reform, etc etc etc. Anyone that says Biden isn’t doing anything is wilfully ignorant.

              • BarqsHasBite
                2 months ago

                You’re doing exactly what the parent comments described. All you’re doing is crying when the ball is rolled as much as it can be while you’re (likely) kneecapping him because he doesn’t have a majority in the house.

                • Flying Squid
                  262 months ago

                  This is why Trump’s “dictator on day one” comment isn’t taken with the seriousness it needs to be.

                  People already think presidents are dictators.

                    62 months ago

                    Couldn’t agree more. There’s a huge misunderstanding that the President is the most important facet of government, but the Executive has remarkably little ability to influence the law aside from directing the various agencies on how they should operate and utilizing the power of veto to check the legislative.

                    Trump won’t be a dictator on day one because that’s not how the office of President works. He will be, though, if Project 2025 is allowed to be implemented and they get rid of all the barriers to him having unilateral unchecked authority. This is also predicated on the possibility that he will not be held accountable by the courts and the Supreme Court rules that he can commit crimes and label them as “official acts”.

                    The big misunderstanding is that people think Trump alone can fulfill all of his campaign promises and Biden simply won’t, when the reality is that Biden can’t do it alone and neither can Trump (yet).

                22 months ago

                Is actively being thwarted by Republicans at every turn.

                Plus, things take time to happen, even under ideal circumstances.

                  -42 months ago

                  That’s fine. Go back to my OP, not organized enough, not supporting progressives enough. We don’t need a majority we need a super majority. You know, an impossible task.

              -342 months ago

              Marijuana is still illegal federally. Schedule 3 is not legalization.

              Forgiving student debt is not reform. A kid going to college today will still need to take on a ridiculous debt load and play the job/forgiveness lottery.

              Biden very publicly told Unions where to stick it.

              The green event stuff he funded is great but it’s not novel and he used it as a cover to protect the Big 3 Auto manufacturers from foreign EVs.

              The CHIPs act is actually okay. 1 out of 5 things but being performative is good though right? That’s the standard?

                  -142 months ago

                  More like he put the chock block in place to stop the roll and let the rich continue to fuck us before stepping side for the next Republican. I’m convinced he’s actively trying to lose this election between TikTok, EV restrictions, Gaza, and gaslighting people on the economy.

                    2 months ago

                    He’s not doing it himself, he sold his soul to private interests.

                    Just like every candidate come campaign time. We need a concerted effort to change the way we vote. Fptp has to go.

                  • Flying Squid
                    152 months ago

                    If you ask me again in a courteous way, I will explain it to you. I’m not going to hold my breath.

                    -112 months ago

                    A sarcastic straw-man to avoid actually looking at Biden’s record. He believes it doesn’t matter as long as we can avoid electing Trump. Which would be okay if there was ever an alternative. But like any organization that’s effectively the only option, enshittification is happening with the Democrats.

              • BarqsHasBite
                1 month ago

                You’re crying that it’s not legal yet. Let’s forget that he asked dea to look at rescheduling it and that he forgave federal possession convictions.

                You’re crying he only did what he could and forgave debt and hasn’t gotten around to a Herculean overhaul of the entire post secondary system.

                You didn’t see the follow-up with unions. I’d give the Beau of the fifth column video but they’re impossible to find.

                You’re crying not novel enough, WTF. And you’re forgetting the green energy generation in the IRA.

                You’re crying chips being only decent?

                That was the easy stuff off the top of my head, and it’s just crying that nothing is ever good enough. Crying that it’s not fast enough. Nevermind that you’re (likely) kneecapping him with no majority in the house.

                You’re exactly the character described in the top comments.

                  -72 months ago

                  The federal possession forgiveness was a red herring. It only applies to people in federal prison who aren’t also in for “violent” offenses, which all the aggravated and intent charges count as.

                  So it ended up applying to like five dudes.

                  • BarqsHasBite
                    52 months ago

                    That’s not what a red herring is.

                    And yes federal because that’s what he has jurisdiction over. And yes violent offences are a big and completely different step up. It was intended to be possession and that what it was, not other things. You’re doing a weird deflection on what was a good call. And plenty of advisors probably pointed out that many times some decently bad incidents get argued down to possession for plea deal.

                  -122 months ago

                  That was the DEA looking at it. It went from schedule 1 to schedule 3. Which is a year in prison and a fine for possession.

                  I’m not against him doing harm reduction, but call it what it is. Don’t forgive debt and sell it as a reform. Winning the presidential lottery is not a reform.

