They’re about to be full of pirates.
Hello Gordon.
They’re about to be full of pirates.
Oh, but there is. Mainly in that, based on what we know about them, which is very little, that is an infant.
Some kind of deep sea jellyfish. I’m scared.
But what if the bison wants to take a selfie?
The more I see, the more I want to burn the internet.
I’m pretty sure the reason we even came up with this is because of a treatment to epilepsy, which the treatment is literally cutting the connection between the two segments of the brain.
I think this has been proven, kinda.
Your right. One of them is my friends. I never claimed both were mine.
Yes there is. undercrust@lemmy.ca is in here and says that a poodle has attacked him.
Japanese hornet was an invasive species to the Americans and thus was removed, but it’s not being exterminated in mass in Japan and other areas the hornets call home. And for you to say that because an animal isn’t human is basically saying it has no soul and doesn’t feel emotions, or at least that how you come across.
Do you know what a snake is?
Your dog as absolutely beautiful.
Thank you, and yes, your absolutely right. Any dog is capable of violence, but I think the reason pitbulls have this reputation is because many people want them as an attack/defense dog and don’t actually know how to care for them in a way that keeps them calm.
Might wanna check the comments again.
I did not call everyone a dog rasict, I called the person say it was good that pitbull were being put down in the UK a dog rasict. But by your logic, we should have killed all Germans in WW2 because Germany was the home on the Nazi party and killed millions of people, but that’s wrong because not every Germany killed a person. And to say that we should kill something because it’s “in there nature” is harmful to all life because it sets an unrealistic expectation of what it is like. I’m not gonna deny that pitbulls attack people, but a dog rarely attacks people for nothing, and often the reason is out of fear or abuse.
There are tons of people who own raccoons and squirrels. There was literally a president that had a pet racoon. And to assume a dog is inherently evil for being abused for centuries is wrong. Bull terriers were breed for pit fights but they’re rarely associated with that kind if violence. Borzoi’s were breed for hunting wolves yet we never hear about them being violent.
YES. FINALLY SOMEONE AGREES. Proper care of a dog and understanding its behavior is key to stopping accidents like maulings.
Fuckin dog racist.
So was it the hundreds of years of sleep that made Chell illiterate or the portals?
Don’t we all.