In early December, images circulated worldwide showing dozens of Palestinian men in the city of Beit Lahiya, in the northern Gaza Strip, who were stripped to their underwear, kneeling or sitting hunched over, then blindfolded and put into the back of Israeli military trucks like cattle. The vast majority of these detainees were civilians with no affiliation to Hamas, Israeli security officials later confirmed, and the men were taken away by the army without notifying their families of the detainees’ whereabouts. Some of them never returned.

+972 Magazine and Local Call spoke with four Palestinian civilians who appeared in these photos, or were arrested near the scene and taken to Israeli military detention centers, where they were held for several days or even weeks before being released back to Gaza. Their testimonies — along with 49 video testimonies published by various Arabic media outlets of Palestinians arrested in similar circumstances in recent weeks in the northern districts of Zeitoun, Jabalia, and Shuja’iya — indicate systematic abuse and torture by Israeli soldiers against all of the detainees, civilians and combatants alike.

According to these testimonies, Israeli soldiers subjected Palestinian detainees to electric shocks, burned their skin with lighters, spat in their mouths, and deprived them of sleep, food, and access to bathrooms until they defecated on themselves. Many were tied to a fence for hours, handcuffed, and blindfolded for most of the day. Some testified to having been beaten all over their bodies and having cigarettes extinguished on their necks or backs. Several people are known to have died as a result of being held in these conditions.

    1226 months ago

    It’s crazy these israelis are acting like literal Nazi concentration camp guards.

    Treating all their captives like sub-humans and going on a maximum level bully powertrip by making them do dehumiliating things or else they will torture them even till death.

    Fuck israel. Nazi pieces of shit.

      756 months ago

      I mean, we could all see this behavior prior to this latest conflict. So many videos of IDF gleefully beating down / gassing / shoving guns in faces of clearly civilians on their own property, on religious sites, on public streets, etc.

        316 months ago

        That’s true, but this time they’re rounding up innocent people and openly put them into concentration camps.

        All that’s left is increasing the pace by building gas chambers and giant open fires to pile bodies on.

        • OurTragicUniverse
          6 months ago

          They’ve been doing that for decades. This is nothing new, it’s just in the public eye now.

            206 months ago

            Why should they bother with outdated gas chambers when there is a free inflow of innumerous artillery shells, strike jets, tank shells, rockets and such for all that time. Just hurl the free boomball and don’t worry about anything.

            • @jonne
              146 months ago

              Yeah, one of the reasons Nazis resorted to gas chambers was that they needed all the ammo to fight a war.

        236 months ago

        Every nation had their own Nazi’s. We’re not supposed to repeat that.

        The Holocaust was not a manual.

          16 months ago

          I wish we as humankind could learn from past mistakes. What I meant was I think in every nation, there’s a number of people who are born or raised capable of doing Nazi shit or having a nazi mindset or opinions. I don’t think we can change this fact. We need to build social mechanisms to make it hard or impossible for the nazis among us to get mainstream. But overall, I don’t think it’s surprizing that any nation has a tendency to genocide. It’s there in human nature and people as groups are much more stupid and harder to regulate than individuals.

        • Quokka
          -36 months ago

          Cool so vote for someone who doesn’t endorse genocide.

            66 months ago

            Oh gee I love splitting the votes between democrat nominee and a leftist nominee. Since I love doing this trump wins because there’s no ranked choice voting and trump gets enough votes! Wahoo!

            • Quokka
              6 months ago


              You also vote for the leftist nominee.

              Why is it time and time again that leftists are the ones who have to abandon their ethics to back your candidates?

              America is nearly in the full grasp of fascism because you keep choosing the lesser of two evils instead of not choosing evil.

            • Quokka
              06 months ago

              Damn not one person in America doesn’t support genocide.

                06 months ago

                Our choices are an insurrectionist who wants to overturn American democracy and turn it into a dictatorship, a genocide supporter who is pretty good otherwise, or a nepotistic vaccine denier, a.k.a supporter of genocide of Americas via COVID. At this point I’d vote for anyone pro-choice, pro-democracy, and anti-genocide - regardless of party. Too bad no one running currently fits those criteria.

                • Quokka
                  6 months ago

                  Damn, literally nobody.

                  Personally I’d say Cornell West is your best running choice, but really if you tried I’m sure you could find someone better.

