robinnn [he/him]

“I… am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood” — John Brown

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 22nd, 2024


  • Heh, it’s just a simple calculus for me. I vote for the liberals to stop the conservatives and move the overton window left, the liberals prop up the farthest-right conservatives in the next election and keep everything in limbo so of course I have to vote for the liberals again as their politics get worse, then we’ll see what happens but I got a good feeling; really it’s just me doing my part. A “thank you“ would be nice, but I’m not in it for the glory.

  • robinnn [he/him]@hexbear.nettochapotraphouse@hexbear.netDoesn't it though
    3 months ago

    From the thread this is from:

    We’re all frustrated that the Democrats aren’t stronger, more effective, further left, savvier about strategy. But the Democrats can at least point to some significant accomplishments in the last 4 years—a major climate bill, infrastructure investment, nominating Justice Jackson

    As someone terrified by the prospect of Trump returning to power, can you reassure me that there’s a plausible direct action/non-electoralist means of stopping him that’s more likely to succeed than electing Biden/Harris? Because if not I think you’re a LARPer.

    The Democrats don’t WANT to be stronger because the Republican threat is what gets them votes above everything else. Everything must always be on the line, the Democrats constantly on the edge of losing power, or they would actually lose their power and some change might actually occur. If you’ve actually been around, you’d know that most people aren’t big fans of either party but feel they need to vote for the “lesser evil.” This is why Hillary and the DNC supported Trump’s candidacy for 2016, and Democrats put millions of dollars into funding election denialist Republican politicians. The only way to truly get rid of the Republican Trumpist threat is to oust from power the people that brought them into existence and allowed them to exist while they wielded state power (not because they aren’t savvy about strategy but because they are).

    These “achievements” are nothing compared to the continued support for the imperialist exploitation of the globe, systemic racism, native genocide, immigrant concentration camps, and exploitation of the domestic working class.

  • I am addressing this once.

    I am NOT straight.

    I kissed men my entire life. I was a swimmer, wrestler, and pro bodybuilder. I was a Boy Scout for 10 years. I spent all my schooling within the Roman Catholic parochial system.

    That being said, I’ve had my fair share of male on female dreams and that’s how I know I’m absolutely positively not a heterosexual. I’ve never acted on a single one of those urges.

    However, I would not speak to my actions while on the property of others, as that is under their discretion according to John Locke‘s 2 commandments (the other being to love slavery).

  • Umm, wow, okay, you want us to become a TOTALITARIAN REGIME like China? Maybe take a second and think, tankie. America only uses violence to interfere in the democratic procedures of independent non-Western countries ANTI FREEDOM AUTHORITARIAN ROGUE STATES.

    If you think that America overthrowing the elected Sukarno by infiltrating the Indonesian military and guiding the slaughter of ~one million innocent people in Indonesia and propping up a dictator who would go on to commit a genocide in East Timor simply because Indonesia was developing independently and the government worked with the PKI, or the US working with Pinochet (whose government would go on to massacre left-wing dissidents and workers) to perpetrate the brutal coup in Chile because the elected Allende promised to pursue socialist policy in Chile and had worked on land reform/nationalization, or the US backing a coup in Guatemala (because the government had begun to block imperialist exploitation of their resources and labor) to depose the democratically elected Árbenz and inserting a military dictatorship that perpetrated a genocide against indigenous Guatemalans, if you think this is half as bad as the American government killing a single person who is not currently in power to prevent a fascist Nazi government from being formed, then say hello to Putin for me, because you’re nothing but a Russian bot who will clock out of your shift at some silly Moscow time. WE BELIEVE IN DEMOCRACY!

  • robinnn [he/him]@hexbear.nettomovies@hexbear.nethes right
    3 months ago

    Overall it’s a fine inoffensive kid’s movie with a basic, at worst harmless message about not letting your fears get the best of you and staying true to yourself while also accepting change/growing. Your one example is a very very small part of the movie, and at that the most political/divisive thing in it.