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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • I still can’t make a reasonable decision on Love and his future, but there’s no denying he is consistently getting better every week.

    GB beating the Chiefs at home is one hell of a statement if they can pull it off. That defense is no joke, and Love is dicing it up right now.

    I hope to god the next QB we draft is finally that guy, I don’t know if I can handle another decade of GB dominance man. It just doesn’t seem possible for us to ever get quality QB play and somehow that’s all GB ever does over the years.

  • Defense is really starting to lock in, offensive line is healthy and playing consistently well, and the skill positions are living up to the expectations. DJ and Kmet have been amazing, the RB room is still 4 deep, and I think Mooney is struggling because the scheme and JF aren’t involving him at all.

    Add into that the fact we still have the most cap space in the NFL, really good draft picks that can be used for even more blue chip talent, and (hopefully) a revamped coaching staff ready to take the team to the next level.

    I’ve seen a lot of media outlets say caleb will end up staying back another year because Chicago is “that bad” but I think that’s objectively false. Considering the #1 pick we have isn’t even ours, this isn’t a traditional “top pick is always the worst team” which doesn’t happen often. If I was Williams or Maye, I’d be happy to go to Chicago over NE, NY, Arizona, or Washington.

    Outside of QB and OC, everyone else on this team is only getting better every week. I am very excited to see the new talent we add to this roster, and it’s not unreasonable to see this team go from 5-6 wins to 8-10 assuming the QB we get lives up to expectations.

  • I haven’t been active in this sub as long as others, but what I have noticed is often good debates about controversial topics often start in a good manner- but then devolve into a series of wild personal attacks and hyperbole

    The issue is though, that’s what the internet is usually about. And in real life it isn’t any different either. I suppose banning very egregious or repeated behavior is warranted, but I also don’t know how you can truly moderate that effectively without ending up cutting the sub membership down drastically.

    I still think that regardless of that this sub is entertaining and I enjoy engaging in conversation with everyone about the team.

  • Honestly I’ve been impressed by JJ McCarthy a lot today. Some of his throws are extremely tight window/anticipation throws and he’s an above average athlete when he runs.

    I doubt the Bears will take him as high as 1 or 2, but I can definitely see a team like the Jets or Falcons taking him later on in the second round.

    And as we all knew already, MHJ is a monster of a WR. I still don’t know if Poles is confident enough in Fields to take him at 1/2, but anything can happen on draft day

  • I agree with this, but only to a certain point.

    I think people often interpret this as “well if we just had ___ position right we’d be 8-3 instead of 3-8!!!” Although some idiots do actually believe that, most know it’s nothing more than a fantasy.

    But with that being said, I absolutely believe this team has more talent than just 3 wins. Not drastically more, but more nonetheless. If we close that Lions game and Broncos game out properly, we’re sitting here at 5-6 and the conversation is way different even though that record isn’t that impressive either.

    In a nutshell, yes the team is lacking in lots of areas for many reason. But they absolutely had the talent and ability to win 2-3 more games this year. They just faltered horribly in both coaching and execution, it was not just “those guys just have the better roster” like last year.

  • JFC all I heard on this sub to start the season was bashing Fields for playing gun shy and not actually letting it rip in a timely manner. Now you wanna jump on him for doing what people have been begging him to do? You can’t have it both ways. All QBs miss plays in the heat of the moment, and to complain about his decision here is just plain wrong. If it’s first or second down, maybe he does make that throw to DJ more comfortably, but he got the exact look they wanted to beat that play and he did what he should have done. Getsy and Flus both have said that’s where the ball was supposed to go as the Lions were in cover 1 robber and stacked the box up front.

    I’m not sold on JF either, but I find it so hilarious how many of these posts are just legitimately hate-based nonsense. Y’all are the same people whining about people rooting against Bagent and yet do the same thing against Fields.

    If you wanna actually criticize him, talk about his real mistakes like when he missed DJ early on by overthrowing a sure fire TD. Or how at times he was still really skittish in the pocket and bailed too early on some plays. But blaming him for missing DJ in that spot when the coaches had just called two horrible run plays to make it 3rd and long is not the point you think it is.

    And if you think that miss was on Fields more than Scott, please re-evaluate the perspective you hold on the game of football.

  • Echo chamber? Bears subreddit an echo chamber? OP, have you been active in this sub lately? We’re by far and away the most harsh and critical on this sub, way more so than any other fanbase is. I’ve seen more people outside of our subreddit say they like Justin Fields or they think the Bears will be fine with better coaching and a few more roster pieces.

    Here you get 1-2 (maybe 3) posts a week that are somewhat positive, and even those posts get completely shit upon and people are waging war amongst the comment section.

    Any true bears fan knows NOBODY hates the bears more than their own fanbase, lmao