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Comic strip of a ghost and a person with the American flag pasted on the head. The ghost repeats “Boo!” in the first three panels without getting any reaction, but when it in the fourth panel says “kg, cm, km, °C” the American gets scared and screams “AHHHH!!!”.
Edit: fixed alt text
Aaaand … DD/MM/YYYY 🫠
this guy iso8601‘s
This, FTW
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YYYY-MM-DD is easier to get sorted since most significant number is on the left.
Least important it may be. But it is the most significant. This scheme follows the conventional scheme we follow while writing numbers - the most significant digit to the left and significance reducing as we move right.
The advantage of YYYY-MM-DD becomes when you add time to it in ISO-8601 or RFC 3339 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. All the digits are uniformly decreasing in significance from left to right.
This becomes even more apparent if you are trying to sort by time - say, a stack of files, or datetime in a computer. Try doing this with any other scheme.
As much as I vehemently dislike US customary units, MM/DD/YYYY is the USA’s greatest notation crime.
This one wouldn’t make sense as they say dates as month day, year.
To me, dates should always be written in international format: YYYY-MM-DD$ 50
Do you call this fifty dollars, or dollar fifty?
Lots of stuff is written differently, than it is spoken. In case of the date it is weird, not to go from biggest to smallest or vice versa. I guess you are used to it now, but for me it would be the same as putting seconds before minutes or inches before feet.
Depends on context, IMO did/mm/yyyy is the most natural when writing some text, but partial ISO yyyy-mm-dd is ideal for when naming files and directories, makes lexicographical ordering follow chronological order.
Big-endian vs little-endian all over again
I personally prefer dd-mm-yyyy because cutting stuff of the end to get dd-mm or dd is better imho. Just an opinion tho, use what you like.
Tax-funded health care. Making sure crazy people can’t buy machine guns. Voting for reasonable candidates.
You forgot that only a good guy with a gun-safe filled with AR-15s can stop a bad guy with a glock
The only properly measured thing Americans bring to their schools is 9mm’s 😔
Categorically false. They also bring 5.56x40mm.
Not in California though. You can own it, but you can’t buy nor shoot 5.56 or .223 on BLM or CA owned land. They’re also in the courts (appeals) to ban Assault rifles in the state.
Fuck California.
As an American, I can confidently say I’m sick of this Imperial/SAE shit.
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Length, volume and mass specifically (and derivatives, like PSI). Temperature is ok.
As a celsius user I have absolutely no need for fahrenheit. It needs more numbers when there is no need for more precision. Half a degree C is barely even noticable.
It’s one of those things that truly and honestly just doesn’t matter. Celsius makes more sense if you think about water freezing at 0 and boiling at 100, but beyond that it really doesn’t make a big difference.
what happens at 0 F?
I mean 0 C is when the water change its state, but then what happens at 0 F?
The lower point of Fahrenheight is near the freezing point of brine (salt water) which freezes at -6 F (-21 C).
It was designed around what the coldest day at the time of its invention could get and the 100F was marked around how hot the hottest day of the year at the timr would get. Hence its choice to scale 0-100 to local weather vs celcius’ choice to use kelvin and offset it to standardize it to pure water.
Nothing in particular, it’s an arbitrary starting point. But that’s really not a good reason to knock it.
Does water actually freeze at 0 celsius? It depends on the air pressure, right? I guess 0 celsius is the freezing point of water at sea level, but air pressure’s not consistent at all. I guess maybe it’s the temperature water freezes at the average air pressure at sea level? I assume that’s the case.
The point I’m trying to make is the Celsius isn’t super rock solid either, and it really doesn’t affect anything if water freezes at 0 or 32 degrees. The best argument for celsius is that it’s standard, but that doesn’t make necessarily make it better.
If we really cared about having a rock-solid starting point, we’d use Kelvin because you literally cannot go below 0.
yeah I was looking for something like “at 0 F something happens” as in Centigrades you can be sure that at 0C and with 1atm the water will freeze, instead of something arbitrary, so you can compare calibrate instruments
Well it doesn’t really matter what you were looking for lol. I promise you Fahrenheit thermometers are calibrated same as Celsius ones.
actually water melts at 0 deg it freezes below zero.
