• Shambling Shapes
    7 months ago

    I didn’t sign for a weird thing.

    I was going to go on a first date when the guy asked me to sign an NDA. He was attempting to be a content creator on YouTube, tiktok, etc., and thought he needed to start “protecting his reputation”. I declined the date.

    • @MrVilliam@lemmy.world
      497 months ago

      If it was around the time I suspect, he might’ve been worried about the me too stories that were breaking. Which means he thought his own conduct could’ve been seen as questionable. Which means it was very questionable. So bullet dodged. Hooray for not being one of his sexual assault victims.

      • @NOT_RICK@lemmy.world
        237 months ago

        Aren’t NDAs unenforceable against illegal conduct anyway? I suppose he could have been covering for gross behavior that wasn’t across the line into full criminality. Either way, what a fuckin dork, I hope his channel sucks.

        • @slowwooderrunsdeep@lemmy.world
          257 months ago

          Aren’t NDAs unenforceable against illegal conduct anyway?

          Yes, absolutely. You can’t sue someone for violating an NDA if they did so to report a crime.

          But a lot of people are morons that don’t understand how the law works.

        • AggressivelyPassive
          117 months ago

          Such clauses/contracts often are just an empty threat. If enough people believe in its legality, they will act accordingly, so it accomplished its goal.

      • Shambling Shapes
        257 months ago

        I didn’t even read the whole thing, TBH. It’s been a while, I’ll have to see if I still have access via the link he sent me. That’s even more blatantly sleezy than I was thinking. If he actually managed to build any sort of following, they might be interested to see what he attempts to put in his NDAs.

        Gross. Well today is a “losing hope in humanity” kind of day.

    • @ConstableJelly@beehaw.org
      137 months ago

      I am impressed by your resilience that you didn’t immediately swoon over his intelligence, diligence, and confidence, which is what I would strongly presume was his actual expectation.

  • 👍Maximum Derek👍
    577 months ago

    Most of the NDAs I’ve signed were from Amazon. I was regularly recruited by the AWS UX team to test changes to their web console in exchange for gift cards. But it meant for a while that I was legally prohibited from telling people inane shit like, “they might add a ‘cluster’ column to the RDS database list.” Stop the presses!

    • Atemu
      147 months ago

      Funny story but that’s how the patent law works in Germany and I believe at least Japan aswell. I don’t know about other places but I wouldn’t be surprised if this applied to the majority of the industrialised world.

      If you come up with an idea that could be patented while employed, you must to tell your employer about it and offer it to them. In return, they must either register it themselves and give you an appropriate compensation or decline ownership of it; allowing you to register it yourself.

      Rationale behind that, if you work in i.e. IT and invent an IT-related thing after you’ve clocked out for the day, you probably wouldn’t have had the idea if you hadn’t spent the majority of your day working on the topic for a couple years.

      I think this is actually quite fair as, even if the company decides to keep it for themselves, it’d register, use, license and defend the patent for you (for a great cut of course).

      • @Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        7 months ago

        I might have forgot it coming through the doors at work.

        Fuck that logic <3

        Edit: I’d guess the law was made by employers so the loopholes must be plenty to spin the compensation for low level staff enough to justify giving 1% or something from the patent revenue.

  • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    497 months ago

    My current job tried to get me to sign one that would prohibit me both from discussing the content of the NDA, and had a noncompete rider that was extremely aggressive.

    I told them I wouldn’t sign it, and it was unenforceable in this state anyway, so they might as well drop it. They did, but the whole thing made me super leery of working here. Corporate bullshit all the way down.

    • falsem
      357 months ago

      “You can’t discuss this contract with a lawyer” GTFO lol

  • Call me Lenny/Leni
    347 months ago

    Not really my own NDA, but kind of remarkable on its own. I discovered a number of people I know have been living according to witness protection. Apparently witness protection has recurring favored locations and the area is like Bellwood for Witsec. Funniest part is they all know each other and themselves have no idea half the time. It feels like that one joke with that one zoo that gets people in animal costumes to live as animals only to find out the whole zoo are animals.

  • Zagorath
    307 months ago

    I don’t have anything very interesting. I’ve been under NDA for various game betas at various times. One of them I’m still technically not allowed to even say there was a beta for me to have been a part of. Namely, the Age of Empires 2 expansion “Return to Rome” which brought Age of Empires 1 gameplay and civs into a separate game mode of AoE2, which had a secret closed beta around January this year.

    It’s not quite an NDA, but as a temporary worker for the AEC and ECQ (my state and federal electoral commissions), I’ve been prohibited from expressing a political opinion in public. Exactly how that’s supposed to work I’m not sure. I’ve usually just taken it to mean I can’t comment political stuff on Facebook between the date I accept the role and the date after the election (Lemmy and previously Reddit being pseudonymous, I’ve never cared much about following the political neutrality requirements here). People who know my IRL know my politics, so if it comes up during that time I usually just say “I’m not actually allowed to talk about that” with a wink.

    • Atemu
      107 months ago

      I’ve been prohibited from expressing a political opinion in public

      That doesn’t sound enforceable unless you’re an official representative of the company.

      • @DeltaTangoLima@reddrefuge.com
        7 months ago

        The AEC and ECQ are government bodies here in Australia, that regulate elections (AEC is the Australia Electoral Commission - the federal body - and the ECQ is the Electoral Commission of Queensland - the state body for Queensland’s elections).

        When you sign up to assist as a temporary worker (eg. election scrutineer, etc), you’re bound by very specific terms as an employee of the government.

        I once signed up to help out with our national census, which made me a temporary employee of the Australian Bureau of Statistics - the ABS. The terms in that agreement were similar to the above commenter’s experience, I reckon, as we were also required to be politically impartial in public (among other things).

      • Zagorath
        37 months ago

        Eh, when you’re literally performing the job of runnkng the election—giving people ballots and counting the results after—I think it’s pretty reasonable to have a requirement of maintaining an appearance of political neutrality.

  • @foggy@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Juice recipes.

    I worked on a website for some folks that make juice. They… I guess they think they have something special? They don’t… I’ve looked through it all. Nothing you can’t find online. Same shit every college town juicer selling celery this and tumeric that and activated charcoal whatever.

    But, I suppose I could use this info to start an analog of their business. I mean, I don’t want to, at all. But I could. 🤷‍♂️

  • @rbesfe@lemmy.ca
    267 months ago

    I found my completed but unsubmitted NDA form from my last job under a stack of papers after I left. HR just forgot to ask me for it and I forgot it existed

  • @RegalPotoo@lemmy.world
    87 months ago

    Place I used to work had a “we own all the IP you generate” clause, except it wasn’t very clearly written so could easily be read to mean literally all IP - write a song on the weekend, they own that. Got the wording tweaked in my contract to make it explicitly only cover things done in connection to my role, on company time, but I do wonder about my former colleagues. At least one of them has a mildly successful YouTube channel that I guess the company technically owns?