• Kushan
    30110 months ago

    I’ll never understand why people put Steve Jobs on a pedestal. He might have been a very astute businessman , but by all accounts he was a horrible human being and a colossal prick.

          • @essteeyou@lemmy.world
            9 months ago

            I think I’ve heard that as a Hitler joke. Say what you want about Hitler, at least he killed Hitler.

            • @fer0n@lemm.eeOP
              10 months ago

              That’s more fitting. It’s a miss on Steve Jobs though. For one he didn’t kill himself, cancer did. And for another, just because he could be a prick doesn’t make him a bad person worth killing.

              • @Baphomet_The_Blasphemer@lemmy.world
                10 months ago

                He had a very treatable cancer that was found in the early stages and was given an excellent prognosis, but in his infinite megalomaniac manner he decided he knew better than the doctors and opted to treat his cancer at home with homeopathic remedies. His home made new age “cures” clearly didn’t work and by the time he finally decided to get proper treatment his cancer had metastasized and he was beyond help… sounds to me like he played a large hand in his own demise so the joke plays.

                • @fer0n@lemm.eeOP
                  -1310 months ago

                  Yeah I get what you’re saying. It’s still something entirely different to bomb yourself to death vs. to not do enough to stop a disease. And even with all the haters in here, I don’t think any reasonable person would want Steve Jobs dead, it’s not like he murdered people.

              • @TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
                3410 months ago

                Getting a treatable cancer and then choosing to do nothing about it other than eat fruit and refuse proper medical care is tantamount to killing yourself IMO.

        • @fer0n@lemm.eeOP
          -2710 months ago

          Cancer did. And just because he could be a prick doesn’t mean he deserved to die so soon.

          • @1847953620@lemmy.world
            3910 months ago

            Iono, the kind of prick he was (narcissist who traumatized his own daughter and headed a company which needed suicide nets for the workers who made their product), paired with the fact that he signed his own death from his own deliberate delusions makes me conclude he did deserve to die, in more than one sense of the word ‘deserve’.

          • @SpaceNoodle@lemmy.world
            410 months ago

            Never said he deserved to die. Interesting what words you’re choosing to put in my mouth.

            He had a very treatable cancer and chose to eat oranges about it instead. He killed himself with his own hubris.

        • @TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          He’s really awful too, or at the very least he used to be.

          He’s done a lot of rebranding himself as being a great guy as of late, and put his money towards some great causes.

          But when he was in charge of Microsoft he’d openly treat people like shit, openly steal things, openly do anticompetitive and illegal business practices, deliberately put small companies out of business, and openly bribe politicians to look the other way as he built his illegally-gained business empire.

          The technology landscape today is vastly more closed and monopolised because of his/MS’s actions.

          • @OscarRobin@lemmy.world
            1810 months ago

            All the recent stuff is him trying to whitewash his image so he isn’t remembered as the bastard he is. Unfortunately, it’s working.

          • @jarfil@lemmy.world
            410 months ago

            put his money towards some great causes

            Don’t forget how much MS lobbied countries all over the world to spend public money on MS products. Plus the anticompetitive shenanigans, it’s more of an our money.

          • @Valmond@lemmy.mindoki.com
            210 months ago

            If you accept his research money (which people don’t seem to do anymore) there are so many strings attached that if you find something you’ll probably be liable even if you give it all up for free.

            I’m still waiting for something good coming out of his pocket money spendings for good causes.

            • SokathHisEyesOpen
              110 months ago

              I’m still waiting for something good coming out of his pocket money spendings for good causes.

              The eradication of polio isn’t good enough for you?

        • nyoooom
          1010 months ago

          He’s a giant asshole too (I mean when you look at Microsoft it’s not very positive) but he’s worked a lot on his image in the last decades

        • @explodicle@local106.com
          1410 months ago

          With money he got from a monopoly, meaning the money he took plus the deadweight loss are even worse for humanity. Computers would be even better today if it wasn’t for him, and we would’ve produced better things than we have today.

          Monopolists “giving back” is insidious because it’s much easier to see what they gave us than what they took away.

