🇮🇹 🇮🇹 🇮🇹 Vive l’Italie ! 🇮🇹 🇮🇹 🇮🇹
Oetker is also shit but less evil, I guess?
How about fuck all that nasty ass processed crap? Or is it only wrong when the Americans do it?
No fuck it. I’ll never understand how people are so obsessed with something like nutella so much that they don’t even care what it is. I’m pretty sure most people you ask tell you it’s chocolate. It’s palm oil hazelnut shit.
Dr Oetker is european; and it isn’t Nestlè
so that’s two points it has over Wagner :)
Wagner also committed war crimes in Ukraine. Or so I’ve heard.
No, you’re thinking of the Wagner Group, a Russian paramilitary organisation.
This is Wagner, the antisemitic 19th century German composer.
No no, this is Wagner, the private liberal arts college on Staten Island. Those damn liberals with their New York based Hawaiian pizza.
Can he just go back to music? Ukraine and pizza is a bit too much for my liking.
Angry upvote
I believe that’s a different Wagner Group. Well I hope…
After they tried to do a coup, they had to diversify. Making pizzas is less likely to cause falling from a window or mistake novichok for sugar.
or mistake novichok for sugar
yeah, but if they do, it’s so much worse.
True, though only as long as one doesn’t sell the specimens from the meme in Italy.
Dr Oerker was founded by a nazi. Probably still controlled and owned by nazis. Check Wikipedia for their family history.
Edit: not all German companies, this one specifically, check my answer below for details. Also some companies supported and profited from the nazi regime but aren’t affiliated anymore. They changed ownership, renounced their past and the ideology and eventually made reparations. I don’t believe this is the case with Dr Oetker but I would be happy to be proven wrong.
Everything german is Nazi from the early 1900 got it.
Sod off.
Definitely not, lot of good German companies. on my phone so didn’t make a detailed essay, which is why I encouraged you to read Wikipedia.
For those who can’t be bothered:
During the 1930s and 1940s, Rudolf-August Oetker was an active member of the Waffen-SS of the Third Reich. The company supported the war effort by providing pudding mixes and munitions to German troops. The business used slave labour in some of its facilities. A bronze bust of Richard Kaselowsky still sits within the company headquarters in Bielefeld. Kaselowsky was killed during an air raid on Bielefeld in 1944.[2] The Oetker Family is among those German families, who have profited most from their close relations to the Nazi regime.[3]
I have to correct the original founder might not be a nazi. His grand son defined was.
The company is still privately held by the same family, and controlled
Richard Oetker, August Oetker’s brother, took over as CEO in 2010.
Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Oetke
Edit: before someone try to paint me as some anti German strawman. I like Germany, and went there multiple time, for works, vacation and the ccc congresses and camps And it actually pained me to learn the company history because I actually liked their pizza.
“Hey siri, give me a list of all the terrorist and militant groups that have killed more innocent people and destabilized more countries in a fragile position than Nestle willingly has purely in the pursuit of more profit?”
as an avid frozen pizza enjoyer, both of these suck, taste wise
which ones don’t suck, MR frozen pizza connoisseur?
ok I admit I had to look up how to spell connoisseur so these forthcoming pizzas better be the bees knees.
This one sucks the least.
Of course nothing beats the absolute cheapest pizza you can find at the discounter when you’re having a LAN party.
This being called Salami Pizza reminds me of a time I ordered pepperoni pizza in Venice. I did not get what I was thinking I would, but it was still awesome. (They put actual peppers instead of ‘pepperoni’)
Yeah. A friend told me of his folly of ordering “salami” pizza in the US and getting some disgusting sausages.
hard agree
This one sucks the least.
Of course nothing beats the absolute cheapest pizza you can find at the discounter when you’re having a LAN party.
This one sucks the least.
Of course nothing beats the absolute cheapest pizza you can find at the discounter when you’re having a LAN party.
This one sucks the least.
Of course nothing beats the absolute cheapest pizza you can find at the discounter when you’re having a LAN party.
Grandiosa has the best frozen pizzas.
well, even the best frozen pizza is still just a frozen pizza, but i prefer Die Ofenfrische. cheap and delicious
If you can get these, these are the best by a good margin: https://gustavo-gusto.de/en/
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Doubt you can find outside the US but the only frozen one I’d ever touch is table 87
Just found that one. gonna try the Margherita, thanks!
Dr Oetker is miserable
Vive l’Italie? Is this French?
Came here to suggest an alternative: Crosta & Mollica
As far as I can tell they’re even from Italy.
We kinda get the best of both worlds: we just get the bases and make what we want so the speed of a ready made pizza, but the flavours of home made.
But still, NO PINEAPPLE !!
My supermarket sells these and they are superior to all other frozen pizzas I had.
Yes pineapple, in moderation.
The meme is funny, but also quite silly. Contrasting savory and sweet tastes is a staple of Italian cuisine.
The Crosta & Mollica Stromboli has ruined all other pizza for me. It’s infinitely superior to everything except perhaps a genuine Italian fresh from the pizza oven.
But still, NO PINEAPPLE !!
You’re one of those sociopaths that puts kiwi on your pizza aren’t you?!
Fuck… that’s probably actually really good…sigh
@Sturgist @IsoKiero my Swedish friend introduced me to Flying Jacob and that stuff is so wrong and yet so right. What is it with Swedes and weird banana recipes
Also, a vote here for Goodfellas pizza (Birdseye). Very average but better than Dr Oetker by a country mile and the gluten free one is pretty decent
The fuck is a Flying Jacob?!
I honestly have no idea. From wikipedia:
Flying Jacob Swedish casserole composed of chicken, whipping cream, chili sauce, bananas, roasted peanuts, bacon and Italian salad seasoning, which is a peculiar seasoning blend available only in Sweden. The dish is baked in an oven and is usually served with rice and a salad.
That didn’t help much on understanding it. And those are just your regular banans, not the kind you can get from chinese restaurant or something like that.
Plantains? But smaller, bit more bitter, absolutely banging in a Jamaican curry? Or fried…fuck…now I’m hungry…
@Sturgist it is so, so wrong. I’ve only had it once and I remember it being confusingly good https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying/_Jacob I sort of liken it to weird American recipes like marshmallows and sweet potato (which I’ve tasted and did *not* like, so who knows)
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying/_JacobThat sounds hideous.
One thing I grew up eating, and I know a few other people who did as well, we all seem to be from North American families of Scottish descent, but have been in NA for the Great Depression…
Peanut butter and mayo sandwiches. I know it sounds disgusting, but it is legitimately good. Big glass of milk of the side.
Kiwis, no… Australians… maybe (jk)
No, I’m a firm believer in meat and spice on a pizza: 'nduja, jalepeños and chorizo are my usual
Fair enough pal, that sounds exactly like my standard zza…except I do actually put pineapple on mine. Instead of chunks I use pulped, strain as much juice out as I can manage, and lightly sprinkle some on. And some baby spinach under the cheese…
Dr.Oetker is the shit anyway iykyk
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We were feeling more united than ever is this community but you decided to start a fight with our Italian friends? Why???
Envy :((
Those Big City pizzas taste like cardboard anyway.
Dr Oetker Tradizionale or Suprema are my Pizza of choice.
The Ristorante, not so much.
Dr Oetker Tradizionale
schmeck ich, especially this one:
I don’t think I’ve ever even seen the top one.
At least pick the Casa di Mama line from Dr Oetker
Looks like whats called “Die Ofenfrische” in Germany.
I love the Ristorante line of their pizzas. Sadly the store I usually buy stuff from no longer sells my favourite one.