Freezing/melting does not have hysteresis
thanks for teaching me a new word :)
We live in a world rich in water. When the overnight temperature is below zero, we have frost, for example
Yeah, same here. When the temperature dips below 32 we get frost
I use both equally well. Since both of them are base 10, no difference whatsoever. You just know the feeling of 70F or 21C.
You know what pissed me off earlier this year? We took a trip from the U.S. to Canada and my Prius didn’t even have the option to show kmph instead of mph on the dashboard. We looked through the manual, we looked online. My specific model doesn’t allow it. Why?!
Because freedom 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅
LifeProTip glue pocket calculator to steering wheel for these urgent conversions on the road
There’s like five common speed limits to memorise the conversions for. It’s not hard.
World work better with “socialism.” Because screw capitalism.
Or gun control. Or free healthcare. Or abortion. Or a free online automated tax return system.
Except in drug deals (kg), foot races (5km), and science (°C).
And school supplies (9mm)
Yeah, everyone shits on the US for this but we do science in metric, and also everyone seems to ignore that the UK is all kinds of fucked up as well-- weight in stone, etc. I’d also argue that outside science F is a better scale for talking about weather. Sure 0 makes for a better freezing point, but most temps on inhabited earth are about 0~100 F or -25~40 C. If you knew nothing about F or C and someone asked if a scale from 0 to 100 or -25 to 40 made more sense, which one do you think most people would pick?
-25 to 40 is very useful for weather. Especially in a northern country. The only reason they don’t switch is “best country in the world” delusions they’ve been fed to believe is true since birth.
My point was any numbers are useful for weather if you’re used to them, but if you proposed a new scale without any baggage attached to it 0 to 100 makes way more sense than starting at neg something and going to 40 instead of a rounder number like 50 or 100
Below 0 means dangerous. That’s something that F doesn’t do clearly.
Below 0 C? Freezing doesn’t mean dangerous (obviously it’s dangerous if you’re homeless or don’t have regular access to heat). I live somewhere now that it hovers around freezing all winter and I literally can’t wear my old thick coats from where I grew up (northern US). I have to wear a fall coat pretty much all winter or I overheat. Below 0 F is a much better indication of dangerous weather than the freezing point.
How about just slipperyness? The fact that you can’t farm and thus have no reliable food source? The fact your water souce disappears?
I’ll admit, no method of measurement is perfect as biomes changes too drastically. This doesn’t mean Fahrenheit is better though. It’s not more intuitive, it’s not better at actual measurements, and it’s not as accepted by society ('cause people way smarter than me did find Fahrenheit worse than Celcius (see any above high school science/engineering))
To explain the more intuitive, I am literally incapable of using Fahrenheit, and it means fuck all to me. Thus my intuition is incapable of using it, and thus Fahrenheit isn’t naturally understandable. Granted, Celcius isn’t either.
The actual reason the us hasn’t switched is the many billions of dollars it would cost for basically no tangible benefit. There are probably better uses of that money if we actually got to spend it on what we wanted, like social programs.
Oh! Oh! Try “Paid maternity leave!”
: “No children! Only fresh laborers!”
Free education!
Free health care!
America is totally used to the KKK
@burgers if metric sucks so bad why do you use it for your guns
oooh, shots fired
We mostly don’t, neither do you.
Caliber is decimalized inches
Gauge is 1.67 over the cube root of the diameter in inches. Technically it’s derived from lbs since the number refers to the number of lead balls the width of the barrel you’d need to equal 1 lb. Eg, a 12 gauge is the width of a 1/12th lb ball of lead.
who is calling a 9mm a 00 gauge
me to imperial measurements: i am going to kill you
Fuck, you scared me!
Y’all are just jealous because we’re not afraid of fractions
What’s even worse is that when they use SI units they don’t even spell them right. They write meters whereas the rest of the world writes metres
Nah, in Dutch it’s meter (plural: meters) too
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spelling is hard why make it harder by spelling it “metres”
Well how would I know if they teach me it’s meters and not metres, hmm?
They are one of the founding members of the Metre Convention
Europeans acting smug like knowing how close to boiling the temperature is is more important than knowing how close to 100% hot out the temperature is.
100% hot out
what does that even mean?
It’s 100% “me” hot out?
