Thousands took to the streets across Israel Saturday night to call for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ouster and new elections, in demonstrations spanning from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem to Haifa and Caesarea in the north and Be’er Sheva in the south.

At a demonstration in front of the President’s Residence in Jerusalem, Yosef Angel, bereaved father and grandfather of 17-year-old Ofir Angel, who was freed from Hamas captivity in Gaza, said “You stand at the head, and are responsible for the October 7 holocaust. You are trying to escape responsibility and look for someone else to blame, shame on you.”


  • NoneOfUrBusiness
    5 months ago

    I appreciate the sentiment, but calling October 7th a “holocaust” causes more problems than it solves. The Israeli propaganda machine has been active as soon as the attack started to make Hamas look worse than they already are (which is still pretty bad to be fair, but not “Holocaust” bad).

    Thanks to Israel using people who weren’t qualified for the job the numbers will never come to light, but let’s not forget that a significant number of IDF civilians were killed by the IDF, not Hamas.

      65 months ago

      It seems like Israelis who disagree with Likud are completely in the propaganda. The “Holocaust” language seems to be their propaganda. To be fair, it was a massive attack that impacted pretty much every Israeli. With something that personal, it’s easy to turn around and use the language of the people who are ultimately responsible for this attack in the first place.

          15 months ago

          What the fuck are you talking about? Likud undermined the peace process repeatedly and basically drove Hamas to attack, which is exactly what these folks are saying. Likud is also pushing this party line. The actual Holocaust wasn’t in response to years of oppression. Using the “holocaust” language is antisemetic because it compares a horrific act of oppression to a horrific act in response to horrific oppression. These two should never be compared.

            15 months ago

            I’m talking about the fact that Israel didn’t exist until 1948. I don’t really care about the rest of it, but you seem to get it, so go on, spread the word.

      -755 months ago

      Hamas committed genocide.

      The Palestinian movement has failed to adequately separate itself from Hamas. No real denouncements of Hamas. You have people cosplaying as Hamas genocidal psychopaths at Pro-Palestine rallies.

      Now the tactic seems to be to literally “both sides” genocide. Claim that Israel is committing genocide to provide cover for the genocide Hamas committed.

      The old fascist tactic of accusing the other side of the things you’re guilty of.

      What’s happening now is a war. A war that was started by the genocide Hamas committed. Given how Hamas has embedded itself into the civilian population, given that Hamas doesn’t wear uniforms which would allow the IDF to distinguish combatants from civilians, given Hamas has made zero effort to protect the civilian population, building bunkers only for themselves… yeah it’s a war with a lot of civilian casualties. A war Hamas started. A war Hamas created the conditions in which there would be high civilians casualties.

      Anyone that’s cracked open a history book knows what this is. People with foreign policy experience knows what’s up.

      But people reading the boosted Hamas propaganda have read the same lies over and over again enough times that they believe it.

      Then scream on the internet about “why is Joe Biden allowing this to happen?”

      It’s because he’s not in the information silo you’re in. Hamas committed genocide. No matter how much people want to deny it, no matter all the “both sides” fascist narratives are spread on the internet, the truth is that Hamas committed genocide. Hamas started the war. Hamas set up the conditions for the war. As Hamas is being contained, the civilian casualties are dropping. Civilian casualties happen in Israel when Hamas is present. Civilian casualties also happen in Gaza when Hamas is present. Israel is not committing genocide because if that were the case, civilian casualties would increase where Hamas isn’t present to protect them. But the opposite is happening. Civilian casualties are decreasing as Israel takes control of Gaza from Hamas.

      You’ve been lied to. It’s easier to convince someone of a lie than it is to convince them they’ve been lied to. It’s not just the MAGAs that need deprogramming. There’s a lot of people that fell for Hamas propaganda.

        455 months ago

        Yowza! That’s a lot of easily disproven misinformation. You do realize you’re on the Internet, right? You can actually look up the things you’re claiming and verify they’re not true.

      • Machinist3359
        365 months ago

        The old fascist tactic of accusing the other side of the things you’re guilty of.

        Really telling on yourself here! Would be funny if you weren’t so sad.

        285 months ago

        No real denouncements of Hamas

        You must be paid well to write so much because everything after this was a total waste

          -135 months ago

          They went into villages and massacred every man, woman and child they could find simply because they didn’t approve of people of a certain ethnicity living where they did.

