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The White House has directed the State and Treasury Departments to draft a proposal for lifting some U.S. sanctions on Russia as part of Trump’s effort to restore ties and end the Ukraine war.
The proposal could ease restrictions on select Russian entities and oligarchs, though it’s unclear what the U.S. would receive in return.
Trump has signaled openness to sanctions relief despite previously threatening harsher measures.
Talks between U.S. and Russian officials have intensified, with economic cooperation, including rare earth minerals, emerging as a key topic.
This is so wrong. I hate what we’ve become. As an American, I’ve never been proud of what this country has done but I’ve never been THIS ashamed. I feel like a joke.
There’s no more room for nuance. We (that is, our government) are the baddies. Straight up.
So let’s stop beating around the bush at what has to be done, violent revolution is the only path to freedom.
I’m approximately 2,700 miles from DC, so I’ll need several days’ notice for when the violent insurrection will be.
Can it wait a few more months? I need a bit more PTO. Rent doesn’t pay itself.
This is kind of an underrated sentiment. I think a big reason there aren’t more protests and revolting is because we really can’t afford it. The financial impact on each individual can be significant. Employers don’t support time off for anything of a political nature, not even voting.
I don’t believe this situation isn’t intentional. It seems that countries who take two hour lunch breaks and don’t let their jobs dictate their entire lives are far more likely to protest en mass.
Thing is, saving that house now by forsaking the country could lead to that same door being kicked down by the feds in just a few months for that liberal Facebook post you made calling trans people human. Get in the Gitmo van.
The BLM protests were the largest in US history. The fact is that most Americans have been coddled by a stable democracy and don’t care if they lose it, as long as someone puts a buck in their pocket. They think it won’t affect them because Congress bad, both sides bad.
Of the ones who do care, they think protests dOn’T wOrK because BLM or the Palestine protests failed. Completely ignoring the fact that other civil resistance movements have succeeded and are historically more successful than armed revolts against the upper class.
There is plenty of room for nuance, there’s just no nuance to be had.
So rise up against tyranny.
To help Putin, he is bankrupting USA just like how he bankrupted his casinos.
As an American? Surely you mean as a proud member of the new American Protectorate of the Russian Federation, comrade?
APRF, got a ring to it!
Anyway better start being proud or it’s off to Gulaganamo Bay…
I have nothing against americans, but this is Hitler level bullshit and if americans dont wake up after this (like revolt level wake up), they are no better than today russians orks or past german nazis sympathizer. Until they get their shit together by getting rid of this orange shit pile, americans can just go fuck themselves…
bUt wE hAvE oUr oWn PrObLeMs. tHiS dOeSn’T cOnCeRn Us.
Fucking shameful and depressing. Makes me realize that slogans like “never again” are not at all realistic because they’ll always be idiots who think shit doesn’t concern them, until it does.
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I agree. As an American I didn’t understand how this could happen. However, and this excuses nothing, but read the book “They Thought they were Free,” by Milton Mayer. It explains how normal people were wrapped up in Germany. It was eye opening.
[From interviews in 1953] The author determined that his interviewees had fond memories of the Nazi period and did not see Adolf Hitler as evil, and they perceived themselves as having a high degree of personal freedom during Nazi rule
I never considered some Germans still favored the Nazi regime after WW2, or at least not a significant number, especially not otherwise normal people. I’ve ordered a copy of the book
It was the generation after the Nazis that did all the work to redeem Germany. The Nazis themselves never admitted that what they did was wrong, even when it destroyed their own country.
And of course they felt free. To the mediocre, the hateful, and the weak-minded, “freedom” means power over others, and the Nazis gave their supporters a tiny bit of that power.
Ordinary Men is another very good one. It uses testimony from after the war to establish the story of a real life German police unit and their commander who were ordered to start mass killing.
I’m trying hard not to accuse America per se but recognise that this is Trump and his administration being driven by Kremlin interference and direct involvement.
I cannot see the American people putting up with this nightmare but I fear it’s not hitting home as it should.
Ukraine is just a part of a bigger picture where Russia is actively interfering with Western politics, business, governments, elections and referendums with the aim of bringing down the West.
With the traditional USA out of the game Russia will move on to eastern Europe. In the meantime China makes it’s move on Taiwan and others in the region; the Trump USA taking Canada, Greenland, Western Europe; the middle east being carved between Russia and Trump USA.
It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets any better whilst Trump is in power.
I sincerely hope that the military, even red state members, would recognize invading Canada or any of these countries as being a real fucked move and not what they signed up for.
I hadn’t thought of it that way before but I think you nailed it. History won’t care who you voted for.
