A French court on Friday convicted six teenagers in connection with the 2020 beheading of history teacher Samuel Paty, whose murder shocked the country.

The teacher had shown his pupils caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad in a class on freedom of expression, angering some Muslim parents. Most Muslims avoid depictions of prophets, considering them to be blasphemous.

  • @atx_aquarian@lemmy.world
    557 months ago

    The heaviest sentence was given to an adolescent who was formally given a 6-month prison sentence, although he should be able to serve this at home while under electronic surveillance.


    • FlashMobOfOne
      187 months ago

      Makes sense.

      After all, all they did was make it easier to decapitate someone.

      • @steven
        07 months ago

        The court found those adolescents as guilty of having pointed out Paty to the murderer.

        Pretty wild to go to jail for 6 months for telling someone about your teacher that is showing photos of the prophet. Should everyone who retweeted the Charlie Hebdo cartoon also be charged with complicity them?

  • Dr. Moose
    417 months ago

    Seriously. There isn’t a single other cult in the world at this level of insanity where kids go about bheading their teacher because of a picture. Says everything you need to know.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    77 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    PARIS, Dec 8 (Reuters) - A French court on Friday convicted six teenagers in connection with the 2020 beheading of history teacher Samuel Paty, whose murder shocked the country.

    Among those on trial was a teenage girl who had allegedly told her parents that Paty had asked Muslim pupils to leave the room before showing the caricatures.

    The other adolescents were found guilty of charges related to taking part in a pre-meditated criminal conspiracy and helping to prepare an ambush.

    Louis Cailliez, lawyer for Paty’s sister Mickaelle, told reporters his client was “satisfied with the full conviction”, but less so with the sentences, that she found “too lenient”.

    The girl who was found guilty of making false accusations and slanderous comments was given an 18-month suspended sentence and put on probation measures for two years.

    Another trial in connection with Paty’s killing, involving adults this time, is set to take place at the end of next year.

    The original article contains 344 words, the summary contains 157 words. Saved 54%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • smokingManhole
    7 months ago

    Animals, not teenagers. Throw them and their families in a hole, where they belong.