            5 months ago

            how did they gather so many hostages? if they massacred every man woman and child how can hostages be real?

            you lost the plot. your thesis has no ground basis and is all feelings and nothing more. terror attack? yes. genocide? not even close.

            at least you say hamas, and not palestinians.

              -75 months ago

              Because you can take some people hostage while killing other people? It’s not really that complicated.

              at least you say hamas, and not palestinians.

              Yeah because I’m consistently against hating people based on their ethnicity.

              If this forum was dominated by people saying Palestinians are evil, I would be speaking out against that.

              But this forum happens to be dominated be people promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories, and people that deny the existence of violence towards Jews. So I’m speaking out against that.

              If you can see past the emotional manipulations that are happening in this particular information silo, you’ll see the same pattern of behaviour I’m seeing. This forum is devolving into straight up antisemitism.

                35 months ago

                Criticizing the government and military of Israel is not anti Semitism anymore than calling out the American government is racism.

                  -15 months ago

                  Rehashing the century old Protocols of the Elders of Zion shtick is antisemitism. And that kind of stuff has become mainstream now.

              -95 months ago

              The whole point of Hamas is they’re angry about Jews living in places that think Palestinians should living in. They went into villages that the believe should have only Palestinians living in and murdered every Jew they could find living there.

              Maybe you’ve fallen sway to the blood and soil “river to the sea” narrative, but it’s really just wanting a specific ethnicity living on certain patches of dirt and not wanting another ethnicity living there. Hamas has not been subtle about this. It’s a fascist tendency we’ve seen many times before.

        75 months ago

        Hi. I have combat experience and foreign policy experience.

        You’re full of shit. This war is not to international standards. Israel has repeatedly failed to hold it’s troops accountable for documented, credible accusations, of war crimes. That alone from a professional army is shocking. But on the policy side the IDF has a choice they refuse to make. They can let refugees out, deliver food aid themselves, or let the UN deliver food aid. They have decided to force people to remain in the combat zone and starve.

        This is all well documented. It’s not propaganda. And it is the conduct of a systemic genocide.

    545 months ago

    Jews telling another Jew he did a Holocaust would be pretty impactful against anyone with a conscience

    475 months ago

    One state solution. No country gets to dress up in a liberal democracy wig while sporting ethno state raybands. Apartheid states don’t get to exist in a functioning democracy.

      145 months ago

      I completely agree with your stance on apartheid states, but just so you know, they are called Ray Bans

      45 months ago

      The answer is a federal system consisting of at least 3 separate political institutions but nobody who’s participating in this conversation anymore really cares about solving the problem…

            135 months ago

            Zionists have been occupying Palestine for 75 years. This is oppressor and oppressed. An internationally backed military super power and an indigenous armed resistance. This is asymmetrical.

              • Quokka
                105 months ago

                Mandatory Palestine encompassed all the land Israel inhabits. That land was intended to be given to the Palestinians before Israel waged a campaign of terrorism against the British and used post-WW2 sympathies to gain it.

                They are occupying Palestine.

                5 months ago

                They’re both genocidal maniacs that want to kill all people that don’t belong to their group to expand their Lebensraum.

                The Nazi’s are the most fitting comparison for israel.

                Anyone with knowledge about the Holocaust can recognize that israel does everything the Nazi’s did. Murder people with more advanced weaponry. Violate all human rights. Torture camps, mass executions, mass child murder. Stealing of land.

                They’re only missing the cremation ovens.

              • NoneOfUrBusiness
                25 months ago

                What? Israel is currently committing genocide, even in areas they successfully occupied. Nazis are the most fitting comparison I’ve seen.

      • Machinist3359
        65 months ago

        The choices at this point are a flawed one state uniting two bodies, or one state with a successful ethnic cleansing. Two state solution has been taken off the table by illegal settlements of the west bank and, soon, Gaza.

        5 months ago

        I don’t accept that thesis. Yes extremists are going to extremist. However we’ve gotten really good at identifying and arresting extremists in the last 20 years. I think the common people would be perfectly fine with the idea, as long as the Palestinians and Israelis maintain a right of return but not a right of seizing property.

        5 months ago

        One state solution would be a catastrophe.


        The only way a one state solution happens is if the other state ceases to exist.

        Which seems to be what the hardliners on both sides of this conflict are advocating for.

    435 months ago

    Reminder that no babies were burnt in ovens on October 7.

    But israeli soldiers did burn a Palestinian child to death in a bakers oven and made his father watch before October 7.

