• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Some warning words in job listings:

    • “hit the ground running” : there’s no time or people to train you, you have a day to learn the whole system.
    • ”we’re looking for a rock star…” : the one guy who knew how it all worked rage quit, we need someone who can do it all
    • ”open to graduate engineers” : we don’t want to pay a high salary for an experienced engineer so we’ll pay you peanuts to (hopefully) do the same role.
    • ”As a world leader in…” : few have heard of us before, including you
    • “…fast paced environment …” : We don’t have enough people, would rather not spend the money , prepare to do three roles at once
    • “work hard, and play hard” : No play just work, 16 hour days. Once every 6 months HR will plan a mandatory rock climbing event (on a Saturday)
    • ”…Remote flexibility” : You can work at home one day per month if it’s snowing otherwise we need you to commute in for every 15 minute meeting
    • “You will lead a multi-disciplined team…” : a collection of odds and sods who can’t communicate or get anything done. That’s why there’s an opening
    • “…family oriented business…” : We’ll call you with problems any hour of the night, your scheduled vacations are subject to cancellation, if you resign we need 6 months notice, then we’ll still call you at your new job for advice.
    • ”We are the innovators” : we need you to juice up our also-ran bland product line
    • Any mention of onsite food or catering means they want you working while eating lunch
    • ”An opportunity has arisen” : Someone said fuck this I’m out.
    • If it’s a job with little contact with customers or clients and they still mention casual Fridays, avoid
    • ”You should have ten years experience in Ratfuck XBumpick version 2.3 (1997 edition) and 8 years experience in Tard Tool Power Edition DOS” : We’ll consider you if understand numbered lists in Word.
    • ”You enjoy new challenges every day…” : The rest of us just want to get the fuck out of here at 5 o clock and go home.

  • Unprocessed milk is much healthier and tastier than processed milk… but only if the cows graze on grass. The problem with unprocessed milk isn’t the milk itself; people have been drinking it for thousands of years. The problem with unprocessed milk is risk of contamination. When bottling it, It needs a clean environment, clean cows, attention to the health of the cows, and as a failsafe, pathogen testing. Mass production of milk in the US’s current environment of aged, sick, corn-fed, hormone-dosed cows standing in cages in their own excrement is not conducive to unprocessed milk. It’s so filthy that pasteurisation is a must. Creating and maintaining a clean environment, healthy appropriately fed herd, and testing, for the production of unprocessed milk is not economically viable at mass scale. If you want to produce millions of gallons of milk per annum, you unfortunately need dense cages. You need to keep your expenses low so you feed them cheap corn feed which they’re not designed to eat. This lowers their immunity so that they often get sick, and have mastitis. So you have to load them up with antibiotics. They remain unhappy and unexcercised cows with poor quality milk which often contains a percentage of pus.

    Smaller farmers and operations can often invest the time and money to do what’s necessary to produce clean unprocessed milk from healthy cows in a clean environment. In my country we have vending machines on farms for unprocessed milk. And each batch has a testing and pathogen report posted to verify it’s good and healthy.

    In the US, the mass milk producers would rather everyone think that unprocessed milk is inherently dangerous, rather than a solveable issue surrounding process and scale.

  • Have you stopped to consider that labelling someone as the “enemy” is parlance mostly engaged in by conservatives? Progressives don’t usually think in those terms. To a progressive, you might be ignorant, misinformed, misguided, deluded, xenophobic, racist, or engaging in bad faith, but you are rarely the “enemy.” Even Trump himself although perhaps though of as an “enemy of democracy,” is not a personal enemy. Your response using that metaphor serves to highlight the conservative mind set of making it personal, and harboring an anger so deep that political disagreement is grounds for personal animosity and even violence.