I came here to escape Reddit and to say FREE LUIGI!!!
Just got banned! It was an honor!
That’s how I ended up on Lemmy a few days ago. I was looking for a replacement for Reddit anyway, so the timing was convenient.
That’s weird because Luigi didn’t kill anyone. He’s innocent.
If I wanted to promote violence, I’d praise the still unidentified murderer of Brian Thompson.
I’ve heard somewhere that Google CAPTCHA is also partially based on the answers given by majority. So, assuming this is true, if we could get enough users to select these boxes, we could force the CAPTCHA into accepting this as an answer.
Yea the whole thing smells like a stitch-up. Cops couldn’t afford to look incompetent or let their massive manhunt drag on too long, so they did their usual thing and picked a vaguely plausible target and build a narrative to pin it on them.
Sacco and Vanzetti of the modern day.
i KNOW he is innocent as he was with me and we definitely weren’t murdering anyone. whistles
Well done
I’m here because Reddit has turned to shit. They post a rule about upvoting violence will get you banned, so upvoting a comment that says FREE LUIGI will get you banned but upvoting a video of someone getting stabbed to death or a human being turned into red paste will just be another day at the office. Let’s be real here, they only want to silence specific people without saying out loud who they want to silence.
So you’re saying a site with a history of posting videos of women getting hit “deservedly” is being disingenuous when violence is directed at the powerful? Say it ain’t so.
I just migrated from Reddit today because a post showed a compilation of things that were removed or banned because of “violence”. It included a story about peaceful protestors at a anti Tesla rally were being arrested, a protest for women’s rights outside of blizzard, a post saying trump is trying to start war with Greenland…
They are using it as an excuse to make Reddit fascist, take down any anti-government-backed bullshit.
I was banned for being critical of Tesla. Not Elon but Tesla. They said I was promoting or glorifying violence because I said Tesla has “Enron syndrome” they denied the appeal.
Same, I haven’t gotten any warnings just yet, but I won’t risk it.
Imo, this is proof of how scared the corpos are of letting him become a figurehead of the fight against them. I love it.
Exactly. This is a sign of how terrified they are of Luigi. Say his name!!! LUIGI!
Nobody is asking the parasite’s opinion on this topic.
Luigi is an American hero and the corpo is the enemy of the American people.
You have to be a brain dead NPC not to see these self evident facts.
The system of insurance clearly raises prices to some euclidean point where its optimizing profits versus killing customers. How do you blame CEO instead of the government, who control the insurance company regulation, the hospitals, and the money printer?
If you’re expecting the good hearts of the average CEO to prevent harm to your society you’re a fewel.
Aca regulates the modern health insurance industry…
at least until MUSK and trump gets thier hand on this.
That was not a compliment to aca
CEO allegedly got wacked over how shiti us system is lol
Fuck Spez.
Wait, that’s Spez? He looks like every rich boy who’s dad got him everyone he wanted and he never heard “no”. Chad or Trent or similar.
And, stopped letting you play with his toys when you said or did something he didn’t like
He totally looks like he turns the console off when he’s losing. And not only as a kid.
After already having the advantage with the better controller
Playing against people’s little brothers
And only he’s allowed to pick the best character/team. His opponent is only allowed to use the worst character/team.
Spez is scared he’ll be next
Spez wants to fuck kids
The next names to be banned are Washington and Grant. Both used violence.
Best not touch Sherman.
“I confess, without shame, that I am sick and tired of fighting — its glory is all moonshine; even success the most brilliant is over dead and mangled bodies, with the anguish and lamentations of distant families, appealing to me for sons, husbands, and fathers […] it is only those who have never heard a shot, never heard the shriek and groans of the wounded and lacerated […] that cry aloud for more blood, more vengeance, more desolation. […] I declare before God, as a man and a soldier, I will not strike a foe who stands unarmed and submissive before me, but would rather say—‘Go, and sin no more.’” - some guy before lighting Atlanta on fire
“We must act with vindictive earnestness against the Sioux, even to their extermination, men, women and children.”
- that same guy, a few years later
Yes, and he did terrible things to Jewish businesses on his way through. I’m not saying he was close to being a good human, but his philosophy on war in general is too powerful to ignore.
Nah. That one quote is nice, but in general his philosophy on war was “kill everyone and destroy everything in front of you without reservation, and enjoy yourself while doing it”.