          • @Squizzy@lemmy.world
            310 months ago

            I agree with you but he’s not on the same page as Steve Jobs, not in my book. Billionaires can’t exist in a fair system so they’re existence isn’t justified but comparatively speaking he is better than Jobs

            We may have better computers but Malaria may be more of an issue, whereas without Jobs nothing of note would be missing other too many biopics.

            • lad
              410 months ago

              It might as well be that if Jobs were still alive, he’d be running some PR washing campaign to also be all good ¯_(ツ)_/¯

            • @Valmond@lemmy.mindoki.com
              110 months ago

              Malaria is still around though, spending pocket change for a cause doesn’t mean it’s helping (especially with all the strings attached if you actually get a grant).

              Malaria will be beaten with classic research. I mean it’s still all around…

      • Gamey
        110 months ago

        He should have copied Jobs and just died sooner!

    • @fer0n@lemm.eeOP
      -1810 months ago

      From what I’ve read he definitely had a strong personality and I don’t think anyone sees him as flawless. But that made for some very funny moments. And he definitely was the person that Apple needed at that time.

      • @1847953620@lemmy.world
        3510 months ago

        Strong is one way to wash over his narcissism, delusions, and the abuse he doled out. And you’re wrong, there’s plenty of people who take the washing-over to a degree where they think he was a genius above reproach. Yeah, let’s focus on the funny moments and brush all that abuse and whatnot under the rug, that’s better. I’m so glad a company got to profit from a sociopath’s leadership in the end, gives me the fuzzies. Could you imagine giving up iphones and iOS for some alternative imaginary version of those products? Oh my.

      • falsem
        1910 months ago

        I had a former boss who idolized him. Which was… concerning as his employee.

  • umbraroze
    14210 months ago

    iOS user: “DUDE have you seen [new iOS feature]? This is the bee’s knees!” [10 minutes of gushing omitted for brevity]
    Android user: “…Yeah, we’ve had that for 15 years.”

    • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
      4310 months ago

      Even the iPhone itself was just a more advanced version of a PDA or other handheld PC device that existed years before it. Logically, phones would have advanced similarly with or without Apple.

      • @tosmo@lemmy.world
        1810 months ago

        To be fair, Apple had a PDA, the Newton, back in 1993… Not that it was the 1st again…

      • @DrQuint@lemm.ee
        1410 months ago

        I had one called the iPaq.

        Apple has since then made it illegal to trademark products starting with “i”. Irony.

      • Wrench Wizard
        9 months ago

        KkI wouldn’t even say the iphone was more advanced than what came before it haha.

        I still have 2 fully functioning Palm TX devices from 20 or so years ago, they were released mid 2005 while iPhone was June 2007 I think?

        Looking back, I cannot fathom (aside from marketing) how apple beat palm in that market.

        Here are the specs, keep in mind the TX was released several years before the original iPhone Ram: Palm TX: 128 Mb iPhone: 128Mb Screen palm TX: 480×320 iPhone 480×320 Processor TX: 312Mhz iPhone 416 Mhz

        So, for a 3 year or so delay, the original iPhone imo still doesn’t completely dwarf the TX, but I’m also not through as there are plenty of features that the TX had but the iPhone lacked.

        The TX was also touch screen (I find it much more responsive) and was meant for a stylus instead of fingers. To this day, I still love writing and drawing on the TX. Oh, and the stylus fits neatly into the TX on the right side. Also, it has a nice little replaceable flip cover for the screen.

        But that’s not all, it has an SD card slot for expandable storage, something the iPhone omitted.

        It also has wifi 302.11b support and Bluetooth as well, yes, Bluetooth in 2005 and it was very easy to activate and use.

        But no, that’s not all, it also had an IR transmitter/receiver! Something the iPhone helped to kill. Those things were underrated!

        They made the TX the perfect universal remote! I had a program on the TX that listed every T.V/DVD/VCR/Cable etc. Manufacturer you could imagine, you’d just select the manufacturer for the device you wanted to control, aim the TX at it and bam, you had control.

        This helped me a lot as essentially I could control almost any device I could see. Lost remote for the DVD player? TX got you. It wasn’t just for t.v’s and whatnot though, many things run on IR and I miss when smart devices supported it.