              -46 months ago

              Oh no the horrors. My comment history condemning genocide! I’m really ashemed of it.

              Let’s go Genocide Joe! You do it! You can kill at least 20.000 kids before 13 January, we believe in you! Bypass Congress to send israel nukes woooo!

        6 months ago

        I know that Israel is often cited as a client state, but it’s better described as a psuedoclient state. The entirety of NATO could cut off Israel entirely tomorrow, and it wouldn’t have any material impact on their capabilities. It would probably be enough international pressure, but Israel’s military would be capable of maintaining it’s genocide in roughly same capacity as it is now. Biden is culpable, but he’s not complicit.

          -36 months ago

          Mate israel just lost to like 1500 untrained randos breaking through their border. They are insanely weak. They are 100% reliant on bombs and F35 parts from NATO and America.

          The iron dome was already out if rockets from just the Hamas attack. NATO would stop sending them interceptors then all the rockets being sent back would land.

          Hezbollah has enough rockets to completely flatten israel. Granted they would probably also get flattened themselves, but the iron meme system has shown to be easily defeatable with just a barrage of cheap trash.

            6 months ago

            Aw I have a fan. Or did you forget to change accounts?

            For the rest of the readers here: I have a long history of openly condemning Israeli apartheid. You will not find me defending religious extremists in any context, and I will always condemn mass violence.

            These people who believe that Trump will liberate Gaza are trolls engaged in an organized campaign to get people to not vote for Biden.

    476 months ago

    This is not acceptable. Under any circumstances. Israel has the right to defend itself from terrorists but these atrocious war crimes are not a solution. At the same time, it’s just useless and it completely dehumanizes people.

    Even if all in question were terrorists, Israel should never get to a level as low as this one.

      6 months ago

      Serious question.

      Does an occupier have the “right” to defend itself from attacks from the occupied in occupied areas? For example, attacks on the IDF in the West Bank.

        -86 months ago

        I believe that as long as there are attacks against civilians, then yes. Basically attacking civilians is never a good option. Many people live in the undisputed areas simply because it’s more beneficial to them as Israel supports it a lot. I personally visited one of these areas and the amenities were very good. So I don’t think that it should be okay for Palestinians to come and murder Israelis in the undisputed areas.

        However, the main issue is that these settlements exist. I am under the impression that you should not use the land as long as it is not widely recognised that it belongs to you. So the main issue is the approach that Israel claimed something is theirs without actually talking about it with the relevant parties.

        But it’s been their decision to do this shit, so it’s their responsibility to solve it now. Either abandon it (which would be a complete waste of resources) or build something for Palestinians but those are just random guesses.

          146 months ago

          The settlements only exist because the Palestinians have been violently ethnically cleansed from the land the settlements exist on.

          What you are arguing is effectively, it’s fine to ethnically cleanse as long you settle civilians there afterwards.

            -86 months ago

            I have not said that. I have said there should not be a violence from Palestinians because it solves nothing.

            • @jonne
              6 months ago

              The IRA and ANC had great political outcomes through violence. Meanwhile the PLO laid down arms and Israel acts like the Oslo accords never happened.

                -126 months ago

                Well maybe it worked sometimes but here it is not. Arabs/Palestinians tried roughly 10+ times and each time it ended in a complete catastrophe for them. At least I would change strategy.

                  6 months ago

                  In case you haven’t noticed, most of the Palestinians being killed are the ones that didn’t resort to violence, exactly the behaviour you claim above they should try.

                  Your entire “argumentation” line relies on the racist idea that all Palestinians are the same and hence they’re all responsible for the violence of Hamas.

                  It’s like justifying the Nazis going to villages in Occupied France and executing 10 random people for every German killed by the Résistance Française as if they’re all the same and hence all guilty of the violence, something which is so painfully close to what Israel has been doing (except Israel has already surpassed the Nazis, with a rate which is more than double that 10-to-1 and includes children) and the kind of justification the Iraeli Authorities and their fellow racist supremacists give.

                  That racist “they’re all the same hence all to blame (including children)” line has long ago stopped working, including your “Palestinians are violent” variant.

            • acargitz
              96 months ago

              Excellent point. There should also not be violence from Israel because it solves nothing. So end the fucking genocide, the occupation, the god damn apartheid.

