ANKARA, Oct 20 (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Friday called on Israel to stop its attacks on Gaza, which he said amounted to genocide, and urged the international community to work for a humanitarian ceasefire in the region.

In a post on social messaging platform X, Erdogan also said Israel was provoking non-regional actors instead of turning back from its mistakes in Gaza, adding that the region needed saving from the “frenzy of madness” supported by Western powers and media.

    11 months ago

    I know exactly what “genocide” means. It means a deliberate killing of a group of people with the intent of destroying their nation / group. It also means displacing people out of their lands to get rid of their national identity. I wonder if that has happened recently in Gaza.

    I can ask an obviously biased person on the internet if they support genocide. Which you do - otherwise you wouldn’t try to say it’s not genocide, and then ask “what else are they supposed to do if not commit genocide? :(”