                  The follow up? Where railroad workers are still under manned and required to work sick? Oh I’m sorry we got some real reforms for the IT guys in railroading. But the guys on the tracks, who were getting abused before are still getting abused in the exact same ways.

                  Green energy generation is solved. It’s already cheaper to build, maintain, and use than fossil fuels. Many states already routinely hit 100% renewable energy on their grid. So much so that the business crowd is trying to get home solar financial benefits reduced because the market is saturated.

                  This isn’t “nothing is good enough” it’s stop doing merely performative shit and blowing smoke up my ass. I gave him credit for CHIPs, but the IRA was just a corporate grift wrapped in green paper.

                  • BarqsHasBite
                    1 month ago

                    Yes, that was the DEA being told by Biden to look at it. And you’re forgetting that he forgave federal possessions.

                    You’re back to crying about “only” forgiving some debt. And you’re back to crying about not doing a Herculean task of completely overhauling post secondary in 2 years. Who’s selling it as reform? Nobody. You’re making shit up just to cry about now.

                    The rail union got to negotiate. Whatever they got, they negotiate for themselves. You’re crying again that Biden didn’t do _______. It’s not even his place to negotiate or dictate what happens, but you’re crying about it.

                    Green energy generation still needed (needs?) a boot in the ass, which is exactly what IRA did. But you can’t cry about this one, so no credit to Biden! Oh wait there’s the crying about IRA. Seriously?

                    All you’re doing is crying about things not happening at warp speed. And then ignoring the things that do happen. You are exactly what the top comment are about.

                    What this comes down to: If you don’t vote, then you can’t complain or cry. Do you vote? Good. But I’ll say that your crying is largely inaccurate. Do you not vote? Then it’s bizarre and pathetic that you are crying while you are the one that is actively kneecapping progress.

            252 months ago

            If your happy with Biden you’ve given up.

            Given that either Biden or Trump will be the president after the next election, voting for the obviously less harmful one is still a positive move.

            Not voting only gives the votes of Trump’s insane clown cult more power.

              2 months ago

              This has to be some sort of GOP psy op to make people insane. You can not like a candidate and vote for him. Jesus wtf why do I have to explain this.

              “Well if you don’t like it you don’t have to eat it, but im not making any thing else!”

              “I just think, Susan, the spaghetti could use some meatballs.”

                62 months ago

                The strategy is logical to them; trump’s remaining voters are too dumb or selfish to leave, so trying to peal away biden support is their only plan.

                  12 months ago

                  One of them was telling me, today, how he is donating money to JFK Jr because he is siphoning away so many votes from Biden. He acted like he was involved in some secret mission and was being so sneaky.

            1 month ago

            This is nonsense. If you believe that you should skip to violent revolution because you are not getting anywhere peacefully.

            I’m (edit:not) saying I think that’s a good idea. But if you are going to refuse to vote for the better guy because he’s not good ENOUGH then you were never going to vote at all, and the rest of us will go back to persuading the last 3 swing voters.

            -22 months ago

            Nobody is happy with Biden. Do you want to continue pushing the boulder up the mountain at the pace we don’t like, or let go and see what happens to the town downhill?

            • Xhieron
              132 months ago

              I’m happy with Biden. Like, very happy. Biden’s awesome.

                42 months ago

                Domestically, I feel the same. The whole genocide thing is not awesome. Though I understand the politics behind it and the arms race with China.

                Still, we need to get the fuck out of the way and let the UN do its job.

                  2 months ago

                  It’s not even anything to do with China. Bibi and Biden do not get along, and Bibi is doing everything he can to damage Biden in this issue hoping he gets Trump, so he can show everyone what an actual genocide looks like.

                  Biden is in an impossible situation - trying to keep some influence over the horror while also staying at an arms length for all the people who apparently think he is giving orders to the IDF

                72 months ago

                I don’t think it is taking accountability to flip a coin on whether or not an authoritarian demagogue insurrectionist who wanted to nuke random hurricanes and Iran should be in charge of the largest arsenals on the planet. Nor does adding additional corrupt regressives to SCOTUS teach the Dems a lesson, but it does put the very act of voting in jeopardy. It is myopic to throw the vote away.

                  -22 months ago

                  Why do you automatically assume I’m not voting for him? Like seriously wtf?

                  I’m saying we need to do better I’m not going to put Trump in office.

          2 months ago

          They just don’t recognize that they’ll be crushed first when it rolls back. Maturity is learning not to commit all of your attention to the top of the mountain, but to always be mindful of the boulder.

