Donald Trump has said that he will not become a dictator if he becomes US president again except “on day one”, after warnings from Democrats and some Republicans that the US was in danger of becoming an autocracy if he wins the 2024 election. Fuck, well at least he’s honest on this statement

    10 months ago

    Remember: Trump mocked a disabled person on national television, he raped a 13 year old girl and settled out of court, he called for all of the violence on January 6th 2021 and the overthrow of the American government’s peaceful transition of power, he ordered the use of MOAB, he wasted billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars building a sham wall that hasn’t kept out undocumented immigrants, he moved the American embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, he’s cheated on every single wife he’s ever had, he’s currently charged with 91 criminal charges related to rampant tax fraud, he destroyed Atlantic City, he saluted an enemy general in North Korea, he asked for Russian hackers to perform cyberattacks on his political rivals, he illegally attempted to blackmail Zelenskyy by demanding dirt on the Bidens in exchange for military aid, he ordered law enforcement to open fire on protestors, he gave tax breaks to the rich and increased the taxes on the working class, he brags about sexual assault, and he just told everyone he will be a dictator.

    Better vote for him? Don’t Americans watch the news?