• 001100 010010
        11 months ago

        Lol we’ve already defederated them before their shitty ideology ever gotten a chance to infect our servers

        • Move to lemm.ee
          11 months ago

          The flag you use in your profile picture has been used by that ideology many times. Thomas Sankara in Burkina Faso or the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua spring to mind.

          • 001100 010010
            11 months ago

            Do you mean the red/black in the profile picture? Lol that’s supposed to be an anarchist symbol. I can’t control what authoritarians do with an anarchist symbol 🤷‍♂️

            I mean like… am I supposed to create a new symbol every time someone steals it?

            Edit: Also: wtf? I googled the country and they use Red/Green. I can’t find a source saying they used Red/Black

            • Move to lemm.ee
              11 months ago

              It’s the ancom flag and has been used to represent the hand in hand coalition of anarchist and communist forces many many times. You’d enjoy learning about the Sandinistas in Nicaragua they had a cool thing going on, got fucked by the americans though. The CNT also used it in revolutionary Spain which was again the coalition of ML and anarchists.

              None of these are “stealing it”. They are anarchists and communists working together.

              • 001100 010010
                1611 months ago

                Anarcho-Communists are supposed to be different from Marxist-Leninists. If there were 2 factions of these ideologies that formed a coalition, then they are no “Anarcho-Communists”, just MLs cosplaying as AnComs.

                I mean… how can someone call themselves an Anarcho-Communist and support a dictatorship? That’s some crazy doublethink right there.

                • Move to lemm.ee
                  11 months ago

                  Can you give me an example of the ancom flag being raised by revolutionaries that hasn’t involved a coalition between anarchists and communists? I don’t think there’s a single instance of it historically but I’d be really interested in seeing an example if one exists.

                  When the group is only made up of anarchists, the black flag is raised. The entire symbolic point of the red and black flag is the coalition of the two.

                  Calling the Spanish revolutionaries “MLs cosplaying as ancoms” is absurd historical revisionism, and really honestly offensive to everyone that fought and lost to the fascists.

    • CodoOP
      11 months ago

      Damn dude. What am I gonna do now?

      Damn dude. What am I gonna do now?

  • @Gamey@lemmy.world
    4511 months ago

    It’s facinating to see Lemmy go wild, kind of sad how many seem to support dictators with concentration camps and similar shit but also cool how many downvote them!

    • @Blursty@lemmy.world
      -5111 months ago

      The only state with concentration camps in the real world is the USA and its colony in Palestine.

      • @ComradeKhoumrag
        4011 months ago

        USA is absolutely a huge hypocrite. But that doesn’t mean other countries are justified for doing the same

      • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
        611 months ago

        So, I follow the Texas Tribune, and we get a story or two every week about heat waves in Texas prisons killing another dozen people while the state legislature refuses to fund air condition to get temperatures under 90 degrees inside cells. We also get the periodic story about migrant detention camps on the border with agents caught doing human trafficking, physical and sexual abuse up to and including outright torture, and the horrific death of small children. Finally, there’s the annual tradition of investigating Texas CPS or Texas Juvenile detention officials for a new raft of allegations involving agents trading nude pictures of children for narcotics or cash.

        Every day a new horror in the Lone Star State, and we just kinda shrug and insist this is how a liberal democracy with a well-educated electorate and professional political institutions are supposed to behave.

        Meanwhile, when Keonmi Park does another interview with Joe Rogan, we just eat that shit up with a spoon.

        Western Internet Culture is a real mindfuck.

      • DRod
        611 months ago

        You’re gonna need reprogramming after reading all these replies!

  • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
    11 months ago

    Yo so lemmy.world isn’t run by tankies? If it is could y’all just ban me now so I don’t invest too much in the instance pls? I got kind of sick of the constant cycle of disappointment seeing how many supposedly leftist subs were taken over and ruined by them on reddit.

    • AerM
      2311 months ago

      It isn’t, I do not remove posts for “Orientalism” like Lemmy.ml and that certainly won’t be done by Lemmy.World Admins. Happy shitposting

      • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
        211 months ago

        Do you really not know or are you pretending not to know because you want to be able to claim it’s a meaningless term?

        Also there’s already an explanation in this thread.

          • @Excrubulent@slrpnk.net
            11 months ago

            Okay, sorry, it’s just often tankies will say “what is a tankie?” because of the reasons I mentioned. Case in point, look at the person saying “what the fuck is a tankie” then immediately mocking the person who answered them.

