• @Carvex@lemmy.world
    718 months ago

    “it’S uP to tHe stAtEs”

    “When I’m president, I’ll make those states not be able to choose” -Tim Scott, black man for president who thinks his party doesn’t call him that word behind closed doors.

    • @RojoSanIchiban@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      I know I’m coming at this from something resembling “rationality,” so I could never pose the following question in a real debate with a “pro-lifer,” but the “leave it up to the states” argument absolutely infuriates me with how stupid it is on its face.

      The supposed pro-life argument is that life is precious/sacred and must be protected even if a fetus isn’t [yet] viable. Why the FUCK would that be allowed to be defined differently by state!? Either all life is precious and must be protected nationwide (or worldwide) or their supposed reasoning is bullshit.

      Because of course it’s bullshit, just like the SCOTUS ruling. We either have a national definition of a person and citizen, or we have none. The current system doesn’t make a person until birth when the birth certificate is filled out. States should have absolutely no right to determine differing periods of time to determine whether or not something is a viable, legal “person.”

      If abortion is banned as per evangelical wackos screeching “life begins at conception,” then logically the state has to force itself into every bedroom, issue “life certificates” and apply for social security numbers for every single damn blastocyst, then arrest every parent that miscarries for involuntary manslaughter at least, otherwise the entire argument of life is bullshit.

      But then the entire pro-life argument from any legislator is inherently hypocritical bullshit because it’s nothing other than class warfare.


      • Billiam
        178 months ago

        You’re right, but you can make the point even shorter than that:

        If life begins at conception, why are any Republicans suggesting anything less than a total ban on abortions? Does God suddenly start caring about “babies” sixteen weeks after conception, but doesn’t give a fuck before that? Or does his “unconditional” love start at six weeks?

        And why make exceptions for rape? The brand new “baby” that came into existence against the will of its mother is innocent, so why should it be allowed to be aborted?

        • be_excellent_to_each_other
          48 months ago

          I think those are literally their talking points in many cases though. I don’t think that would work like you think it would.

      • @lemmefixdat4u@lemmy.world
        38 months ago

        The Republican stance on abortion would not be so popular among its female supporters if they realize that they could be charged with child endangerment for not getting prenatal care, not eating or sleeping well, or engaging in any risky behaviors - from the moment of conception.

    • gregorum
      8 months ago

      Some people simply have no morals or ethics whatsoever, so they align with a party full of like-minded people who find that person to be a useful idiot while simultaneously hating everything about them. It’s that kind of dirty back-room dealing and self-interested politicking that is one of the cornerstones of the GOP. He knows they’re racist, but he helps the party and they’ll help him gain power and cover up his corruption and incompetence.

      And when they all lose, they get to jockey for positions either in congress or on the cable news circuit with Fox, Newsmax, and OANN.

  • @assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
    398 months ago

    “Shit, Ohio went +14% to protect abortion?”

    “Quick, keep saying insane shit about abortion that only digs a deeper hole!”

    It cracks me up that they can’t stop themselves from just reinforcing how bad they are about abortion. You’ve got strategists and some Republicans saying they have to moderate their tone, and then all the primary candidates lie through their teeth about abortion lmao

  • The Pantser
    268 months ago

    It’s so funny watching these losers debate for a chance to be something they will never be. It’s such a waste of resources the stages being built, the travel, the power for the whole show. Such a waste.

  • @xts@lemmy.world
    198 months ago

    You literally cannot trust a word any of these clowns say. After Roe was struck down they said “we’ll just leave it up to the states” and now that a majority of Americans are making it clear state by state that they want the right to control their own bodies they’ve once again changed their tune.

    “This is why a pure democracy doesn’t work”

    i.e. let’s subvert the will of the people. Trump tried and failed to do it too. I’m beginning to believe the worst words you could possibly hear from someone’s mouth is “I’m a conservative”

  • @Sarmyth@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    98 months ago

    Are they getting away with it? Or are we just mad that their base doesn’t give a shit and are wrongly believing that if they only knew the truth, they wouldn’t be voted for?

  • @octavio_dingus@lemmy.world
    98 months ago

    Moderator Kristen Welker of NBC News asked the five presidential hopefuls how they see their party’s path forward on the issue of abortion, given that they keep losing elections over their attacks on women’s reproductive rights. Most doubled down on their opposition to abortion, and then made nonsensical claims about Democrats advocating for no restrictions on abortion in any scenario.

    The moderators did nothing to call them out for it, either.

    “Let’s just be clear,” said Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. “The Democrats have taken a position they will not identify the point at which there should be any protection, all the way up until birth. That is wrong and we cannot stand for that.”

    “I am 100% pro-life … I would certainly, as president of the United States, have a 15-week national limit,” said Sen. Tim Scott (S.C.). “I would not allow California, Illinois or New York to have abortion up until the day of birth.”

    Scott went on to say he thinks “it’s unethical and immoral to allow for abortions up until the day of birth,” which, to be clear, is not something that anybody is calling for, anywhere.

      • Ænima
        38 months ago

        We all need to know, who wore the heels better and who was the tallest? Also, bonus points for incoherent answers to arm only interpretive dancing!

        • @RGB3x3@lemmy.world
          28 months ago

          Shit, when Ramasmarmy mentioned 3 inch heels, my first thought was DeSantis, not the woman actually wearing heels.

          Just goes to show how ridiculous our political system has gotten.

      • Ænima
        28 months ago

        The only place they may see ratings from more than like 6 people!

  • Maeve
    78 months ago

    Ah, the fifth column doing exactly what they’re paid to do: create a narrative in line with corporate billionaires’ talking points. Eg: breed more disposable wage slaves.

  • gregorum
    68 months ago

    Republicans got away with lying? At a debate‽ CERTAINLY NOT!

  • IninewCrow
    18 months ago

    Place these guys in a different country and we call them stupid … conversely, most developing countries world call them average.