        Ah, and I’m still not done, the TX had BUTTONS. Actual factual buttons. Not only was it 100% touch screen, but it had 4 buttons and a directional pad with another button in the middle iirc.

        Those buttons made it great for emulation and I believe I had a snes emulator on it though that may have just been Nes, either way, the buttons were much more fun to play with than touch screen, it made the device actually feel… made for what you were using it to do.

        In fact, everything on the device felt made for what you were doing, and not just an afterthought. It came preloaded with plenty of useful apps. A web browser that was even YouTube capable for one, which in 2006 or so when I got the TX blew my mind, YouTube in my Palm?

        Maybe I went a little overboard in this comment but my point is, damn, some more competition may have been nice.

        Oh, and one last thing, My TX devices still run like the day I got them, hell, the battery life is insane as well. I left one on for at least 2 weeks and it still had power last I checked. How many original iPhones that were opened in 2007 are still running? Heck, even an iPhone 5 from 2012, how many of those are still up and running?

        Yet my 2005 TX runs just the same as it always did. It’s insane to look at a device from 2005 and feel like in 2023 we should be taking notes, but we should.

        Our devices won’t last that long on standby today because they’re filled with bloatware processes that refuse to stop running. The TX powers up instantly after it’s been sitting for days and will be on 99% battery. My modern smart phone will kill its own battery within a day or two, tops, just sitting on my desk without me touching it.

        Palm needs to make a comeback. Devices with SD, IR, buttons, built in stylus etc. Should as well.

        Oh, and the OS was perfect. Calendar, web, paint etc, an Aux jack, these little things were and still are badass. If it wasn’t for the limited capability due to not being able to access the web like before I’d probably still use them daily.

        But I’d never use an original iPhone daily, they just aren’t good for anything that I can’t do with any other device.

        Not that I’m anti IPhone as I realize my comment seems, don’t get me wrong I do prefer androids for my uses but iPhones aren’t too shabby either. Top notch hardware, all of their devices sharing the same hardware also mean their apps tend to be better optimized and more reliable, etc. They’re dependable, reliable devices but… my Palm from 20 years ago can do things no iPhone can, like still run after 2 decades, control IR devices, have an SD card inserted etc.

        The closest thing I’ve had to a TX was an LG Stylo 6, and for it’s day if was a decent device but the screen cracked in my pocket within a year and the battery life had shortened significantly. I was carrying around mophies and chargers like nobody’s business. My TX though? 2 decades without even a scratch that I can see on either of the 2 that I own, and when I’m using it the battery almost seems limitless as I can go for quite some time using it without seeing that 99% battery drop a digit.

        I know we’ve changed battery types a time or two since then but can’t help but wonder how are modern batteries are so unreliable in comparison? Planned obsolescence is a factor, surely because I’m seeing a year or so tops before major performance reduction with these lithium ions of late. Whereas the TX still outlasts them 20 years later,

        Just love my old tech and wish it were updated! I’d love a new palm device built as well as the TX was.

      • @ephimetheus@lemmy.world
        -110 months ago

        It wasn’t an entirely new concept but it completely redefined what it could be. Look up what Android looked like until the iPhone was demoed.

          • @themz@lemmy.world
            210 months ago

            iPhone was announced January 2007 and released in June. The phone you’re linking to was released September 2008.

            What was your point again?

          • @Jentu@lemmy.film
            110 months ago

            Doesn’t look like a black rectangular piece of glass to me. I think the point they were making was that there was a design paradigm shift when the iPhone came out.

    • @DrQuint@lemm.ee
      2310 months ago

      Floating apps. And split screen. I was playing Pokemon Go with reddit open in the corner in 2017 and it was old then. I dunno when iOS got it, but it’s recentish.

      • @fred@lemmy.ml
        1110 months ago

        Copy muthafuckin paste. That was a laugh, listening to explanations of why you didn’t need it, until they “invented” that too.

      • Wrench Wizard
        29 months ago

        Genuinely curious, what did iOS have first that Android then adopted? Not doubting at all just curious as to what

        • body_by_make
          19 months ago

          This is sort of hard to answer because of the number of varieties of Android from different vendors could have things that weren’t in core Android but some user will be like I had a Samsung phone in 2012 that did that or something, so I’ll just base my answers on Android core.

