Hohsia [he/him]

  • 40 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • Wages are not determined by the employed, but by the competition of the unemployed, who rather than starve, will accept any wages on which they can barely subsist

    My friend found a book called history of the middle and working class written by some Brit named John Wade and published in 1833 and it seems like he beat Marx to the punch on a lot of shit (he would’ve been a teenager)

    Also, does this not sound like the reserve army of labor?

    “…Here then we should have a new caste of population, encouraged, and virtually called into being, who are constrained by their lot to live as a sort of bondmen beneath the par of human liberty and enjoyment, and whose very presence in the land would operate as a depressing incubus on the condition of the working people. They would form a body of reserve, from whom masters might indefinitely draw in every question of wages between themselves and their men, and by means of whom, therefore, they could, as in a market overstocked with labour, bring down infinitely its price

    Makes me think that maybe we should appeal to other randos who repeated Marxist talking points to show that these ideas have always existed (who am I kidding that probably wouldn’t help)

  • Mark my words y’all, the push to the cloud is just an extension of the surveillance state

    Remember when you used to be able to do what you wanted on your computer locally? Like download shit and pirate stuff on a device you personally owned? Welp, say goodbye to those days because Microsoft has a stranglehold on the PC market. Jiggling your mouse to stay active on teams is going to be something we look back on as an example of much simpler times

    DeVos was completely understated and cloaked with layers of conspiratorial bullshit when they’ve gotten exactly what they wanted in actuality

  • No idea how you people continue to have any hope whatsoever. I hate to sound all matrixy, but I’ve been off depression meds for about three months now and what I was told were symptoms of being “extremely depressed” were just very natural reactions to living in a hyper-capitalist country that puts life-altering medication behind an aburd paywall (absurd doesn’t even begin to cut it), despite the fact that it costs exactly the same to manufacture as any other drug that is mass produced. Seriously, does anyone know the meaning of the word “war” because it’s happening.

    To make matters worse, I’ve been in the tech space for 5-6 years now, and it’s just dawning on me how everything is becoming more and more policed and censored. Seems like Edward Snowden had like 5 minutes (and then 5 more minutes on Joe Rogan) and then the NSA and big tech continued making deals under the table. I honestly don’t know how such an overtly communist website is still allowed to exist on the internet.

    I’ve met so many irl leftists who tried for years and years and just eventually gave up. Capital seems to be one step ahead at every turn and I truly don’t believe anything can stop it

    Wish China would just hurry the fuck up because we live in such a fucking surveillance state.