But has steamed kale been approved by the FDA for acid reflux?
Perhaps what you’re doing should be made illegal, for safety reasons.
But has steamed kale been approved by the FDA for acid reflux?
Perhaps what you’re doing should be made illegal, for safety reasons.
Marketing is ensuring your product offering matches what people want.
I don’t see how an influencer pushing a particular probiotic product fits this
I sneeze directly into the back of my head
And this won’t rip my diaphragm?
None of those actions feeds the hungry
That’s what OP has done; that’s what we’re seeing in this screenshot.
The back button is highlighted. This list is the list of options OP gets when he right clicks the back button.
As the screenshot illustrates, the redirects have been repeated many times to thwart that strategy.
Be careful with that asking friends or therapist for confirmation bit.
It’s a decent stopgap, but the best place to be is to have the judgment to make this call without outside confirmation. That need for outside confirmation can be the opening for a gaslighter to warp one’s mind.
If OP feels compelled to reach out, OP should be taking to a therapist about that compulsion.
The only treatment shown to be effective is something like “dialectical behavioral something something” and it requires a handful of people full time dedicated to that one person. Basically only extremely rich people can afford this.
Serious suggestion here: talk to a therapist about any guilt or ambivalence you might feel about this. Sorting out your own feelings on this will help you be there optimally for the things that are important in your life.
Your asking us what to do about this is a solid piece of evidence that you could benefit from talking to a therapist about this.
Talk to a lawyer about how to ensure you are in that notification loop.
Don’t just assume because this one notification came to you, that future ones will also come to you.
People are free to do as they choose. It is ethical to respect another’s freedom. It is also ethical to respect one’s own need for security.
The question of whether you should reach out and connect with him basically boils down to: do you know what your own boundaries are, what you WILL and WILL NOT tolerate from him?
If your boundaries aren’t clear, you should not contact him. If you can maintain clear boundaries then you can.
He’s not your responsibility. He’s an adult, and many adults with bad childhoods grow up to take responsibility and be good people. It sounds like he’s not doing that.
You can contact him, but as you know it’s dangerous. The thing to do is, if you can, contact him in a way that the contact is controlled.
If you don’t know how to do that, talk to your therapist about boundaries. Maybe figure out exactly what your own guilt trip triggers are and resolve them so he can’t manipulate you. Until you’ve secured yourself in this way, don’t contact him.
There’s not anything that you can do for him that someone else can’t also do, as soon as he’s ready to change. You can’t make him ready for change.
You’re not going to get fired for looking, at work, at a picture of a person injecting themselves.
That is the basis of the NSFW tag
So you hate it because of tits?
Just for the record, try not to snort pea protein
No, that’s sin. Evil is causing suffering for no reason other than the lulz.
Yogurt isn’t very suitable for sales through the mail