I posted this on a Reddit thread, but we have become very dependent on certain technologies. The resistance is taking a while to get warmed up. One of the biggest issues is our communication channels used in the first administration have all been compromised. Twitter, Whatsapp, and Reddit are all being used against us. There may never be a hashtag protest again.
No one thinks this is normal or okay. But there is an air of fear that the secret police tech bros are listening.
FYI if everybody no longer pay their taxes and no longer work, its game over for the government in less than a year and in a peacefull way… (Excluding food, energy and health sector of course, and people will need to be able to rely on their communities exclusively, but lets be honest, in the US its already the case…)
Imagine a COVID but as a national and perpetual strike/protest. Even with a third of the population doing that, it would work.
Even though the EU has been funding Russia with fossil fuel imports? Kinda feels like we’re the only country that was willing to make a stand and did it alone while Russia’s GDP rose last year.
Is this being reported in the US in the mainstream media?
The possibility of a US coup is becoming more real everyday with the Trump administration.
Possibility? … this coup is more like watching moss grow over concrete … it’s taking time but it will soon cover everything and everyone is making it as hot and moist as possible to speed up the process
a lot of Americans acknowledge a coup happened about a month ago
A coup? This is what Americans voted for.
Vote suppression was rife. There were over two million mail-in ballots trashed. Black voters’ ballots were nine times more likely to be trashed than white voters’.
Yeah well, there were still 90 million who didn’t give a shit and stayed on the couch. That would’ve easily turned everything around.
It doesn’t look like it’s being reprinted yet. Reuters just published the story about two hours ago.
You know what would help end the war in Ukraine? Letting Russia keep all their money and having no repercussions for their actions. That should do the trick.
Well it will help end the war, just in Russia’s favor
If the US does lift sanctions on select oligarchs from Russia, I think the EU should consider sanctions on select oligarchs from the US.
I can suggest one such oligarch, Elon Musk - he’s associated with wielding illegitimate power, manipulating social media and interfering in elections (both national and primary) using wealth.
How about freezing his assets? I don’t think he has taken the prudent step of collecting all his money and stowing it under Donald’s presidential seat.
Unfortunately, the EU still didn’t even manage to block Twitter and even less to touch Starlink, or send promised money to Ukraine in less than months. I wouldn’t hold my breath on anything further out of what they’ve planned at least 6months ago already, and sanctions against US oligarchs was definitely not on the list.
I think the EU should consider sanctions on select oligarchs from the US.
I can suggest one such oligarch, Elon Musk
All of the billionaires who were mugging for the camera at the inauguration.
Thank you, comrade krasnov. Go to hell, asshole.
damn, seems like I definitely chose the right instance.
You’re an awesome admin <3
Russian agent doing the Russian agent things.
Kick the US out of Nato and any special status in the UN. Sanction the everliving fuck out of everything US. This will destroy the retirement I was at least partially expecting to get, but fuck it.
Trump is such a master negotiator. Betray our allies, threaten to leave the UN, stop all cyber security operations against Russian, lift sanctions against Russia that are working, block Ukraine from joining the UN, and say that any chance of ending the war has to result in Ukraine ceding stolen territory.
All before negotiations even start. What a mastermind.
Kind of proves there is no deep state right? Feels like they might have given the praetorian guard a nod.
Ukraine is part of the UN. I think you meant NATO.
You are correct
There should be a rule in UN that any threat made to leave UN by the leader of the country should lead to immediate suspension and sanctions from the UN.
If you want to leave, submit a resignation and leave, no theatrics and threats allowed even if you are a TV show host president like Trump.
the UN is just a clubhouse where people agree to talk. nothing more
No country with nuclear weapons gives a flying fuck about what anyone at the UN says, coincidentally, many of them are permanent security council members.
I would like to see mass sanctions on the US. Isolate the crap out of them.
The US is NATO.
neither of those things are possible.
DJT is where he is, because of legalese. and as far as alliances and memberships to intnl groups go, the US is untouchable.
The US is sabotaging its own alliances. They’re hardly untouchable.
There is no mechanism to removing someone from NATO, or the UN, especially the UN Security council. literally meaning, there is no way it will be done that will be recognized
a far more effective method would be for protesting nations to leave those orgs themselves. UNSC members could literally drop nuclear weapons on half the world, and still be untouchable in the UN. its a broken system that aimed to add permanent power to the victors of WW2. except, all countries are corruptable.
When Ukraine’s president surprisingly shifted towards Russia, the people engaged in civil disobedience until there was a new president.
What will the US do?
Nothing. 50% of the country loves their strongman president more than freedom or common sense
Less than a third of eligible voters voted for Trump.
Less than less than a third voted against him.
“In reality, there is no such thing as not voting: you either vote by voting, or you vote by staying home and tacitly doubling the value of some Diehard’s vote.”
~ David Foster Wallace
70% of Murca voted for him.
