• FunkyStuff [he/him]@hexbear.net
      9 months ago

      Yeah, this is kinda the most reasonable conclusion once you connect the dots (his role acquiring blackmail for intelligence, the sheer amount of different powerful people from different countries implicated, him messing with the money, etc). The real conspiracy theory is the mental gymnastics the official story has to perform.

      • Hohsia [he/him]@hexbear.net
        9 months ago

        Right, like I know people shit on leftists for seemingly blaming the CIA for everything bad, but when you view it as a network, it’s hard to not see some obvious connection

        • FunkyStuff [he/him]@hexbear.net
          9 months ago

          The thing that really characterizes liberals to me is their abject failure to consider how multiple different issues are connected in structures that serve functions. In their minds, that whole Epstein case is compartmentalized into its own little bubble, and it doesn’t interoperate with other phenomena like current wars, history, electoral politics, corporations, etc etc. But of course, when you start to consider that these things interact with each other (not in one big conspiracy, but as a system that is beyond any individual’s control), you look crazy.

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]@hexbear.net
      9 months ago

      They’re definitely involved. Though I can’t really find a reason why the CIA would be interested in American academics and celebrities who don’t have much influence in the cultural or power sphere. That’s likely a Mossad operation, or Epstein was just getting off on his own time.

      • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]@hexbear.net
        9 months ago

        excuse the tinfoilhat shit, but i’ve heard epstein was heavily involved with trying to do some starseed eugenics program shit. source 2

        I could definitely see that being a weird pet project that somehow was justified to get funding for in the CIA. Like “these are the best/most important people and we’re gonna use them for the template for our eugenics program”

        It sounds ridiculous but since it was all men, it could have been a weird cum harvesting + blackmail combo harvesting operation. Not that much stranger than the israeli cum harvesting and giving soldiers a bunch of drugs to see if they could mind control, i guess. If it wasn’t the CIA, he just seemed personally interested in having a “smart”/“famous” people cum depository to do eugenics with

        • RyanGosling [none/use name]@hexbear.net
          9 months ago

          Yeah i think the eugenics thing was just a side project and the CIA didn’t care that much. From what I understand, not all of the academics and scientists involved engaged in any of the child trafficking and abuse. But the fact they weren’t creeped out suggests maybe they’re a bit too comfortable with random sources of funding

          • ReadFanon [any, any]@hexbear.net
            9 months ago

            Time to put the tinfoil back on but this is my hunch:

            Hazing culture used to be rampant and completely in the open. Often people would be forced to do degrading, humiliating, and incriminating things in order to enter into membership of whatever group it is.

            So it might just be some stupid stuff to join a frat or a sorority, or it might be doing something like killing your first civilian in order to join a police gang or committing war crimes to be counted as a fully-fledged member of a military unit.

            Part of the function of hazing is to create a closed culture with everyone having dirt on everyone else so that nobody snitches on the others or steps out of line somehow.

            I don’t believe for a second that it has actually gone away, any more than I believe that hazing culture never made it’s way into politics (unless you’re arguing that it started in politics and then filtered its way down…)

            I think it’s completely within reason to suspect that Epstein and Maxwell were running a sort of hazing ring alongside their other bullshit. In fact, I think the operations or the functions they performed all kind of blurred into one.

            Given how they both treated their victims, if you’ve heard the victim testimonies, they would prey upon people, groom them, worm their way into their victims becoming dependent upon them in some fashion, and they’d sort of drop weird and creepy acts on their victims out of the blue. If I’m not mistaken, I think there are some of the victims (who weren’t as central to the case) who got scared off when Epstein or Maxwell did creepy shit - they noped out. Epstein and Maxwell seemed to get their kicks from manipulating, coercing, and forcing their victims to transgress stuff like their boundaries and cultural norms and laws. (Obviously Epstein and Maxwell got their kicks from transgressing the boundaries of their victims too.)

            It’s not a stretch to imagine they were doing this to adults in high society too. Maybe someone gets a little bit financially dependent upon Epstein or they get a bit wooed by Maxwell or they need them for access to a major figure in their field, that sort of thing. And then they start pushing that person by transgressing boundaries, a little bit at a time.

            The adults who are principled nope the fuck out (side note: in no way am I trying to imply that I think Epstein’s child victims were principled/unprincipled by noping out or not when I say this). The ones who are predators, would-be predators, and the ones who have flexible morals get brought in closer to the circle bit by bit.

            All the while this is happening, Epstein and Maxwell are collecting dirt on people and the closer someone is to this, the more access and favours they get provided with, and the more dirt is collected on them.

            My hunch is that it was a big ring of rich, powerful, and influential people with Epstein and Maxwell at the centre but probably with someone else actually at the top, like the CIA, and if you wanted to go far then you could sell your soul to the devil and jump on the Epstein/Maxwell escalator to bring yourself to a position of having more power or influence in your field.

            Of course the people who do this are now owned by Epstein’s operation and so if the person at the top of the operation doesn’t like some of the things that you’re doing/saying/writing about, Epstein gets in contact with you and does something like threatening to go public with his recordings of you doing illegal shit that would absolutely ruin you permanently. Or a favour is required from you so it’s extracted by the same method.

            Because of this, I think that there’s probably a certain amount of people who are Epstein associates that were either still being courted by Epstein and Maxwell or who were already influential in their field so they weren’t part of that inner circle of creeps but those influential orbiters were still used as part of the operation to lure in others with the promise of access to this orbiter.

            I wonder if the creator of The Simpsons, who got a foot massage from Virginia Giuffre on Epstein’s plane, ever did anything more than that later. I wonder if that was one of the early things they’d drop on someone to see how the person would responded before they would push things a little bit further. Maybe it starts with a foot massage and the next time it’s a full-body massage and then the next time… yeah.