          Notification badges were a big one I wanted on Android that iOS had done since the beginning. You could sorta have them with nova launcher for a while, but it wasn’t as good. Eventually Android came around, I think?

          I think the ability to swipe up and navigate opened apps also existed in iOS long before Android, though I think Samsung may have copied it shortly after, as they do with most solid iOS innovations.

          iOS’s privacy controls have always been better than Android’s, though that’s not super surprising given Google’s market is advertising, Android did eventually try to add granular privacy controls but it feels lacking compared to iOS.

          Also screen recording, is it even in Android yet? It’s been in iOS forever.

          There’s a lot more than that, but reading any Android community and you’d think that the copying only happened one way.

          • Wrench Wizard
            29 months ago

            Haha I agree with that actually, I’m an Android fan but don’t see the issue with all the copying. If iPhone users want it and we have it, why can’t they? Also, conversely, if there’s an iOS feature that I don’t yet have so what if I finally get it?

            I can’t too much understand being all too competitive about this. plus, comparing them is apples to oranges. Apple, who I actually used to work for 😂 is one company making one device.

            Android? Anyone can make one, anyone can make apps for them. Of COURSE we’re going to get some features first.

            And yes, you’re also right, depending on the manufacturer some Android devices have had features we’re just now getting today many, many years ago but as we’re not consolidated into one company sometimes they’re forgotten or omitted from later Android barebones cores.

            Screen sharing being one of those things lol. I’ve had it on a few devices throughout the years but probably couldn’t pinpoint the device as I’ve switched between Google, Motorola, LG etc. And also try more 3rd party stuff than most. I believe the first time I saw it native was OS10 or whatever it’s called as that was my last phone, a Motorola Ace something from Verizon.

            Good phone btw! Had some badass features that iOS most likely doesn’t have yet, like can you flick your wrist twice to activate the camera instantly anytime for quick shots? Or can you shake it twice to activate the flashlight?

            However, the fucking cameras on that thing were awful. Advertised as 48Mp but really just a 12, 2 and 16 megapixel camera strapped to the back. Why? Because not Apple. With an iPhone you know that you’re getting something consistent with great hardware. Some of the androids I get may have a feature or two that iOS doesn’t yet have, but I also miss out sometimes and have to pay for that feature in other ways because androids are the wild west of smartphones.

            Love my androids for my personal needs, freedom and the price but can definitely get why iPhones work better for some.

            Also, yes the privacy shit is insane on these devices. I constantly have to fight to keep it from spying and sending reports about my usage to anyone that will listen.

  • @Flabble@lemmynsfw.com
    7210 months ago

    I miss when Steve Jobs was the most overtly garbage trashman in the tech industry. Well, at least he’s resting peacefully in hell.

  • Qyuzu
    4510 months ago

    Here are the stats nowadays. Just to make Steve Jobs roll in his grave, once again! 😂

    • Flying SquidM
      4710 months ago

      Those are weird stats lumping in phone OSes with desktop/notebook OSes.

      • GerryMandering
        1610 months ago

        while excluding other types of computer like embedded devices, servers and whatnot

          • @TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            And if you count Android and ChromeOS as android Linux, which I guess they are (though bastardised somewhat), it’s an absolute bloodbath.

            • callyral
              310 months ago

              I think you meant “if you count Android and ChromeOS as Linux”

            • @wason@lemmy.ninja
              210 months ago

              Since we are doing a big mix of everything why not throw there Minix that resides on all Intel chips?

        • Flying SquidM
          1310 months ago

          There’s also the fact that there’s no source for the chart. Why is there an unknown category there? Why is it different from other in this context?

    • Peter Willemsen
      810 months ago

      I think hed be pretty happy with that! That 13% may be less, but its all from 1 manufacturer or brand. They dont need to share a piece of the pie!

    • @Empricorn@feddit.nl
      310 months ago

      Android4Life! But come on, give up that graph that combines mobile + desktop operating systems! They are totally, completely different and should be kept separate. But only based on who buys them, who uses them, who supports them, customer vs corporate customers, etc…

    • Wrench Wizard
      710 months ago

      I miss when devices came with infrared transmitters… Also it had a mini sim & built-in Bluetooth/wifi at that time, wow.

