Manifestantes dizem ter sido vítimas de violência racista e xenófoba, ameaças de morte e pontapés. Confrontos físicos aconteceram esta sexta-feira à tarde, junto à estátua de D. Dinis, na Universidade de Coimbra, onde decorria uma manifestação pacífica.
Person of color, but only in a background where it has any significance. So a Chinese person is racialized in France, but not in China, and a German person is racialized in Japan, but not in Germany.
What does it mean to be racialized?
To acquire one unpaired valence electron.
Person of color, but only in a background where it has any significance. So a Chinese person is racialized in France, but not in China, and a German person is racialized in Japan, but not in Germany.
It’s translated by Google from “racializado” I think. I think it’s being singled out because of your race…or something…