            I wonder how many people turned down the offer for a foot massage. I wonder how many people noped out. I wonder how many people didn’t.

            I’m not saying this lets the people you respect/admire that are known Epstein associates off the hook but when someone like Chomsky says that he only ever used Epstein for his financial services I could imagine that he could have been an orbiter just as much as he could have been a part of the inner circle.

            Just about everything in this comment is speculation so don’t take it as fact.

            I guess to put it in the simplest terms, I think Epstein was a particular type of groomer who liked to see people transgress and be transgressed upon, to see people degraded and humiliated, to have people dependent upon him in as many ways as possible so they couldn’t say no. I think he found someone who had the same grooming tendency in Maxwell. (Hence why there was that comment from Maxwell about them being “soulmates” or something like that despite not dating for very long and not being married/romantically involved, if I’m recalling correctly?). I think they ran an operation where they carried out these grooming urges, definitely on their known victims, but likely on adult marks as well. I think they probably collected a lot of other groomers along the way. I reckon they turned a whole lot of people into groomers and drew out their abusive tendencies by creating a permissive environment and fostering these tendencies. I reckon they would have collected dirt on their adult marks unwittingly through lying, intoxication, and trickery as well because seeing someone transgressing their own boundaries without their consent would have given Epstein and Maxwell a thrill.

            I think it was basically like a big network that was like a secret society of creeps who would lure people in with favours and essentially haze them then use this as leverage over that person and to lure in more hazing victims.

            This is basically what Virginia Giuffre was forced into doing to recruit other child victims of Epstein/Maxwell. I think it fits their MO.

            And I think they were collecting dirt for a big player like the CIA or Mossad.

            • hotcouchguy [he/him]@hexbear.net
              9 months ago

              I wonder how hazing operations have changed over the decades, as video has become so ubiquitous and media more decentralized. I could see the amateur hazing rings getting scared off or collapsing under poor opsec, while those that remain are more organized and more professional. Do fraternities and amateur sports teams still do hazing? Seems like much less compared with 50 years ago. Is Skull & Bones still around? Maybe? Probably? But then there are massive organized networks like this one, and presumably more (VC networks perhaps?)

        • RyanGosling [none/use name]@hexbear.net
          9 months ago

          No. Jenna Ortega and Jake Paul have no reason to be an interest of the CIA lol, neither does some random professor unless he’s in an important scientific field. Just because you have money and fame doesn’t mean you’re important.

      • TheDialectic [none/use name]@hexbear.net
        9 months ago

        They have infinite money. Having their fingers on the people likely to move or shake things is a reasonable use of their time for them. They have in the past tapped authors and artists as soft power sources. Even if they don’t use them it would be prudent to set up access in case they ever decide they want to.

  • GarbageShoot [he/him]@hexbear.net
    9 months ago

    I am nauseated by the way that this story – which I don’t doubt is true because Mossad and Israel are wretched – will feed into scapegoating Jews for US problems even more than people already do.

  • idkmybffjoeysteel [he/him]@hexbear.net
    9 months ago

    It’s amazing that anyone is able to be blackmailed in this day and age, given that absolutely no one gives a fuck how many scandals you are implicated in. I firmly believe that if every single name leaked tomorrow, with detailed accounts that we are able to verify, absolutely nothing would change. If I have learned anything in the last decade, it is that the most powerful people would probably increase in popularity if they were accused.

  • pooh [she/her, any]@hexbear.net
    9 months ago

    I’ve thought this ever since I learned about Robert Maxwell’s work for Mossad. I think it’s more likely Ghislaine was Epstein’s Mossad-supported handler as opposed to Epstein running the show. I’d guess Wexner also had Mossad links, given his ties to Israel and generous financial support for Epstein.

    • ReadFanon [any, any]@hexbear.net
      9 months ago

      So more tinfoil for the thread but:

      What I want to know is what happened with Paul Schaefer - he flees Germany to “the middle east” and makes contact with the Chilean ambassador at some stage.

      There are few countries in the middle east that wouldn’t be shit upon if Paul Schaefer fled there - “Nazi pedophile was harboured by Saddam Hussein!!” “Nazi sex cult leader and torturer was harboured by Gaddafi!!

      I mean the western press is fairly gloves-off even when it comes to a US client state like Saudi Arabia, partly I think to keep them on a short leash.

      I want to know where in the middle east someone like him ends up, how long for, how many people in his “congregation” are evacuated with him and how this whole thing is financed, and what the circumstances were for him making contact with the Chilean ambassador to get an invitation to migrate there with his congregation.

      But what do you know? I can’t find anything about this at all. Nothing.

      Am I saying that Mossad used this cult-like pedophile ring for their own purposes and that they collaborated with this particular Nazi? No.

      Am I saying that Mossad has ties to a cult-like pedophile ring, via Maxwell especially but also Epstein, that they may have used for their own purposes? Yes.

      Am I saying that Mossad collaborated with other Nazis when it was convenient for them in order to achieve their political goals? Yes.

  • tree@lemmy.zip
    9 months ago

    If he was Mossad or working for them they are really not running a tight ship letting their former prime minister go party with their own blackmail operation. Like they’re not gonna tip off their own prominent politicians to stay away from him, that doesn’t seem very smart.

      • tree@lemmy.zip
        9 months ago

        Really I can’t imagine it still, it’s not like labor is doing anything fundamentally different than the other parties, I imagine there are plenty of labor party members among whoever represents the Israeli deep state, regardless, it will be extremely embarrassing and probably crater Israeli faith in institutions if it ends up being that an Israeli intelligence operation entrapped their own PM.