• @DjMeas@lemm.ee
    1167 days ago

    I was at a theme park yesterday and got harassed because my wife and I were wearing masks while waiting in line for rides. I have a kidney transplant and my wife had cancer in 2016 so we’re both immunocompromised. Just whose fun are we ruining?

    • @BruceTwarzen@lemm.ee
      207 days ago

      There was a little town next to where i work, and every year they have a “funny” theme. That year it was global warming, and they set up some mannequins that wore winter clothing, but also scuba gear. They were alse wearing masks, because it was middle of covid.

      Even if i was just driving by or just stopped shortly there, i saw on multiple occasions how people ripped the masks of the mannequins angrily and threw it on the ground. Masks somehow are very offensive to people.

      • @limelight79@lemm.ee
        6 days ago

        God. I still think had Trump just said, “Listen to Dr. Fauci” and printed up a billion “Trump 2020” masks, he would have been elected again in a landslide. And we probably would have had far fewer dead people, too.

        Edit to clarify: I don’t like him at all. He’s an idiot, an asshole, a racist, and a bunch of other things. I’m just saying he had an easy path to reelection but his ego couldn’t handle it.

      • @gamermanh@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        26 days ago

        Masks somehow are very offensive to people.

        Somewhere deep down they know that they were wrong and that those death numbers are partly on them. Many of them knew people who died and are likely the potential connection in the chain that killed them.

        Rather than realize they were wrong and try to make up for it they turn incredibly hateful towards it in extreme denial. If they admit masks work then they admit they killed their friends and family for nothing

    • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
      96 days ago

      It’s amazing how the people who are expressing their freedom not to wear a mask get really offended by people who express their freedom by wearing a mask.

      It’s starting to make me think it’s not about freedom…

    • @Zacryon@lemmy.wtf
      7 days ago

      Similar story with my wife. She had cancer and should not catch something as serious as Covid. So, everytime we are among a lot of people, ecpecially in places with bad ventilation, we wear masks.

      I haven’t kept count how many times we were talked to about that. The amount of conspiracy mythics among them was rather high. And not always were people polite.

      This is really idiotic. As if even other diseases, which required such precautions, haven’t existed before. Too many stupid people around.

    • @BonesOfTheMoon@lemmy.worldOP
      16 days ago

      I live in Canada. Maybe it’s different in the small towns, but I’ve only had one person bitch at me for masking and that’s because he has a brain injury largely. I can’t imagine what the US is like.

  • @blind3rdeye@lemm.ee
    467 days ago

    Yeah, taking precautions to protect your health and the health of other does sound like anti-freedom. Is it still legal to wash your hands in the USA, or are they cracking down on that too? It’s surprising that kind of stuff was allowed to continue for so long.

  • Flying Squid
    316 days ago

    I would appreciate the warning to absolutely not eat in that restaurant.

  • @FreakinSteve@lemmy.world
    487 days ago

    This is what happens when you don’t club fascist idiots with baseball bats whenever you see them. Now tell me about how we have to protect their “free speech”.

      • @blind3rdeye@lemm.ee
        207 days ago

        Notice “free speech” is in scare quotes. The previous comment isn’t suggesting that free speech should not be protected. But rather they referring to the fact that many fascists claim that to criticize them, or to refuse to promote their views is to stifle their free speech.

      • @FreakinSteve@lemmy.world
        5 days ago

        Why would you want to know who the fascists are? If you do then that means you gave them power. In the US fascists not only have free speech protections, they have greater free speech rights than anyone on the left. They were given- through federal legislation- the power to control all media outlets. Fascists will never allow leftists to have a platform. Centrists will never allow it either. There is no practical reason at all for the left to defend free speech for Nazis, yet they continue to do so.

    • @Snapz@lemmy.world
      7 days ago

      Just so you’re aware, friend… Lemmy is auto-translating all your posts for all other users - This is what we see wherever you post:

      “I was kicked in the head by a horse 4 years ago”

      Hoping you get the help you need, bud. Sure, you shouldn’t have been playing with that horse’s bunghole, but you didn’t deserve all this.

            • @TheOakTree@lemm.ee
              297 days ago

              Hi, “moron” checking in. Downvoting your comments because they are pointless. Despite what one thinks about the covid situation, other infectious diseases exist outside of covid. In addition, nobody is forcing you to wear a mask by simply wearing their own masks.

              Your comments deserve the downvotes due to the sheer stupidity, so there’s no point in trying to attack the people giving them to you.

            • @StupidBrotherInLaw@lemmy.world
              6 days ago

              I wouldn’t describe five people calling you out for being an idiot as ten to fifteen people repeatedly melting down, but idiots do tend to have issues with numbers and reality.