                -36 months ago

                I agree with you. By these huge operations, Israel pretty much opens the door for another big extremist group.

                06 months ago

                Well there have been several negotiations, so it is definitely better to continue in those compared to starting a war.

        • acargitz
          66 months ago

          So basically you are saying the settlers are like Israel’s human shields for the occupation and the Palestinians should not attack them? Excellent point, which of course should be applied also to the Gazan civilian population.

            -66 months ago

            My point is that both sides should to their best to protect civilians whether those civilians are Palestinian or Israeli. None of them is doing it.

  • Deebster
    346 months ago

    According to testimonies, the soldiers ordered all the men to undress, gathered them in one place, and took the photos that were later disseminated on social media (senior Israeli officials have since chided the soldiers for sharing the images).

    It’s very telling that the officials only have a problem with the evidence of their war crimes.

    296 months ago

    How tf is the US still supporting these sub-human pieces of shit. Holy fuck, Biden is just letting this happen. They’ve taken what could be called as an open area prison and fully converted it to a concentration camp. I said it last night, they won’t stop until the entire state of Gaza is dead. They talk about their vision for a post war Gaza and it’s essentially just Israeli occupation “until they see fit” and there will be “no speaking out or hostility towards Israel of any kind.” At best it’s a dictatorship, and at worst a fucking death camp.

      6 months ago

      The most terrifying part of this is that no one there is sub-human. The people doing these horrible horrible things are exactly as human as you and me and that’s mortifyingly agonizing to me. I really really wish we lived in a world where the worst of monsters weren’t human, even if it was just a little not human, but that’s just not our world.

        86 months ago

        This is exactly what propaganda does, spreading misinformation, dehumanizing the people on the other side, spreading hatred and so on and unfortunately normal people can easily fall on that and start seeing the others as subhuman species.

        The same with the Nazis. A lot of them were just regular citizens who were subjected to a lot of propaganda and at some point all of the atrocities they were doing were normalised in their eyes.

      346 months ago

      I’m with you for all this. But let’s not be like them. Let’s not dehumanize them like they do their victims. They’re very human. Shitty humans. But definitely human.

      46 months ago

      How tf is the US still supporting these sub-human pieces of shit

      yeah how tf is the US still supporting their politicians

  • The Uncanny Observer
    186 months ago

    I’m gonna say it. Israel is no better than the Nazis, and I wholeheartedly believe the nation should be dissolved and the people moved off of the land they stole from the Palestinians. These people do not act with humanity, and I don’t have any sympathy for whatever happens to them in the future.

    • @Keeponstalin@lemmy.worldOP
      176 months ago

      I think the only way this can end is similar to South Africa. International pressure needs to end the current governance of Israel as an apartheid state and a new state with equal rights for all Palestinians, including all the refugees, and Israeli citizens needs to be created in its place.

      • AdeptusPrimaris
        116 months ago

        True. But i would add the extra detail that all the land stolen from Palestinians by Israel should be returned.

        In South Africa that wasn’t done. We had land and a house that my grandfather built up by himself in what is now one the most expensive suburbs in Cape Town. That land was stolen from us and never returned.

        And it hurts so much everytime we have to go past there because there are rich white folks living there now. And we know we’ll never be able to afford that land now no matter how hard we work. Now we struggle to even leave a home for our children to inherit.

        I don’t want that happening to the Palestinians again.

        • @Keeponstalin@lemmy.worldOP
          16 months ago

          I completely agree. Palestinians need reparations for their land and valuables stolen in the ethnic cleansing campaign and the generations of trauma they have been subjected to since. If they can’t or don’t want their old land/home, they need additional reparations for their new one (for example if they want to live in a different area)

          06 months ago

          That’s… Not what happened. Both Israel and Palestine have long historical precedence, and tumultuous ownership claims. They were ultimately created by Britain post-WW2, who then bowed out after a year with very little planning. Don’t add your country’s baggage to an already complex reality. It’s not true, and it’s not going to help you understand what’s going on over there.

