You can press f to go faster.
As always relevant XKCD
Is that Linerider?
Ski Free. Came with most installs of Windows 3.0 back in the day.
When the player passes the 2,000-meter mark, the Abominable Snowman appears and starts to chase the player, eating them when it catches them.
I was gonna say Papu Papu but this guy wins.
As a kid I beat the vampires in Illusion of Gaia as Will. Didn’t realize you could change.
Wow, I gave up trying to beat it a few months ago because it was too hard to get past them. I was playing as Will
Lies of P - nameless puppet. I choose the other ending on my first run, so my first time facing him was in ng+. Not sure if that made it harder, but yeah, that one was rough
In Chrono Cross, when entering Time Fortress Chronopolis, you immediately encounter the PolisPolice. This isn’t framed by the game as a boss encounter, but it is.
There is a design problem with this boss that you probably wouldn’t see in a more modern RPG. To survive its big attack, you need the White Plate to absorb white-based magic attacks. You get the White Plate by stealing it from the Sky Dragon. If you already fought the Sky Dragon and forgot to steal at the time, you are hosed. The game doesn’t let you go back and redo that, and the PolisPolice encounter is about 2/3rds of the way through the game–very late to be starting over again.
I replayed that encounter 20 times before I finally lucked out on the attack cycle to keep the party alive. Then I encountered the actual hardest boss: a disc scratch that prevented the game from continuing towards the very end.
Reminds me of the time in a Pokemon game when a friend of mine caught Latias in one go only for the game to immediately freeze afterward with no explanation.
Those lyonel from BOTW and TOTK are some real fuckers
Okay, i’m gonna name one that might raise some eyebrow.
Halflight, Spear of the Church from Dark Souls 3 Ringed City. I know i know, but i can explain. I’m doing a knife only, no summon run, i mainly use Brigand Twindagger for everything, and occasionally Bandit’s Knife for anything susceptible to bleed, and it’s quite a good run, beating anything with varying difficulty, and even Demon Prince were defeated with a knife, then comes Halflight, Weeb of the Church. Technically it isn’t a hard one because it’s basically vs an npc invader, but the difficult came from the constantly spawning Guardian that’s also do healing and also using a knife, and also the long reaching and parrying weeb sword of Halflight. I couldn’t get past this one no matter how much i try, it’s the most difficult “easy” fight i’ve ever did on this run, where the second most difficult one is…Deacon of the Deep.
Vermivorous the Invincible in Borderlands 2. First of all getting it to spawn…
I was going to say Badassaurus Rex at the end of the Torgue DLC. Big pain in the ass since I only played solo.
Piston on his Rex…man I hate that guy.
Still haven’t beaten Owl in Sekiro. Only Fromsoft game in the genre I haven’t finished because I can’t kill my fuckin’ dad. 😭
Sekiro had several of the hardest bosses for me. God I love that game.
Ahhh keep going, really experiment with creating different openings for attacks. Such a great fight. And then (maybe spoilers, not sure? You probably already know that fromsoft games often have different endings / paths) figure out how to have an even harder version of that fight
Demon of Hatred also took me absolutely ages. Days. But it’s optional so really I only have myself to blame.
For me the answer is probably Malenia from Elden Ring. Took so long learning all of her moves and still only made it through by summoning the mimic for phase 2
For me it was Psycho mantis from Metal Gear Solid. The reason being that I didn’t understood English at the time, so it was literally an impossible boss. I got frustrated with it and abandoned the game, until I found a translated version of it and replayed it and he’s actually very easy if you know what you need to do.
For me, it was in Last of Us, >!when you walk through the door and get caught in the rope trap, then have to shoot the zombies upside-down.!<
I had to go through that entire animation over and over and over. It made me hate the game. I played a little bit more after finally making it through, but my heart wasn’t in it and I just stopped after a while.
Great Wolf Sif because I can’t bring myself to kill a loyal pupper who is trying to save me.
Not the hardest over all, but the one that instilled the most fear:
The butcher
From what game?
The first Diablo. He was the first boss. Very brutal and without tips on the internet not easy to get to know how to beat him.
Still gives me shivers hearing the sound queue
Did you ever play Heroes of the Storm?
No but I see now that he’s a playable character. That’s amazing…
First time fighting Lothric/Lorian in Dark Souls 3. I was playing a mage which was not it for the fight. Also the runback was about a minute which really ramped up my hatred for the fight. On ng+ after a respec to greatsword wielder, that fight is painfully easy. Greatsword effortlessly hits Lothric’s hitbox while he’s on Lorian’s back which trivializes it, but I didn’t know that on first playthrough.
There’s a lift right at the side of the main entrance into the bossfight arena that cut down the runback time. You can just rest at the dragonslayer armour and then take the lift up right to the entrance, skipping the annoying stairs of enemies.
Yeah, I know. The runback is still nearly a minute.
Dunno if I ever beat Mike Tyson
Jake Paul, is that you?
Maleficent in Kingdom Hearts 1.
Oh my god. I tried everything. Every potion combo, every magic combo, every adjustment of Donald and Goofy to make them heal or damage. Never beat her. And never beat the game.
And before that is the fight against Riku with that hours long unstoppable cutscene. “You’ll never take Kairi’s heart!”
I still have every single line of that “Kairi’s inside me” cutscene memorized, because it was so extremely long and was immediately before the hardest story boss fight in the game. I felt like I was throwing myself against a brick wall with how many times I had to retry that Riku fight.
In comparison, the second Maleficent (dragon) fight was a breeze. I spanked her in like two or three tries, max.
Most people agree that Hollow Bastion is where the difficulty actually spikes. Before then, most bosses won’t really give you any trouble as long as you’re properly leveled. But Hollow Bastion is what separates the “easy” section of the game from the “hard” section.
Having seen the game played, I know the difficulty stabilizes itself around that point.