          • TheRealKuni
            122 months ago

            Maturity is learning not to commit all of your attention to the top of the mountain, but to always be mindful of the boulder.

            That is beautiful and so very true.

            72 months ago

            I chuckled at the first commenter’s description of this as a boulder, but honestly the metaphor is pretty robust.

            12 months ago

            They are getting crushed anyway.

            Even without “both sides”, the situation worldwide is fucked. And “neither side” is going to change much. Yes, one is worse, but the better side still offers a bandaid over a gushing wound.

            So I don’t really blame them.

              2 months ago

              We just need to help them understand the system better. I voted third-party when was young, and many of my friends abstained. That was due to a lack of education about our government. It’s not about swaying them to vote one way or the other, but just to help them understand how our system functions. After that, if they want to vote for Trump with conviction, so be it. At least it’ll be an informed decision.

                02 months ago

                I will say it: fuck the system.

                The sooner it’s gone, the better.

                It won’t be pretty, but this isn’t leading us to paradise either, we are killing the planet and can’t even take the foot off the gas.

                We need a hard reset, and it’s coming. In the best scenario, the system is taken down before the enviromental collapse.

                    02 months ago

                    I believe the current path is leading to a bad ending, guaranteed.

                    And all I’m saying is that I don’t blame young people who may think other options might lead to something better.

          • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
            12 months ago

            Yep. Just vote and don’t expect to get to the top. We’re never getting there. We just vote and vote and vote and then eventually we die, pushing the same boulder the entire time.

              42 months ago

              It’s far from ideal, but the problem is that we let it roll back every 4-8 years. If Democrats consistently won due to progressive policies, the candidates would inevitably become more progressive to capture more of the constituency. Disengagement and disenfranchisement consistently cause the boulder to fall, leading to the lack of overall progress.

              • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
                -12 months ago

                And because that doesn’t happen, I just have to assume that Americans aren’t nearly as progressive as everybody on the Internet thinks they are.

                  32 months ago

                  Don’t underestimate the efficacy of voter disenfranchisement and disengagement. Republicans don’t need to prop up Trump. People who loath him will vote for him simply due to party loyalty. Discrediting Biden is all it takes for a win.

                  • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
                    -22 months ago

                    So everybody has to vote for someone they hate otherwise the other guy they hate will be in power.

                    Great democracy everybody. Glad the wrong lizard didn’t win.

        • dream_weasel
          212 months ago

          It’s like you’re stuck in the water with a riptide pushing you away from shore. A really strong swimmer would just swim against it, but you’re not, so you swim parallel to shore because then later you can swim back in. At least it’s not pushing you further out.


          Just decide to quit and drown. This is what the young “I’ll show you by not participating” crowd sounds like to me.

          • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
            02 months ago

            I’ve been swimming sideways to get out of the riptide for 24 years now. When do I get to start swimming back to shore?

                  22 months ago

                  Well, yes. That’s the thing: If you give up, you drown, if you keep going parallel, you never know when the tide might turn. If you’re 24 (that’s how I interpret your previous comment), you’ve only had the option of voting in one presidential election so far. In that election, progressives completed the monumental task of voting out an incumbent proto-facist. And for all of Bidens flaws, there can’t be much doubt that a lot has been heading in the right direction. Of course, there’s still a huge task ahead, but the previous election shows that Trump can be kept out of office, and the past three years show that things can get better.

                  Step 1: Forgiving student loans, Step 2: Working to reform the system.

                  Step 1: Pardon certain drug-related crimes, Step 2: Work to reform drug laws.

                  Step 1: Massive infrastructure investments, Step 2: More investment in public goods

                  Step 1: EO’s to protect reproductive rights, Step 2: Legislation to do the same.

                  My point is this: Biden has shown that he is working to make progress, and that he can actually get stuff done. The problem is that there’s a whole lot that needs doing, much more than anyone can do in two terms. We need to keep getting the best option into office, and we need to spend the next four years to ensure that the best option next time is better than Biden is now. If Trump gets four years, I fear that we’ll have a near impossible job.

                  • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
                    2 months ago

                    I’m actually 42. This is my sixth presidential election. I’m old enough to know this post is writing a check our government can’t cash. It’s too broken.

                • dream_weasel
                  12 months ago

                  It doesn’t necessarily mean getting pushed further out.

                  It can always get worse.

        2 months ago

        It would be nice if they actually rolled it back up at all instead of just putting a chock block in to keep it in place until a Republican comes along.

        -42 months ago

        Which new young progressive lawmaker is refusing to push progressive reform? Or are you referring to voters abstaining?