• Aceticon@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    First, I suggest you read the last 12 words of my post rather than reacting to your own interpretation of my comment as a personal dig at you.

    Second, Ethernel over Power sharing is only up to the first circuit breaker, whislt WiFi sharing is only limited by metal surfaces, walls and distance.

    This means that in some situations (for example appartments in appartment buildings) EoP “sharing” is entirelly dependent on what devices a person puts on the same electrical network (i.e. the power line branch sharing the same circuit breaker) whilst WiFi is a complete total hellhole of everybody screwing everybody else.

    Further, people sometimes rent the place they live in, not own it and getting permission to run wire along the walls might be impossible whilst investing in improving the landlord’s property by having wire run within the existing paths inside the wall (usually shared with power wire) is usually not exactly smart.

    So Ethernet Over Power is a possible solution that should be considered in light of the situation and used if appropriate or discarded if not.

    Looking at and evaluating the various solutions in light of the context is the Engineering approach to solving problems, so it makes sense to present a possible solution in a public forum when one’s intention is to help others.

    A self-centred “it’s not good in my situation hence it’s shit and anybody who says otherwise is insulting me” take does nothing to help others.