      • @wason@lemmy.ninja
        210 months ago

        Xiaomi phones still come with infrared, mostly used to control TVs, fans, AC units, etc.

    • Bipta
      -1010 months ago

      iPhone undeniably brought the technology forward by years, even if only in terms of software. I don’t even like iOS, but it seems disingenuous to compare iPhone to those, or the Samsung tablets, or anything that came before it.

      • @FancyFeaster@lemmy.fail
        910 months ago

        While apple did improve the design, they mostly made it “cool”. Before that they were “nerd” phones. The Motorola V3 was a “cooler “phone at the time until the iPhone came out.

      • @fer0n@lemm.eeOP
        10 months ago

        I’m with you, but it seems like this post got taken over by passionate haters

  • IWantToFuckSpez
    3010 months ago

    Why does this asshole live rent free in all your heads? I never hear Apple fanboys bitch about that creep Andy Rubin.

  • @PotatoesFall@discuss.tchncs.de
    2410 months ago

    At least normal billionaires pretend to be fans of free markets where competition keeps prices in check. Steve Jobs was just honest enough to admit he’s a piece of shit

  • @pizzahoe@lemm.ee
    2310 months ago

    Man all this money in the bank and still ranting like a loser. Mfer his company steals all product ideas from other companies right from VR headsets to features from Android and then he says this. Innovate harder bitch 🤣🤣

  • @Stinkywinks@lemmy.world
    2310 months ago

    He says great artist steal then says he wants to destroy android for stealing? Like he did anything but hype shit up on stage

    • @sundrei@lemmy.sdf.org
      310 months ago

      It’s a good example of how people’s morals vary greatly based on their present situation, rather than being some kind of deeply held, unchanging foundation. What people believe is good and bad is largely a function of where they happen to be at the moment.

  • @Lightning66@lemmy.world
    1910 months ago

    Yeah Android might have copied IOS. But why not. Android would have been developed any way sooner or later. It is based on Linux. And that is open sourced.

    • @CoughingwithCoffee@lemmy.world
      2410 months ago

      It only took a year for Android to be released after iOS. How long has it taken China to come up with a competing operating system? I’m pretty sure Google was working somewhat in parallel to Apple.

      • @mashbooq
        4410 months ago

        The first iPhone was released in 2007. Android development started in 2003, with the first pitches to phone manufacturers in 2005. So yeah, Android wasn’t merely a copy of iPhone.

        • @whofearsthenight@lemm.ee
          -210 months ago

          The timeline is technically correct but misleading, and please google what Android looked like prior to the iPhone announcement. While you’re there, might also want to check out the technical differences like iPhone prioritizing things like animation and user interaction. Wouldn’t also hurt to check out the first, say, 1-4 Android devices compared to literally just the first iPhone and tell us which one our phones look like today. Also, do we think that Apple was just like “here’s a new OS we made over winter break?” They announced in '06. Android was developed probably at a similar time, bought by Google, and then had to pivot hard after iPhone announcement, and harder still after hardware actually got into customer hands.

          • @themz@lemmy.world
            110 months ago

            The replies throughout this entire post are incredible. You are exactly right, yet downvoted for it.

    • @fer0n@lemm.eeOP
      910 months ago

      If I remember correctly, android was already under development, but huge changes were made after the iPhone came out.

      • @ExcessiveAardvark@lemmy.world
        1410 months ago

        Android was close to being released, but it was going to be much more like a BlackBerry, with a keyboard focus. They delayed the release to retool it somewhat with more of a touch focus.

        • @whofearsthenight@lemm.ee
          110 months ago

          “somewhat” is doing a lot of work here. I mean, they didn’t re-write the kernel, but you can google example of the UI pre and post iPhone announcement.

    • @whofearsthenight@lemm.ee
      010 months ago

      Just about every invention is obvious in hindsight. Take a look at what Android looked like pre-iPhone announcement and then post.

  • Fontasia
    1310 months ago

    Maybe he should have said “The best artist is the one with the best lawyer.”

