Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
This was high up in the mountains of the Sierra Nevadas … a mountain road that took us all the way to the highest village where they cured the best cured ham in the region. The ham was great but it was so well cured and dry that you could have used them as wedges for woodworking, the same for the cheese, it was hard like a plastic scrapper for auto body work. It might have something to do with the altitude, humidity and temperature because all the cheese we ever saw down at sea level were hard but not that hard.
Reminds me of Spanish ‘Manchego’ cheese. It’s a semi hard gourmet cheese in most commercial places and it has a slight strong flavour. During a holiday once in the south of Spain, we went searching for authentic Manchego cheese in the Sierra mountains of Andalusia. The cheese we found was a very strongly flavoured hard cheese that was the consistency and taste of hot weathered plastic. Strangely enough, combined with strong Spanish onion slices and it was delicious … and then mixing it again with strong Chorizo sausage, specifically the ones they make in the mountains which taste like well worn and sweated gym socks and it was a whole other thing to get accustomed to.
Opens closet door and tsunami of ‘things’ come flowing out, knocking over people and furniture.
Bio was also later disqualified because of WWIII … or was it WWIV? or WWV? … I forget but it was one of them anyway.
RFK Unexpectedly Drops Out Of Democratic Party Primary
I think that was the original name about 66 million years ago, which is why someone threw a giant rock at it from space.
That’s the other difference with Windigo legends across North America. I’m Ojibway from northern Ontario and I grew up with my own variety of stories from my family about this creature. But I’ve heard of other variations from the prairies, from Hudson Bay, northern Quebec, the American midwest and around the Great Lakes region and all the stories are different and unique to their regions. Some similarities and common themes but all different. Then you mix in there the Hollywood marketing and imagery of deer skulls, loose flesh and all that scary stuff.
But I always enjoyed the core metaphoric message that this is a greedy, flood thirsty animal that was once a man and now wants to consume everything and everyone.
One of the kids was a bratty shit that couldn’t shut up
Country elects an idiot to fix their economy … idiot makes economy worse … country wonders why
+2 for Yeehaw Reich
+1 for Methlehem
… but it also reminds of my personal favourite … Alamabadan
The more I read about it and learned about these stories as a kid from my parents and Elders … the more I realize that it is also a metaphor or life lesson about who we are as people and humanity as a whole.
Wendigo in many legends was originally just a man or woman like you or me or anyone. They are infected or affected by a mysterious force and changed to become a hunter of people. Many of the legends talk about how Wendigo is basically just out hunting, doing things like a hunter does, tracking, following, hiding, creeping towards their prey … but the prey are humans, people, families, children, etc. They are intelligent, speak, understand, communicate, can trick people but they can also be tricked, they can also be dumb, silly, wise or completely wild.
The metaphor is that we are all capable or prone to becoming infected with dark forces if we allow them and change us into beings that will take from others and even kill them to enrich ourselves or prolong our lives.
Many believe that Wendigos still live and prey on people all over the world … but instead of hunting and preying on people in the forests and wilderness … they live and work in corporations and governments.
*nearly a century of life
[holy fine print: “nearly century of life” is defined as a length of time anywhere between 1 second to 100 years. Every life is randomly determined to sit between these parameters.]
… and I don’t like shellfish … so don’t eat that stuff
Shouldn’t it be …
So … run like hell, disconnect from the tunnel and fly away in your space vehicle
There are lazy, wasteful, ignorant and unnecessary hand out recipients that take government funds and drain public resources for their own gain … the rich and wealthy elites and corporations that do their very best to pay as little tax as possible while at the same time asking for government help to build their businesses to gain even more money for themselves.
Public social welfare is a benefit to society because if instituted more frequently and effectively, it would raise so many thousands of people and families out of poverty or near poverty and generations from now enrich the province through the contributions of healthier, wealthier people.
Corporate welfare is nothing but a drain on government resources that provides no benefit for the government or the public because it only enriches a handful of people while driving everyone else towards poverty, the results of which eats away at democratic institutions and society as a whole.
Don’t turn your back on him … he might kick your head