100°F is roughly (like really roughly) the hottest temp your likely to see in most temperate climates throughout a year. 0°F is(again really roughly) the lowest. The result is you can use Fahrenheit basically as a percentage, or a 0 to 100 temperature score to help you decide how to dress/prepare for the day. If the temperature is above or below 100 or 0 then you need to consider fairly serious precautions before going outside for any length of time.
It’s not a very precise system at all, and it obviously has no place in a laboratory or similar situation. But it does work quite well for communicating the weather to common people. There is very little desire among Americans to change to Celsius not because they don’t understand it (we’re all taught Celsius in grade school) but because Fahrenheit serves most people’s needs perfectly adequately.
OP is also arguing that easily recalling the boiling temperature of water (one of the big purported advantages of Celsius) is useless for most people as nobody actually measures the temperature of water while boiling it. Except, maybe, in a classroom, probably while demonstrating to children how the Celsius scale works.
Knowing when water freezes is really useful though for places that ice/snow.
If it’s 0 F, it’s 0% hot out. If it’s 50 F, it’s 50% hot out, if it’s 100F, it’s 100% hot out.
It’s a more human measurement. Who the hell knows how long a kilometer or meter is? Everyone knows what a football field looks like and a yard is 1/100th of it.
Who the hell knows how long a kilometer or meter is?
Everyone outside of America.
Everyone knows what a football field looks like
You’re either trolling or a living embodiment of the ‘Americans think the USA is the whole world’ meme. Nobody outside of the USA knows how long a football field is.
The heck is 50% hot out? How is that even helpful lmao
28°c is a nice weather but 82.4°f(or 82.4% hot) sounds unlivable.
Lol 82.4°F is hot af. Depending on the humidity it could be quite uncomfortable.
Truly unlivable would be anything over 100.
50 is fairly mild. Cool, but not really cold at all. Long sleeves, pants, maybe a light jacket weather.
No it’s not, as i live in the equator, and that’s the issue i have with fahrenheit. The whole thing is devoid of context and people think it makes sense naturally.
Truly unlivable would be anything over 100.
Are you trying to say people can live in a sauna? The whole point is they’re so hot you can’t (safely) stay in them too long.
I’m obviously not saying that people spontaneously combust above that temp.
You can for a while
82.4°f is pretty decent weather. Unlivable is more like 100°f+, hence the “100% hot” scale. Nice weather would be 75°f, which makes sense when you think of it in terms of the “0-100% hot” scale.
I agree that other things like distance, volume, etc are better in metric. I really wish the US would just standardize metric UOM in general. But I do think fahrenheit is better for temperature.
I mean… I could say the same thing about Celsius and it would make the exact same amount of sense.
Except you can’t. 0°C is pretty cold. If it’s 100°C out then you’re already dead.
100°C is an acceptable sauna temperature. You won’t last much longer naked in 0°C!
Edit: To make my point more clear, I know some crazy people who go directly from a close to 100 degree sauna to a close to 0 degree ice bath. I think that could be described quite well as going from 100 to 0 % within the human temperature tolerance.
Also, that’s not my initial point. My initial point was that “percent hot outside” means nothing in Fahrenheit or Celsius.
(whoops, pressed delete instead of edit)
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It has never been literally boiling outside (except for when you’re in the middle of a forest fire or next to a lava flow).
Besides, Fahrenheit is more scientific because it translates 1:1 to Rankine, where 0 is absolute zero.
Percent of what, exactly? It has been a lot more than 100 Fahrenheit and a lot less than 0.
Edit: Kelvin is the scientific standard with 0 at absolute zero, and that translates directly to Celsius.
Percent of how close it is to 100% hot out.
But in seriousness, 100 was supposed to be based on the human body temperature. When it’s above 100, it’s harder to cool yourself off.
Are you just trolling? “100% hot out” literally doesn’t mean anything.
Edit: Ah, I see :P
But the human body temp isn’t 100 °F, though
Science says Kelvin.
I get what you’re saying, but only people who live in a country where (American) football is played would know how big a football field is.
Kinda ironic seeing somebody from hexbear defend imperial units.
100% hot
The what now
The hottest a specific person believed in. Obviously never visited $countryThatGetsHotter