            I’m sorry for my snark, I slept poorly and should probably not be interacting with people rn.

            Edit: oh, looks like that thread was nuked so I was wrong about the question already being answered lol. I owe you even more apologies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            Basically a tankie is someone that wants to be a socialist or a communist but thinks that means supporting the USSR or Maoist China, which are self-admittedly state capitalist.

            The term originally comes from people who supported the USSR rolling tanks into Hungary to crush their rebellion. Lately such people have supported Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on the basis that anything anti-US interests is somehow socialist, despite modern Russia just being a nakedly hypercapitalist/fascist dystopia, and also despite the expansionist invasion just being like super obviously evil.

            • @Legendsofanus@lemmy.world
              411 months ago

              That’s super informative, so most people are just ignoringly saying that communism pertains to USSR or Maoist China when they were actually capitalist states? Is this a recent development?

              I don’t know anything tbh but Karl Marx seemed pretty commie so idk what happened to change it.

              • @astral_avocado@programming.dev
                811 months ago

                Yes. It seems to be a propaganda echo chamber they’ve placed themselves in where they wholesale distrust any western/European media and 100% trust all Chinese/Russian state media. They full on defend Russia and China as a core part of their political ideology.

            • Franklin
              -311 months ago

              Honestly I’ve never seen a tankie in the wild. Maybe just luck

        • @SasquatchBanana@lemmy.world
          2211 months ago

          Tankies are not lefists. Don’t let them fool you. They are statists who are nationalistic and will support fascistic ideology. The only thing they believe is America Bad and therefore anything that hates America is good. Brain dead

          • @figaro@lemdro.id
            1811 months ago

            Yeah it’s pretty dead brained. Obviously America has problems and I’ll be the first one to point out it’s flaws. I do my best to learn about them and be aware of them.

            That doesn’t mean that China gets to genocide anyone they don’t like.

          • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
            -711 months ago

            Tankies are not lefists.

            The only folks I ever see accused of being tankies are to the left of the folks claiming they are tankies. Sometimes that means you’re talking to Michael Moore. Sometimes that means you’re talking to Pete Buttigieg. Sometimes that means you’re talking to Mitt Romney. But its always a guy to your left.

            The only thing they believe is America Bad

            The dirty little secret about American politics is that everyone thinks America Bad. Texas conservatives hate California. New York liberals hate Florida. Half of Michigan hates the other half. When the US gets hit by a hurricane, its either because the state at ground zero is too Christian or too Libertarian or too Gay, take your pick.

            If hating America is all it takes to be a Tankie…

            • @SasquatchBanana@lemmy.world
              811 months ago

              It’s also the fascism they support. They are all okay with “communist” China and Russia and I have met too many tankies who unironically support North Korea. Such a joke.

              Tankies just use leftist populism as a facade, like how the Nazis did, but deep down their values don’t align with actual communists and anarchists.

              • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
                -111 months ago

                They are all okay with “communist” China and Russia

                I’ll spot you China, since we get a “DAE think Chinese President looks Yellow?!” posts daily. But then we’re just describing Tankies as people who are tired of the elementary school tier racism with a Disney fetish.

                Russian Communism, such that it was, got dismantled way back in the 90s. Outside the handful of terminally online grifters that branded themselves MAGA-Communists or whatever, who is seriously conflating the United Russia Party leadership with your Allendes or Castros or Mandelas?

                Tankies just use leftist populism as a facade

                At this point, I’m going to need to see some names. Who are these actual tankies? Can you point to one?

                Cause I’m beginning to think you’re describing Tucker Carlson.

        • @Gamey@lemmy.world
          511 months ago

          Tankies love authority and are happy to accept facist ideologies, I think they are in the protest part of society that switches between left and right whenever its convinient for them! (We have seen that phenomena in Europe a lot with conspiracy theorists in general)

          • 新星 [he/him/CPC bot]
            11 months ago

            Communist here, don’t like fascism. (If we did, why wouldn’t we all just go to the fascist instances?)

            My acceptance of needing to have a degree of “dictatorship” is begrudgingly and only as much as it’s necessary for the US dictatorship not to collapse the country for its interests MONEY!

          • @elscallr@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            And why would anyone care about Albert Einstein’s view on Lenin? An obvious fallacious appeal to authority, and not even a very smart one.