              Edit: I took a quick look at your post history to see if you’re just a troll and I figured it out from this comment:

              It’s relieving to let out diarrhea. Constipation is painful and takes forever to get rid of.

              You’re just letting your mental diarrhea out for the relief! Thank God, I was worried how anyone that stupid would make it through life.

        • @DjMeas@lemm.ee
          6 days ago

          Both my wife and I are immunocompromised (kidney transplant and cancer). We wear a mask because getting sick really sucks and it’s not just COVID. We’re glad most people got used to the idea of seeing others in masks because here in the US it wasn’t a common thing like it is in Japan. I never expected others to continue wearing them but we get harassed often for wearing ours. It’s so frustrating now that I simply yell “she has cancer” whenever someone confronts us. Some go as far as to tell us to “stay home” then if we’re so scared. We’re just trying to live too and sometimes that means us wearing a mask when we’re out.

        • @Ibuthyr@discuss.tchncs.de
          36 days ago

          No one’s forcing you to wear a mask, you dumb shit. This post is how a person was denied entrance to a restaurant because they were wearing a mask. That’s completely different.

        • @KneeTitts@lemmy.world
          26 days ago

          I don’t want people forcing me to wear a mask when covid was a problem 4 years ago

          Im sorry to tell you and all conservasuckers this fact, respiratory viruses are on the rise in the last few decades, the next global pandemic which may be worse than covid, is probably going to happen less than 10 years from now. How yall gonna freak out when that one comes chum?

    • AbsentBird
      157 days ago

      As everyone knows, covid is the only infectious disease facemasks can reduce the spread of. Before covid masks were just decorative.

      • @KneeTitts@lemmy.world
        36 days ago

        covid is the only infectious disease facemasks can reduce the spread of

        And as usual the conservamorons are like “mAsK WaSnT 100% eFfEcTiVe!!!” In their backwards universe if something is only 85% effective, its the same as it being 0% effective.

    • @andxz@lemmy.world
      6 days ago

      Just because I’m curious: I have chronic sarcoidosis in both lungs, and lifelong asthma. I’ve by some miracle survived 4 years, but at the cost of almost all the stamina I used to have. COVID still circulates around the daycares, youth clubs and workplaces here and I have children.

      I don’t have an option to not wear a mask when I leave the room I’ve spent these 4 years in. Does that bother you?

      Be honest and tell us you don’t give a shit about the people around you.

      Edit: Not surprised at your lack of an answer.

    • @pyre@lemmy.world
      17 days ago

      yeah, you know how infectious diseases completely stop infecting people after one outbreak. swine flu was 50 years ago, and famously never came back.

  • @Gorilladrums21@lemmy.world
    -257 days ago

    Does anybody actually know what the restaurant’s policy is on masks and why they have it in the first place or are people just assuming things to rage over?

    • cheesepotatoes
      277 days ago

      What reason could there possibly be to ban masks other than anti-science COVID denial.

      I’d be afraid of this restaurant’s sanitary practices at this point. Do they believe in soap or is that also a hoax?

      • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
        7 days ago

        Well, I mean before COVID plenty of places banned wearing anything that obscured your face. Like if you walked into a bank wearing a ski mask, you’re probably gonna have a bad time.

        It’s a restaurant anyway… You gonna eat with a mask on? The ban is kinda unnecessary because it would resolve itself once the mask wearer has their food.

      • @Gorilladrums21@lemmy.world
        -147 days ago

        Actually it turns out I was right, you people did not bother to verify anything about this story and you’re just assuming stuff to rage over.

        The restaurant in the picture is the La Tapenade Mediterranean cafe. This is a real restaurant in the O’Hare airport. This restaurant is a chain that is owned by a company called HMSHost, which a subsidiary of the big Swiss company Dufry. If you go to their website and look up their policies, you’ll notice that there is zero mention of masks ANYWHERE. Here is their website, you can verify it yourself:


        I thought that my search was flawed, so I tried to look up articles reporting this story but I couldn’t find anything. The one and only source to this story is that Tweet. Which means that it’s very likely that this story is a hoax made up by some Twitter rando who wanted rage bait.

        Which makes sense because it is highly unlikely for a big corporation running a company that runs chain restaurants in international airports to have a policy against masks, especially when the airport in question is in Chicago, which is one of the most liberal cities in America. You simply fell for the bait without questioning it.

        • @brianary@startrek.website
          187 days ago

          Let’s hold up on the self-congratulations a second.