So you’re saying those who didn’t vote love him? How does that make sense?
I’m saying they voted tacitly in agreement with everyone that voted for him. Whether they love the man doesn’t matter. They supported him by voting with their asses.
I was originally replying to the post above that said: “50% of the country loves their strongman president more than freedom or common sense.” And I was specifically disputing the 50% figure in regards to “loving” Trump. So you’re arguing something else entirely.
It’s an important distinction because falsely claiming that half the country loves Trump legitimizes his authoritarian rule.
I understand what you’re saying. I also dispute the 50% number.
I’m saying only 30% of the country voted for him, 30% against, and 40% voted with their asses, making the effective amount of “love” 70%, not 50%.
Approval rating of ~50% notwithstanding, he has a 70% mandate to fuck shit up when we have 40% ass-voters.
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And the other 50% thinks that the best avenue for social change is to attack people who don’t like the latest Disney movie.
Oh look, another Trumper obsessed with culture war issues that no one else cares about… I’m so surprised.
Exhibit B.
You’re framing that as a difference in taste when in reality it was a difference in having shitty bigoted views or not. Haven’t you fuckers muddied the water enough?
Exhibit A.
A US backed coup is not “civil disobedience” lol
kindly, Fuck off.
A couple of suspicious sounding phone calls intercepted from an embassy, when every embassy in the country was having their own discussions about their preferred outcome to the collapse of a government, do not influence millions of Ukrainians who know their own country and government, to take to the streets in a riot over being betrayed over something they voted for.
I mean, where is the guy hiding right now? Where is Zelensky?
Sounds like thats the Ukrainian SBU’s business, and no one elses.
you’re asking the location of a world leader who has had countless attempts on his life and is actively at war. Do you normally ask stupid rhetorical questions?
I meant Yanukovych ran away to hide in Russia at the first sign of trouble and Zelensky stayed in Ukraine even with bombs falling on Kyiv
Shut the fuck up Ivan
And another piece of evidence that Trump is nothing but a Russian agent in the Oval Office. When will the US media finally start to ask about this?
Media? What about the fucking US military and intelligence services?
They don’t seem to care about their oath about “enemies foreign and domestic” anymore.
they did that a long time ago
In a few small outlets. I have not seen a big headline on the front page of a national paper, or an opener on the nayor TV networks news.
i believe it was called the Mueller special counsel investigation
And red voters will still find ways to deny that he’s Putin’s little bitch boy
Whether or not he’s a Russian asset is ultimately irrelevant. All that matters is that he is acting like a Russian asset. He’s doing everything a Russian asset would do. So it doesn’t actually matter if Putin has kompromat on Trump, because he is clearly willing to act like an asset even if he’s not.
Did he run out of fucks?
He probably did, but right now all that matters is putting out all the international fires the US is starting, or at least preparing to survive them.
He ran out of the need to hold elections
Wow! It’s amazing how most of the voters who voted for him grew up hating “commies” but suddenly Russia is their ally. Astonishing.
Russia used to be godless commies, but now it’s viewed as a white, Christian capitalist state with a strong leader. It’s not, but that’s the bullshit Fucker Carlson and other Russian sponsored propagandists have been spewing for the last decade or so.
I fucking hate it here.
In Europe many leaders still claim USA is our most important ally. I wonder if they say it.hoping it will make it true, or if they really still believe it?
They’re still in the first stage of grief.
With the number of nukes the US has, and the impulsiveness of people in charge, it might be safer to keep calling it an ally
We don’t call Russia an ally just because they have nukes.
If USA lift sanctions on Russia, they are working against NATO interests, and against a world of law, and against democracy.
That cannot be an ally of Europe, and we shouldn’t sugarcoat it.Here in the UK people have been asking privately if Trump is a Russian asset. It is now being asked openly in the mainstream media.
He is and has been for decades, well before he became president the first time.
Seems to me very likely that he is, why else would he have such a hard-on for Russia?
Why else would he blurt so much bullshit about Ukraine being corrupt, and Zelenskyy a dictator? When we know Russia is very corrupt an a totalitarian country!
There are dozens of examples of similar bullshit comments by Trump, Musk and JD Vance. They are all in it, USA has been taken over by Russian and/or Chinese agents.
They say it because saying the truth (that they’re an enemy of all democratic countries) is seen as too risky when they remain so intertwined with other countries worldwide. There are US military bases all over the world, for example.
Many EU leaders like to pretend things are just fine when they’re not because it’s easier than dealing with the problem. We got lulled into a false sense of security the past few decades and being woken up so rudely seems to be difficult for our lazy asses.
America is gross
America is stupid and selfish.
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America is so stupid and selfish that their people constantly make excuses and shift blame rather than admitting the slightest amount of fault.
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