Literally brain dead corpos are running this company

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    7 months ago

    They’re just chasing the money. No thoughts. Completely empty head. Just seeing Big Number Go Up and throwing themselves in afterwards. Nevermind that the mobile market is comically over-saturated or that mobile controls are notoriously dogshit or that crossplay consoles (like the Switch and the Steam Deck) appear to be opening up a ton of new handheld options.

    Nope. We’re going to sink another $10B into a knock off of Candy Crush and just hope we can break even on the tsunami of ads we plan to unleash in promotion.

    • i guess i’m the weirdo, because i don’t want to play games on my phone. if i am gonna play a game that costs money, i want it on a dedicated screen with good controls and shit. sometimes if i’m really bored and i don’t want to read, i’ll play around in the Dope Wars app to try and beat my high score (currently $18.5 million in a 30 day game). but i rarely play for longer than 5 minutes and there are no ads or microtransactions and its super minimalist and is literally a 40 year old game that uses no resources to play.

      i do not understand the mobile gaming phenomenon.

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        7 months ago

        i guess i’m the weirdo, because i don’t want to play games on my phone.

        I mean, its easier to carry around one phone than one phone and one other gaming peripheral. I understand why its a common device for gaming. But absent the simple convenience, there are so many other reasons it sucks.

        i rarely play for longer than 5 minutes and there are no ads or microtransactions and its super minimalist

        I mean, I’m more than happy to dick around with the MtG:Arena app, since I never get to play that game in person anymore. Also worked my way through the original first four FF games on mobile. But the interface on the phone is generally awful. There’s really no way to do even something as simple as FTL properly. Anything that isn’t turn-based is approaching unplayable, nevermind the drain on battery.