    405 months ago

    Remember when Obama called Bibi the biggest liar in the world? Of course that was before Trump rode that escalator.

    85 months ago

    Oh no they used the word “Holocaust”. The German government will come down on them with their full force for “relativising” the holocaust. These antisemitic jews.

  • Hyperreality
    5 months ago

    Obviously plenty of people on social media have been shitting on Biden for a while now, perhaps understandably.

    But this is why he has to play a delicate and balanced role. He obviously hates Netenyahu and dislikes Israel’s government, but he can’t push too hard, because it would only help Netenyahu cling on to power a while longer. For example:

    After cautious criticism by Biden, Netanyahu rallies Israel’s right wing … The spat was cheered by Netanyahu’s supporters, who dismiss any calls from Biden or other leaders to pull back from the military assault on Gaza until Hamas has been wiped out as a fighting force.

    So although he initially publicly backed Israel 100%, the reason he’s now being relatively muted in his criticism of their government, is almost certainly because he wants Netenyahu gone or wants Netenyahu to be forced to create a new coalition with more moderate parties. You know, get rid of those smug thunder cunts Ben-Gvir and Smotrich.

    Meanwhile, the US is clearly pushing the two state solution hard behind the scenes. Don’t think it’s an accident that little America’s David Cameron said the UK might recognise Palestine and apparently the US is considering it too, all while doing an intensive tour of the middle-east and negotiating with Israel’s neighbours for normalisation.

      215 months ago

      This is fantasy, he’s been vocal of his support for decades and continues to be. He might be quieter but you’re giving him a lot of benefit here that has no basis

    • Zorque
      195 months ago

      Is it obvious he hates them? Hasn’t he been vocally very supportive up until basically election season started? Even for several months while the IDF had been bombing civilians and killing non-combatants indiscriminately he did little more than tell Bibo that he had to be a bit more discrete about his mass-murder while giving them the means to do so.

      Words are just that, words. His actions say he supports Israel 100%.

      65 months ago

      No one forced him to circumvent congress twice to support Netanyahu’s genocide. No one was clamoring for it, and no one would have blamed him if he hadn’t.

      “Trust us, we’re totally doing what you want, silently and invisibly, behind the scenes”

    55 months ago

    You’re going to call 2000 dead a holocaust, but not the 25000 dead by your own hands. Terrorists.

      25 months ago

      Yes, because by doing so you fail to see the big picture. No, it’s not “they started it” like a lot of Israeli’s like to say, but it’s the fact that Israel itself is being taken over by fascists, fundumentalists, billionaires and Netanyahu family. The Israeli people were fighting them the last year trying to prevent the country from becoming a dictatorship.

      Oh, and finish with a childish remark… Your comment just copy past a random article, throws a “what about” unrelated to the topic and paint all the Israelis in the same color.

        25 months ago

        The Israeli people were fighting them the last year trying to prevent the country from becoming a dictatorship.

        The bulk of the Israeli public was perfectly happy with the treatment of their Palestinian neighbors up until this point. Settlers on the border shooting into Palestinian lands, attacking Palestinian farmers, bulldozing homes, and setting fire to groves is nothing new. It goes straight back to the Nakba of '48.

        What has the Ashkenazi branch of the population in a lather is the threat of Sephardics and Mizrahis increasingly dominating the Parliament and the various state agencies. The country has always been a military dictatorship from the perspective of the Arabs. Only recently have the more Western and secularized Jewish settlers found themselves exposed to the iron fist of Israeli rule.

          5 months ago

          That’s a completly different argument than the one you started with. Noted. Just to not let your new argument hang there: In almost all polls made before the 7th vast majority of Israelis agreed to the separation to two states solution, and definatly disagreed to the terror acts made by the extreme settlers. It’s unfortunate that because tons of propaganda made by the same people now run our government and institutions funded by American billionairs, they were not aware of all of it.

            25 months ago

            That’s a completly different argument than the one you started with.

            It is not.

            In almost all polls made before the 7th vast majority of Israelis agreed to the separation to two states solution


            This is a policy supported by multiple prior Israeli governments that amounted to the extrajudicial assassination of any Palestinian or Lebanese resident suspected of being a militant. This is the “two state solution” that Israelis supported. One in which the Israelis can launch rockets and fire bullets out of Israel uncontested and Palestinians are expected to accept that anyone an Israel kills must have deserved it.