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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • This is my bet as well. I think at some point, foldable screens will get good enough to get mass market, and then it will be about how thin/light they can make those so they get bigger screens but the device remains pocketable. Not to mention, screen tech matches/exceeds today. That’s the practical appeal of things like holos outside of just being aesthetically “future looking.”

    I’m also very interested in the idea of AR glasses that can be worn normally, but that’s pretty limited by physics right now (battery and camera tech especially.)

  • I don’t think they are under-estimating, or even close. It’s like taking a solid b student and grading them next to the kid eating paint chips and torturing small animals and pretending it’s the same. Even in modern times, look at economic accomplishments of this admin, legislative accomplishments, etc. Fighting for things like a higher min wage (though it failed.)

    Stop blaming people for not voting for them.

    Fuck no. Every time in my life we’ve voted in Republicans it’s led to one catastrophe or another. Sure you can make an argument that Dems need to be pushed to the left, but the choices are between:

    a) the party who isn’t improving your life fast enough
    b) the party these days that are literal fascists responsible for multiple financial collapses at this point, millions dead from wars they start, failure to manage a pandemic, extreme wealth concentration, that is looking at our planet on fire and still doesn’t meaningfully acknowledge that our policy is causing it. Book bans, loss of bodily autonomy for half of the country, destroying education, ensuring discrimination in law, bringing back child labor.

    If you’re voting republican in 2023 or not voting democrat, you’re a sociopath, billionaire (whoops said the same thing twice), or a fucking moron*. There is no path to a more progressive country that comes through allowing fascists to burn it all down.

    * I suppose I could more charitably say “extremely, profoundly ignorant in a way that almost has to be a choice at this point.”

  • They seem to want to be obstinate, so while I don’t agree, I’ll take a stab at answering the question:

    The link they posted has this bit right at the top:

    You may have paid money to get copies of a free program, or you may have obtained copies at no charge. But regardless of how you got your copies, you always have the freedom to copy and change the software, even to sell copies.

    The fundamental belief seems to be that however you obtained the software, paid or not, you should be free to do literally whatever you want with it.

    Where I really disagree is that proprietary software (like half of the answers in this fucking thread lol) are fundamentally not scams. A “scam” implies something that one party, the patsy, is not aware of.

  • I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. A 20-30% jump in a grocery bill is unprecedented in my life time. I’m skeptical it’s even that low for most. Pre-pandemic, I was buying eggs for 1.39, they’re 2.49 now. Jarred spaghetti sauce used to be 1.99, it’s 3.49 now if I catch a sale. I used to be able to regularly buy chicken breast for like 1.49-1.99, now if it’s less than 3 I buy as much as I can afford and freeze it. This time of year in my area, corn would usually be on sale 4/$1. The cheapest it’s gotten is $0.79.

    Just repeat ad nauseam for everything. The other day I was in the store thinking to myself, “I’m not sure I can afford convenience foods like canned beans.” Canned. Fucking. Beans. The luxury.

  • I thought world War 2 and the rise of fascism in Europe was supposed to have taught us something.

    They don’t gotta burn the books, they just remove 'em.

    WWII might have been the end, but they’ve slowly been worsening education especially in places like Florida. I think at this point, capitalist social media is also a significant cause of the rise in fascism. When Zuck decides to platform holocaust deniers or twitter decides “free speech [for nazis]” it legitimizes it. It doesn’t take much before this translates into real life. You surround yourself online in your little bubble with all of the other crazies (yay Facebook is bringing people together) long enough and it’s nearly impossible not to translate that into the real world.

    History is pretty fuckin’ easy to repeat if you don’t know the history.