GarbageShoot [he/him]

  • 11 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2022


  • I have a dog with me who makes impressively loud snorts for his size (and without much trouble breathing, he’s just really loud).

    Talking to a friend, I remembered there’s a setting on my keyboard that blatantly doesn’t work but, because of that, it’s probably the most interesting way to play it if you’re fine with sacrificing dynamics. I’m going to start using it again, I don’t know why I stopped.

  • I have to imagine that the idea is that what is worthwhile about feminism (since feminism as-received today is liberal feminism) must be entirely incorporated into revolutionary socialism rather than treated as its own special interest group, making “feminism” as its own movement worse than redundant, but I didn’t read it so idk. Luxemburg talks about it here when she defends being a socialist in general and not a special interest group member. I do think the liberal way of handling identity, by not viewing it as the intersection of class oppression, has some potential for fracturing people into different camps that aren’t adequately interested in broad solidarity.

    CC @RedWizard ig

  • (I actually said he did do a lot of good for China)

    No you didn’t, you left the matter ambiguous

    and would not consider some US lib YouTuber a centrist for thinking that

    Contra is a centrist because she supports Joe fucking Biden, and I never insinuated it was the Mao thing, though I think the chauvinism is a related issue.

    But your criteria for “strongman” appears entirely based on the politician’s personal affects

    Yeah, that’s because strongman is in large part a rhetorical affectation, just like “populist” is. Speaking to that side, a strongman is someone who builds their image on machismo, occasionally in a very literal sense, and frames their political actions/policy as embodying that machismo. It does not mean the same thing as “dictator,” which we have a dozen different words for, though the two terms are associated with each other. Mussolini was a strongman, I would argue Hitler was not (megalomaniac though he was). Putin is (and especially was) another good example of a strongman, just for reference.

    If Contra called one of history’s most radical democrats a dictator (and I think she also said that, but I wouldn’t rewatch that stupid fucking video short of getting paid to do so), I would merely say she was an ignorant chauvinist. Calling him a “strongman” is beyond that.

    which for Mao was literally asking every household have a picture of him in it to thank

    [citation needed] Towards the end, those pictures certainly were there, and there were backwards officials who surely made it policy on a municipal level in some cases, but Mao didn’t even want his face on the currency like it now unfortunately is. To act like he was out there going “Please clap” and telling people to use the Little Red Book like some kind of Daoist charm is, I believe, severely misunderstanding the social circumstances of the PRC’s establishment.

    and rooting out and jailing dissidents

    I wish he was better at it, since we wound up with a liberal-infested hive anyway. I care much less about civil rights for fascists and capitalist roaders than I do that the children are fed.

  • Give me a break, I know a professor who was caught in the whole “reform by labor” business and they would side with me that “strongman” is a completely ridiculous thing to call Mao, even if you wrongly think that he didn’t do a lot of good for China. “Strongman” doesn’t mean “leader whose policies I dislike,” though I’d argue Brandon does some strongman politics with his bullshit about pushups and challenging random civilians to fights when they disagree with him.

  • She’s a centrist encouraging people to be centrist, that doesn’t seem like “getting libs to think a little more leftward” by any reasonable metric. I don’t seek to contest nor do I really care about your sentimental/parasocial affection for her, but the facts are the facts.

    Here’s the video, by the way. The first thing I always remember about it, though it’s in a tangent, is that she calls Mao a “strongman,” which aside from being wrong and reeking of chauvinism, is just so fucking stupid that it’s beneath even a College Republican.