  • @tallwookie@lemmy.world
    510 months ago

    rofl. apple stole their gui from xerox, so I guess he knew how it worked.

    still failed, rather epically

  • Never_Sm1le
    -2110 months ago

    Apple, with the iphone, did pioneering capacitive touch screen and biometric. Android brought smartphone to the mass and trigger the stupid camera war.

    • Norgur
      3510 months ago


      1. Trace everything back to the original iPhone
      2. Be sure to mention Apple’s Marketing buzzwords like “biometry” or “live photo”
      3. Offhandedly treat “Android” as “product for the common masses” with a hint of snobbery
      4. Treat “The Android” as a monolithic entity instead of a licensed OS that has nothing to do with the devices it runs on per se
      5. Call anything that was a marketing focus for Android-Using-Companies but not for Apple for a time some derogatory name because only what Apple did was right
      • stevedidWHAT
        -1010 months ago

        I’ve never seen someone shit and vomit so hard into a 5 point list before. Congrats on that one, go grab some water.

        1. Named the one pioneering thing they actually did
        2. Didn’t use that word but biometrics have nothing implicitly to do with iPhone. Regardless, imagine referring to a named functionality by its own name - so controversial. You’re just trying to take words away from people.
        3. You’re being paranoid, where do you see snobbery in this comment please point it out if you’re willing to defend this point
        4. Again, imagine referring to something as it is socially known. Android, pedantically, is an OS yes but everyone in the fucking world when they hear “android or iPhone” know that means an iPhone or a phone running android. 🙄
        5. What the fuck are you smoking

        Cool username by the way. What’s the origin? Sounds awfully a lot like a specific slur I know of. A trolls MO certainly would line up with whatever your shit post of a comment was.

            • Norgur
              310 months ago

              “riveting conversation” eh?

              Watch the completely uncalled for aggression you spewed towards a silly little post about brand fanboiis. Insults followed by attacks, followed by calling me racist for my nickname. This is pathetic and nothing more. You may believe you dealt some sort of blow to me and “win” or something, yet the only thing you did is flail around like an angry child.

              All this aggression against a post that was meant to tease someone, which you might have noticed had you read my other post 3 answers down.

              Even if there was a conversation to be had about Android vs iOS or the like (there is none, everyone should use their hard earned money to buy whatever is the best products for them and that’s it), even if you made some interesting point somewhere in that ball of hatred you call “conversation”, I’d not engage with that point since the tone you set is not worth my - or everyone else’s - time.

              • stevedidWHAT
                -510 months ago

                Not reading that wall of text, know damn well it equates to I don’t have anything intelligent to contribute to this convo and I am a troll.


                • Norgur
                  10 months ago

                  Okay, shorter then: your bio asked me to point you there if you were “unduly rude or disrespectful” , so here we go:

                  Edit: corrected quote and link

      • Never_Sm1le
        10 months ago

        Nice try though, have been an android user all my life and only own one ipad. Typical stupid online generalization.

        • @fer0n@lemm.eeOP
          10 months ago

          Too late, you already angered the android extremists. Come at me haters

          • Norgur
            510 months ago

            All hail the little robo dwarf trashcan thing that is supposed to be an Android while looking nothing like a human!

    • @jarfil@lemmy.world
      310 months ago

      The “stupid camera war” killed the amount of UFO and ghost sightings, while increasing the sightings of meteors and police brutality, so not all that stupid.

    • @DrQuint@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      capacitative touch screen

      Motorola PDA’s form 1999 already had it. I was playing jawbreaker instead of working back in 2001.

      You’re too young for the stance you want to take. Let the adults talk.

      • Never_Sm1le
        510 months ago

        Give the credit where its due. Android was designed to be used on a device similar to BlackBerry (Sooner), the success of the first iPhone made them switch to a touch design from the ground up. Your Motorola didn’t start any trend. That’s why I use the word “pioneering”. Use shit just to claim “first” without making any major impact is called “gimmick”, like the 2k screen on my old LG G3 (hate it).

        Empty barrel truly make the most noise.

      • stevedidWHAT
        -510 months ago

        Jsyk I downvoted not because you’re necessarily wrong but because you were a dick when the other dude hadn’t even engaged in anything like that

        Not very cash money of u fren