          There’s a very long way between a multinational corporation’s published policy and the practice at street-level, even if yesterday is the only report (so far). Is this a franchise? What authority does the store have contractually, or in practice? Is the policy enforced? Is there a history of enforcement? Was this a rogue employee, maybe a recent hire, with a political motivation?

          Did you check the original thread https://x.com/AmmahStarr/status/1804608613916328334 for the context of the discussion? Did you check the account for a history of “rage-bait” before dismissing this woman’s experience?

          Skepticism is important, but caping for corps is seldom necessary. They pay people for that.

          • @Gorilladrums21@lemmy.world
            -37 days ago

            There’s a very long way between a multinational corporation’s published policy and the practice at street-level, even if yesterday is the only report (so far). Is this a franchise? What authority does the store have contractually, or in practice? Is the policy enforced? Is there a history of enforcement? Was this a rogue employee, maybe a recent hire, with a political motivation?

            This just further proves my point though, you didn’t actually verify anything. Not only do we not know any of this for certain because the source didn’t provide anything, but people here haven’t even bothered to check the authenticity of the story.

            The O’Hare website lists the restaurants at the airport and provides their website. The website provided for this restaurant is the HMSHost website. On there, they have a tab that lists their brands, and when you click on this cafe, it lists it’s locations. This suggests that the company directly operates their venues. However, their Wikipedia page says that company does manage franchises, but no source was provided for this claim. Based on the available evidence, it’s best to assume that the restaurant is directly run by the company. If that’s the case then their policies on their website are the ones that apply to the restaurants, and they don’t appear to have any sort of ban on masks.

            In the thread you linked, this person claims that an employee demanded that she takes off her mask. She later in the thread mentioned to another user that the employee said repeatedly that “it’s the policy”. However, I haven’t been able to find such policies anywhere. If you can find then I would greatly appreciate a source. She provides no further details or context. Based on the available information, there are possibilities:

            1. There’s actually a mask ban somewhere in the restaurants policies, but that seems unlikely
            2. There’s a rogue employee with an agenda, but I also find this unlikely considering how this is resturant in an international airport in a very liberal city
            3. This story is simply made up

            I personally think is most likely to be the case. That doesn’t mean that 1 and 2 can’t happen or didn’t, I’m just pointing out that the probability of this story being true is rather low unless we’re presented with concrete evidence that prove otherwise.

            Did you check the original thread https://x.com/AmmahStarr/status/1804608613916328334 for the context of the discussion? Did you check the account for a history of “rage-bait” before dismissing this woman’s experience?

            Did you follow your own advice? Because her account does indeed have a very long history rage bait type content and her thread provides little substance. She claims it happened but didn’t provide any details besides two very vague remarks about an employee and a picture of the resturant. This all could’ve happened, but the only thing we have is her word and based on her account history, her word is not that credible.

            Skepticism is important, but caping for corps is seldom necessary. They pay people for that.

            Raging over stories that have a high likelyhood of being false just because you hate corporations isn’t a virtue. Criticism still needs to be based on something real in order for it to be valid.

            • @brianary@startrek.website
              26 days ago

              Criticism still needs to be based on something real in order for it to be valid.

              And yet, in the end, yours only amounts to what you consider “likely”.

    • @Melvin_Ferd@lemmy.world
      97 days ago

      Could be that they’re worried that the people who got through security and had their luggage and bodies checked for weapons and identity confirmed may rob the place if they wear a mask

    • @KneeTitts@lemmy.world
      36 days ago

      Does anybody actually know what the restaurant’s policy is on masks

      Yes, the owner of that restaurant is a conservadpshit moron. Thats the policy.

    • @lennybird@lemmy.world
      227 days ago

      It’s called being sensible. Like… We all take risks when we go out, but it’s like wearing a seatbelt. Does it eliminate risk? No. Does it reduce risk and is low risk in of itself by wearing it? Of course.

      And ultimately, the insensible thing is banning masks.

      • @Cryophilia@lemmy.world
        -127 days ago

        It doesn’t really reduce risk much because you’re literally about to take it off anyway in that same space.

        • @lennybird@lemmy.world
          7 days ago

          I’m going to take a wild guess that the infectious disease doctor knows better, but by all means please proceed, Mr. Dunning-Kruger.

        • @nickiwest@lemmy.world
          37 days ago

          If I’m in transit on airplanes and in airports for 8 hours and I wear a mask for 7 of those hours, the one hour (or probably less) that I take off my mask to eat a meal doesn’t completely negate the good that wearing a mask does for the rest of the time. I’m still reducing my risk (or the risk I pose to others around me) for 88% of my travel time.

            • @limelight79@lemm.ee
              26 days ago

              There’s a huge difference between sitting at a table by yourself (or even with a family member) and, say, sitting next to a stranger in an airplane. Walking through the restaurant and keeping the mask on so as not to catch or give anything in passing is sensible. Greater distance means lower risk.

