+1 Teilung. Solange es nicht so viel content gibt sollte !dach@feddit.org die Hauptgruppe sein.
+1 Teilung. Solange es nicht so viel content gibt sollte !dach@feddit.org die Hauptgruppe sein.
Norway. At least according to Germany I’m a Norwegian citizen. And I have a lot of relatives there. It’s a stunningly beautiful country. And I think their politics aren’t as braindead as the rest of the world’s.
Vielleicht drückt die Regierung jetzt jeden Scheiß durch, den Chrissi blockiert hatte und dann finden alle den Scholz auf einmal voll knorke.
Buy four of them.
Huh, I thought the lowest denomination was 1.00 Cents.
If you have a PC use Krita and its AI plugin. Makes editing pictures a breeze.
My Steam Deck is backwards compatible with all Nintendo consoles.
The peculiar thing is that it even sounds stupid in its original German. It sounds similar to the kindergarten-level insult “Heulsuse” which roughly means “whiny sissy”.
Still the distro I use on most of my systems.
No, they didn’t. WC3 people got Reforged forced upon them but without any of the updated graphics. But they still had to download the assets, without the ability to use them. They got the worst of both worlds.
It’s culturally different.
But I think it’s awesome that different cultures came up with the same concept.
Well, that was at my daughter’s elementary school, so it was done for eight year olds, but it should suffice. Their teacher strung a 14 m cord across the schoolyard to show the whole timeline of the universe from beginning to now. And right at the end of it she put markers for the dinosaurs and humans. Really made the scale of time apparent.
I guess OP wants something along those lines but digitally and available for everyone. Where you could zoom in and get important events to see how long ago they were in relation to others.
And when there are 0 cops, 0 crimes will be recorded. Brilliant!
That’s not a good sign. That’s a sign that your government wants to keep people from voting. There should be more voting locations. Like, 5 to 10 times more.
Hab jetzt Scholz Presseerklärung gehört. Am Ende kommt es wohl darauf an, ob die CxU mitspielt. Bleibt spannend. :/