          • AdeptusPrimaris
            46 months ago

            The settlers (aka colonolialist thieves and murderers) are literally killing, maiming, torturing Palestinians on their own land in the West Bank. Driving them out of their own houses, lands and farms. The Israeli army stands by and watches this. If any Palestinian tries to fight back against the settlers in the process of stealing their land they are maimed and/or murdered. And this is only in the West Bank where land theft and murder by the Israelis is still happening to this day. It doesn’t include any of the other clear land theft that had taken place in historic Palestine by the Israelis.

            Now tell me that is not similar to the Apartheid police force breaking into houses in your area and telling you to move or be murdered, because your property now belongs the Apartheid state that is going to parcel it out to the white Apartheid supporting citizens.

            Finding similarities between the atrocities commited by the Apartheid South African government and the Apartheid Israeli government is not adding my country’s baggage to a complex reality. A lot can be learnt by looking back at similar atrocities commited in the past and the repercussions of that, whay was learnt, etc.

            Also an important point is that because of experiencing a similar repression of my people, parents, grandparents, and living through the tail end of that repression, i have empathy and some understanding of what the Palestinians are going through. I can’t claim to know exactly how they’re feeling but i do have some idea.

            I have been campaigning in South Africa for Palestinian rights and self determination since i was a young teenager with my peers and my parents. I have been aware of the history, geopolitics and reality of the situation of the Palestinians since then. I have a pretty decent understanding of what is going on over there.

              46 months ago

              I misinterpreted your original post, but re-reading it now I agree. I was reacting to the common idea in this thread that Israel doesn’t have any right to exist – which is complicated, as all post-colonial history is. That wasn’t what you were commenting on, though. Israel is definitely encroaching on Palestinian land and rights in Gaza and the West Bank, and are at least half of the force against real peaceful solutions. I fully agree that what’s going on now should be classified a genocide, and as far as I know South Africa is the only country that has stated it.

              It’s amazing the damage wrought in the wake of colonialism. Both Palestine/Israel and South Africa have suffered tremendously from colonizers deciding they knew what (and who) was best.

              • AdeptusPrimaris
                16 months ago

                It’s no problem. Maybe i can also be more clear too in the future when replying.

                It’s true that the Israeli citizens and the Palestinian citizens will have to be involved in a common solution. It will be very bitter, especially for the Palestinians, but one has to move forward

      06 months ago

      I’m Israeli. I was born and raised here, in a city that never existed before pre-Israel pioneers established it. I also voted against the current shitshow of a government.

      Where do you expect me to go exactly?

      • The Uncanny Observer
        06 months ago

        It didn’t exist before the Israelis showed up? Then what you’re saying is that your people established an illegal settlement on stolen lands. In that case, I would say that you should be forced to leave that land so that it can be used by the people it belongs to. You’re illegal squatters, you don’t have any right to that land.

      • The Uncanny Observer
        106 months ago

        Forcing them off the land they’ve stolen is not a war crime any more than forcing Russia out of Crimea would be. The warcrime has already been committed, undoing that warcrime is justice.

          26 months ago

          I understand disliking the establishment of Israel at the expense of Palestinians and Palestinian land. As a state, they revolt me. But forced removal of Israelis would be Genocide by definition. War crimes by Israel don’t justify commiting crimes against the Israeli populace.

          6 months ago

          If we were only talking about the people who originally colonized the area you’d have a point. But we’re not, so you’re just talking about ethnic cleansing and collective punishment of a civilian population. If you think crimes against humanity are the way to resolve conflicts, you’d fit right in with the leadership of Hamas or Likud.

      76 months ago

      Fun fact: sometimes people erect barbed wire fences around the external location where they store their torture victims and call that inside a camp and also outdoors/outside.

      Another example would be large parts of the concentration camps along the southern US border.

      6 months ago

      I’m assuming this is your snark, knowing your posting history. I’ve caught you three times spreading Israeli disinformation.

      Just so everyone knows, this site’s credibility is high.

      Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER

      Factual Reporting: HIGH

      Country: Israel

      MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: MODERATE FREEDOM

      Media Type: Website

      Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic

      MBFC Credibility Rating: HIGH CREDIBILITY

      I really hope you’re not trying to spread more Israeli disinformation.

    • @Keeponstalin@lemmy.worldOP
      66 months ago

      Is that sarcasm? Sorry, I can’t tell if it is or not. If you don’t think so, can you link sources of 927mag lying or fabricating stories? I haven’t found any evidence of them not being credible, quite the opposite from what I can tell