Or Brown
Really, are they truly bad if their face isn’t yet on Rushmore?
Let’s dox and fuck them up! Insight thanks for the head up Reddi
They are banning people for up voting Luigi, even.
Luigi is becoming more powerful as a folk hero figure by the minute.
But what about Green Mario, who allegedly unalived a healthlord in Minecraft?
This whole “avoid the censor by using euphemisms” thing that gen Z does is fucking annoying. Stop. Don’t use any platform that is censoring you.
We need the Fediverse now more than ever.
Well bye bye Reddit. It was nice to know ya.
Yeah this place was just suggested to me by a friend. I like it here so far!
I found this place because someone on Reddit posted this picture.
I don’t think BlueSky is fediverse, just a different Twitter in the end, isn’t it?
Technically revanced isn’t open source, proprietary parts of youtube remains the same
Yeah I can’t vouch for the whole list, but it is how I found this place.
Any alternative to Tiktok?
Perhaps Loops? I never used Tiktok, but I have been directed to Loops-Videos. It seems to be similar to Tiktok or YouTube Shorts. However, I don’t know how it works (if you can just watch videos or if you have to register first).
That’s why I’m here now. Seems like a nice place ya got here.
post feet
It was nice to know ya.
Was it?
Reddit is going heavy on censoring the thought of protest. For example, I suggested throwing rotten fruit, eggs, and using a megaphone to bother JD Vance at his residence. Because, bluntly, ‘polite’ protest misses the whole bloody point of protest. It is all about making the people in power feel uncomfortable, and to warn them if they keep it up, people will open the 4th box.
I got banned, which will end in three days. But more importantly, it has convinced me: Reddit is controlled by those who don’t understand nor value the 1st Amendment, and why it is crucial for preventing the 2nd Amendment from being exercised.
While it sucks to harass people, the alternative if things progress further is much worse.
I’m not American so the amendments mean nothing to me
The 1st Amendment is freedom of speech, the 2nd regards the right to bear arms. #2 was created by the Founding Fathers, in recognition that someday America will have at least one tyrant rising up. An monopoly on violence is one of the greatest powers a state can have over their citizens, so an armed citizenry is both a warning and an contingency: “Don’t hurt us, and we won’t hurt you.”
Considering that abundance of arms in America, the opening of the Bullet Box would be very problematic for Trump and company.
No one regrets getting banned from nazi digg.
SPez, came from oligarchy hatchery, because of his strange humanoid appearance.
When it grew exponentionally, the regime intervened as they did with Facebook and others.
Long before Trump.
All MSM is controled and social media is no different when it reaches a substancial audience.
The hard truth still many don’t want to hear:
Free speech is an illusion, only allowed if you scream into the void.
Anything else they will manipulate or sabotage.
TikTok is the latest example.
You can expect the same here eventually, while the nature of it makes it more difficult the platform will be flooded with bots trying to control the narrative.https://www.mintpressnews.com/jessica-ashooh-reddit-national-security-state-plant/277639/
The Fediverse is our best chance at resisting our social media being controlled. People need to be made aware of that.
It’s pretty crazy. I saw a post on reddit about an article that was talking about the fediverse. I kid you not, 120 comments, 90% of those comments completely bashing it. “iT’s bRokEn, iTs bugGy, eW iT loOks likE sOoo oUtdatEd”. Literally not even giving it a single chance. I’ve been on lemmy for about… 3 days now? Absolutely not regretting it.
it tells you BOTS make up significant portion of alot of subs, and reddit as whole. i bet if reddit actually targeted the real bots, there would be less than half actual users on there. Sooner or later they will enlists Metas help to use ai bots/ressurect dead accts to increase engagement and push right wing agendas on the site.
im pretty sure reddit will perma ban you right after, ive been hearing people were immediately rebanned right after thier temp ban ended, because the filters dont even refresh after you get unbanned.
It’s a good suggestion however there is currently a police checkpoint surrounding his house so you cant even get to his street.
police need to be put into an uncomfortable choice of who they want to side with
you know EXACTLY which side they’ll choose…
then we’ll deal with them accordingly.
Just stop using reddit to talk about chads like Luigi.
Just stop using reddit
That too pretty much. Other than some niche topics I don’t use it anymore. Hopefully as lemmy grows those will have better options here too.
I did this and then they changed their algorithm to put things I’m interested in below every poat and they pulled me back in :(