Israeli bodies were located during a raid on Gaza carried out by forces under the command of the 7th Armoured Brigade, on Friday night.

Reports were received from the forces near the border that there were “discoveries” near the border.

I think these might be the “small operations” reported in earlier.

  • worldwidewave
    608 months ago

    This is the one part of the operation that I assume most people can agree is acceptable, recovering the hostages.

      278 months ago

      And it’s using people-scale violence less likely to cause civilian casualties. If Israel wanted to just fly drones with guns around Gaza shooting anyone who sets up a rocket on a rooftop, there wouldn’t be nearly the objection. Maybe a little police-state creepy, but clearly about protecting life and the targeted killing of people who wish them harm. And while there may still be some legitimate deadly mistakes, it’s nothing like the expected casualties of razing an entire neighborhood. Yeah, it’s harder than just flattening Gaza city with all their stockpiled missiles, but if your scope of attack is that wide, whatever you claim, you’re not minimizing civilian casualties and likely only loosely pursuing purely military objectives.

    • @mwguyOP
      48 months ago

      There’s literally someone in this thread claiming that these raids are a bridge too far.

  • kamenLady.
    8 months ago

    This year really wants us to give up any hopes of “make love, not war” for humanity, huh?

    I can’t imagine the sheer horror of being at home and slowly getting aware of that noise getting louder, the screams. The panic realizing you were spotted and the simultaneous worry for every one you love.

    Many hostages must have witnessed loved ones being murdered, only to be dragged away alive.

    Russians invading Ukraine with all military tradition and Hamas invading Israel in the most terrorist fashion as it gets. Why is that what happens technically the same?

    Why do they turn into fucking animals?

      138 months ago

      I think that most people on earth are good people, still. Most of them are not invading countries and hurting others, they are just trying to live their lifes and help others. Some of the people that commited the horrible acts are misguided or have been hurt themselves to the point of madness. Which does not make it okay. Far from it. They are dangerous and should be stopped. But it also does not make them purely evil.

      No human should be viewed as an animal, even if they have done the most atrocious things, which Hamas has. This is not to reduce or deny the severity of what they and the Russian government has done or to deny the suffering they have caused. Not at all.

      But they are the ones viewing other as less than human, as animals. This is what makes them able to hurt others like this. And while it is very understandable that our own pain and empathy with those that are hurt makes us want to view them as animals, so we can hurt them back, I do not think it is the way to go. I think it is far more powerful to stop them while keeping our humanity. The more we do that, the more we show that we cannot be broken by them, no matter what they do.

      78 months ago

      All it tells me is to avoid international affairs like the plague.

      “Everyone is trying to take over the galaxy, the trick is to be left alone by whoever succeeds.”

      War and conflict are the dumbest things. I think that, generationally, intelligent people have been fleeing wars while brutes go to the grinder.

      Of course, Israelis always had the option to leave. The same can’t be said about the Gazans.

    • FunkyMonk
      48 months ago

      BECAUSE THERE ARE HUGE FUCKING PILES OF MULAH TO BE MADE ON ALL THIS. All those normies will dance for the autocrat to get the shinny new missile, the shinny banger will buy lots of LUXURY. Same as it ever was on the grander scale everyone with 2 brain cells to run together always warns about, but we all love the shinny fucking bombs because life by the sword is the safest even if it’s just a sword swingers bootlicker right?

        148 months ago

        People hurt each other because of sports matches, political choices, looks, ethnicity and whatever other reason.

        They don’t need religion to hate.

        • nakal
          88 months ago

          As far as I know, most religions even forbid killing people for whatever reason you might have.

        • Uranium3006
          08 months ago

          It sure doesn’t help, that’s for sure. Only religion demands arbitrary belief, at gunpoint if it can get away with it. Only religion demonizes other people for their having another religion. Only religion brainwashes children openly into.fearing they will.burn for eternity if they question what they’re told. Only religion claims a monopoly over right and wrong itself. We’re better off without that parasitic institution

      • @mwguyOP
        28 months ago

        I mean they did. They crosses the border with their military offensively. That’s an invasion.

  • qevlarr
    -188 months ago

    Stop the raids. Deescalate this shit right now. Israel should do a prisoner exchange and be done with it.

    • MeanEYE
      158 months ago

      Yes. That totally won’t encourage them to repeat such actions.

    • burchalka
      78 months ago

      Who would such prisoner exchange comprise of? on one hand, regular citizens mostly women and children, while on the other, able-bodied young men which were taken into custody while or after committing hate crimes…