              • @Cryophilia@lemmy.world
                16 days ago

                But he’s about to sit down near those people and take his mask off in like 45 seconds. Then he’ll sit there with his mask off and everyone else in there with masks off for 30 minutes at least. That extra 45 seconds is not really helping anything.

  • finley
    3007 days ago

    it’s crazy how conservatives are just an opposition party. Are the dems for something? Then conservatives must be against it!

    they’re all just children with severe behavioral disorders

    • @Lianodel@ttrpg.network
      77 days ago

      Well before covid, I knew Republicans would politicize almost anything. Covid made me realize I was wrong, because they will politicize literally anything, even a fucking virus.

    • @BonesOfTheMoon@lemmy.worldOP
      1077 days ago

      I always say conservatives have oppositional defiant disorder. How else could you constantly oppose things that everyone else thinks are a better way to live?

      • @snooggums@midwest.social
        557 days ago

        Conservatives often answer polls in favor of positive things, but publicly state their opposition to Democrats trying to do those things and elect Republicans who actively tear down anything that works. It is madness.

        • dactylotheca
          307 days ago

          Conservatives often answer polls in favor of positive things

          Because they see themselves as good, reasonable people. They don’t act like it, but they believe they do.

      • Maeve
        147 days ago

        I have real issues with whether ODD is real, but I thought the same thing.

        • @bolexforsoup@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          7 days ago

          Conservatives don’t have ODD. They’ve just taken individualism to its logical conclusion and declared anything that remotely inconveniences or challenges them - whether real or perceived - is absolutely unacceptable.

          • @TheFriar@lemm.ee
            6 days ago

            I think you’re giving them too much credit. It’s not a philosophy that they’ve just taken too far. They’re just fed a constant stream of hate and propaganda that even if they think they like an idea, republicans just give it a name with the word “democrat” or “socialism” attached and start talking about how “THE LEFT WANTS TO TAKE AWAY YOUR FREEDOM TO LET LITTLE KIDS STARVE” and then suddenly they’re pro little kids starving.

            • @bolexforsoup@lemmy.blahaj.zone
              6 days ago

              I think you’re over interpreting the “just” here. This behavior is horrible and destructive for society. Let me be crystal clear there.

              The point is that the US puts this heavy emphasis on “rugged individualism“ that a lot of other countries do not. This leads to an inherently selfish outlook that over-prioritizes my convenience/comfort.

              We have a cultural problem, not an epidemic of some psychological classification/disorder/etc.

    • @ghostdoggtv@lemmy.world
      397 days ago

      They’re an opposition party that’s prevented the people of the United States from passing any significant legislation since 2010. We don’t have a country anymore.

      Americans are a stateless people thanks to dark money. Buckle up.

        • @ghostdoggtv@lemmy.world
          87 days ago

          That government doesn’t really serve the people. Does it serve us to stop women from having abortions? Does it serve us to allow housing to be an investment vehicle?

          • @explodicle@sh.itjust.works
            07 days ago

            (This is a question about your perspective and not a gotcha)

            When has a state served the people? Is it no longer a state if it’s like most of them?

            • @ghostdoggtv@lemmy.world
              36 days ago

              Last time approximately 2010, when the Obama administration got some kind of health care bill through Congress and Mitch McConnell decided to respond by completely destroying the representative democracy I was just talking about.

    • @andros_rex@lemmy.world
      317 days ago

      The way that people react to safety guidelines like rebellious teenagers would be almost hilarious if it didn’t get them killed.

      I see so many “rebel canners” that are proud that they do shit like dry canning, because the FDA tells them not to. It’s so cool to get botulism because you don’t like daddy government telling you what to do.

      The mask bans seem to be that same kind of childish reaction - “you made us wear masks! We’re going to make you not wear masks!”

    • Refurbished Refurbisher
      307 days ago

      The GOP’s entire idiology is “trigger the libs” and “enrich the wealthy even more”

      Ironically, people in the GOP cult are very easy to trigger, but they will never admit it.

    • @fiercekitten@lemm.ee
      197 days ago

      they’re all just children with severe behavioral disorders

      I understand the intent of what you are saying, but please don’t call them all children. They aren’t. They are adults who should know better and should think critically and are fully responsible for their actions. I think it’s important to call them out and describe them exactly as they are.

    • @Socsa@sh.itjust.works
      147 days ago

      This is what being a reactionary actually is. It’s not saying “completely tearing down the status quo will hurt a lot of people we wish to protect.” It’s saying"I have no ideology besides opposing you."