            That’s if this is even true.

            • Move to lemm.ee
              11 months ago

              Einstein is a jewish that lived through the Russian revolution and lived in Germany during the rise of Hitler before his escape to the US. As far as period accounts he’s as good as you’re gonna get, and I don’t know about you but I don’t think we’re going to find a more intelligent person alive during that period but if you want to give examples that aren’t nazis or people that said nice things about nazis I’m certainly open to them.

              And he was an extremely active leftist politically during the period. You should read his essay, Why Socialism? It’s a good introductory piece for people.

              Also something of a smart man.

              Page 14 of the 260 page FBI file on him states the following:

              Not even Stalin himself is affiliated with so many anarcho-communist international groups to promote this “preliminary condition” of world revolution and ultimate anarchy, as Albert Einstein.

              Those files are a fun read, do recommend them. Available on the FBI vault here.

              • @Dark_Blade@lemmy.world
                911 months ago

                So…yeah, a naked appeal to authority. Einstein was nigh-unmatchable in his field, but that doesn’t mean his intelligence was applicable to every other field. In fact, one of the worst things you can do is consider an expert in one field an automatic ‘authority’ in others.

                • Move to lemm.ee
                  11 months ago

                  The same people shitting on Einstein right now are also the same people that treat media as a political authority. I can’t take it seriously at all.

                  Name a better authority that was alive in the period who I won’t be able to show worshipped the nazis at some point.

              • @mashbooq
                311 months ago

                Imagine when someone points out you’re being illogical by using an appeal to authority and you respond by… doubling down on an appeal to authority. That’s some Marx-tier dialectical thinking there, comrade

                • Move to lemm.ee
                  -311 months ago

                  “Being illogical is when you consider one of history’s most important users of logic a person that should probably be listened to.”

              • 新星 [he/him/CPC bot]
                111 months ago

                Comrade, I appreciate your willingness to engage, but we’re materialists, not followers of the Great Man theory.

                While there are many commendable actions Einstein took as a political activist, I imagine you’re not going to defend this xenophobia.

                It’s fine if you included the Einstein quote in there as a note to end on, but it shouldn’t be your argument, since honestly, Einstein’s political views shouldn’t mean more solely on the basis of breakthroughs in physics (despite what Einstein claims). I would instead have frame challenged their comment to point out that the US claims to be such a “democratic utopia” but is definitely an “authoritarian dictatorship” itself. Maybe follow up with a quote about how any of the countries that didn’t do something succumbed to the US’ anticommunist efforts

                • Move to lemm.ee
                  011 months ago

                  I imagine you’re not going to defend this xenophobia.

                  I don’t see what relevance any of that has. You guys from lemmygrad need to learn from hexbear and learn when not to be self-wreckers when dealing with libs, all this does is function as support for the libs in this thread, of course nobody supports the sinophobic shit, find me a comrade that wasn’t fucking weird about asians at the time - good luck. That doesn’t stop us using them wherever valid.

                  It’s fine if you included the Einstein quote in there as a note to end on, but it shouldn’t be your argument, since honestly, Einstein’s political views shouldn’t mean more solely on the basis of breakthroughs in physics (despite what Einstein claims).

                  “Shouldn’t mean more” than what? The shmucks here commenting with their vast amount of knowledge about socialism gained from reddit comment sections? Yes it absolutely should mean more.

    • @hark@lemmy.world
      811 months ago

      There are far more people foaming at the mouth about tankies – like a someone out of the 50s screaming about communists – than actual tankies.

      • @astral_avocado@programming.dev
        1511 months ago

        There are a few threads I’ve seen happen – and instigated – where I was overwhelmingly downvoted by tankies yelling at me about “anglo/western fascism” and denying the uighur genocide. They defend the Chinese government with a fervor that easily marks them as tankies. It’s a real problem.

  • TwoGems
    1711 months ago

    Stupid god damn tankies show up every time for these threads

      • @mashbooq
        1811 months ago

        That’s rich coming from a tankie; you guys spend more time hating on liberals on your own instance than the fascists do on theirs

          • @mashbooq
            411 months ago

            I’m talking about the entire instance

            • 新星 [he/him/CPC bot]
              -111 months ago

              Believe it or not, it’s more like we don’t like the bourgeoisie (and that includes all US politicians if you haven’t noticed)