This just shows how sports minded all this bullshit is. If Pence was still Trumps VP, he’d currently be tweeting “Oh, all praise our leader!”
But because he had a falling out, he find himself saying things that will fall on the right side of history. Not because he’s a genuinely good person, but because the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Didn’t hear Pence speaking out in 2019 when Trump was president, and was trying to extort Zelenskyy into blackmailing Hunter Biden. Pence didn’t say a word.
So he can shut the fuck up. He’s not wrong in what he’s saying, but HE can shut the fuck up.
Hearing Pence done with all the bullshit on the night of January 6th and shutting down people who were still trying to throw the election to Trump was the one and only time in his life when I had some respect for him. This is another, maybe the second time.
I think Pence is a genuinely good person who got hamstrung, maybe beyond redemption, by a Christian upbringing. He really wants to do what’s right. At least that is my read on him. He’s just all twisted up to where he thinks “doing what’s right” is all these horrifying things. But I don’t think he’s faking. I think, unlike almost everyone he hangs out with, he hasn’t figured out it’s a con, and is very sincere when he says he’s doing the best thing for his country and what God wants him to do.
Nobody gets to the position of Trump’s VP with clean hands. It’s just that Trump supported Pence being hanged. So like so many other conservatives, once it effects them then it’s time to do something about it.
Nobody gets to the position of Trump’s VP with clean hands.
If I was making it sound like I thought he had clean hands, that wasn’t the intent. I do not.
It’s just that Trump supported Pence being hanged.
Absolutely. I’m sure that was what woke him up. But now that he’s realized what Trump is and that it can impact him personally (which he is surely not the only one, a lot of these people professing absolute admiration for Dear Leader are a lot smarter than Pence about it), what does it gain him to make this tweet? Why are other people in similar positions to Pence not doing the same?
Aw man, the virus got him, too.
I think he had an existenrial crisis after nearly getting lynched by the mob of the person whom he serves, and realized he was in a cult.
Not a good person, but a smart person, smart enough to realize the cult has gone too far.
Not a smart person either.
He is not a genuinely good person. He wants a Christian Taliban theocracy, full of hate and evil.
Yeah, maybe I should have phrased it as “had the potential to be a good person.” Something like that. Even if my farfetched remote psychoanalysis is correct, I don’t think purportedly-good intentions are an excuse.
But because he had a falling out
That’s a very understated way of saying Trump tried to kill him.
Has a habit of spoiling friendships and marring productive working relationships that, the old tried-to-have-you-killed thing.
“sports minded”. That’s a new way to call traitors cowards. I don’t think it’s harsh enough, personally.
How bout “sports minded, traitorous, cowards”
I momentarily forgot about Vance when I read this and was like “holy fuck!” But of course Pence is not Trump’s VP now. For some reason… Oh yeah: Trump almost literally got him hanged on the Capitol lawn by blaming him for not helping him with his illegal coup! Lucky for him, no one around him has the spine to stand up for what’s right this time around. Hope our country survives it…
TBF, even if pence tried, he could not overturn the election. Objecting to the certification required both houses to agree to objecting, Democrats had the house, and there were few republican in the senate that weren’t full maga, so that was just not happening. It would’ve caused some chaos tho.
If Pence was still Trumps VP
I mean, in that timeline, Jan 6 never happened and his fuhrer’s mob didn’t try to hang him.
Surprisingly, people from Shapiro to Fox News seem to be pretty annoyed by Trump making that claim.
To be fair, this would hurt weapons dealers bottom line, so maybe not that surprising. That billions in aid go somewhere, and that somewhere is the military complex a lot of the conservative donors get their wealth. Just, in this case, it’s for someone getting invaded so most people are cool with this one.
This is the thing I don’t quite get. The “donations” to Ukraine (just like the ones to Israel) are just one huge tax funded subsidy to the defense contractors. You’d think Trump would be on board with that. Wonder why not.
Yeah. Even though I get the argument from the other reply that he may be a person with principles/naivete that tries to do the “right thing” but was indoctrinated from a young age to think that various evil shit was the right thing…
If Trump managed to steal the 2020 election without trying to kill Pence, then Pence would have gleefully overseen “Project 2021,” the ICEstapo, and the dehumanization of American citizens that don’t conform to his puritanical ideals.
Isnt this how politics works for a lot of people, particularly so for Republicans. Democrats and the left aren’t immune to it, but they’re usually a little better.
Quite a bit better, and that’s why Harris lost.
Right, it’s the same as Harris inciting all the republicans on stage to try to pull republicans to her side. Those people are irrelevant to everybody that matters.
Ukraine started the war by not giving in to Russia, duh.
It takes two to rape.
Russia was rich and famous after all.
Ukraine was wearing revealing clothing.
Ukraine was wearing revealing clothing.
Yeah, but you can see Russia’s Volga from space, so who’s the real slut?
I’ve honestly heard that argument before. People who are totally not imperialists with red paint talk all about sphere of influences, dividing countries according to that and how Ukraine shouldn’t have done this and that if it didn’t want Russia to conquer their land.
Mike Pence might be a religious zealot who wants to ban abortions, etc but he is still an american patriot. There is no way you can be pro US and supporting what Trump is doing. Trump is destroying alliances, good will and all the soft power the US had accumulated in over 100 years.
Soft power was the real american super power. China might have had industrial might, might have gotten equivalent military strength eventually but China didnt have much soft power. Thats why China launched the Belt and Road initiative, 10 years ago. This is a multi-trillion dollar program, that invests on infrastructure to make it easier for China to trade with the rest of the world(and to cultivate positive attitudes towards China).
With the destruction of american soft power, Trump opened a huge door for China. There is a non zero chance of Europe pivoting towards China, similarly to how China pivoted towards the US(and away from USSR) in the 1970s. If China can offer a more “reasonable” peace plan for Ukraine, it can get the EU to be more neutral towards China in exchange, maybe even staying out of future Taiwan conflict.
He’s a supporter of republican supply side jesus and an American Chauvanist. Sometimes those traits will fall on the right side of things, but make no mistake he was fine with pretty much everything the republicans had on the agenda except for trump.
At least he’s not being silent about it.
Pence can get fucked. People of substance are saying this too. Repost their quotes. This dried up piece of crap can mumble in the corner.
I disagree, if only the left is speaking up, then the right don’t help stop him. The right needs to stop him too.
He’d start licking his boots again if simply given the chance. His character or lack there of is clear. Never trust a snake.
The thing is that a critic from his own party is unexpected, that’s why is relevant over other critical.
Pence did stop the sedition in 2020 though. I cannot understand why they didn’t follow through and execute Donald Trump afterwards though.
Imagine telling someone in 2016 that Pence is one of the reasonable ones.
It keeps happening. Nixon was an unprecedented monster, then it was W and the whole Mitch McConnell crew, and then Ted Cruz and MTG lowered the bar further, and now we’re going lower than that.
I still remember when Mitt Romney was one of the massivest of the pieces of shit. Mitt Romney! Now he’s not even welcome in the building, because of his reasonableness.
Regan was also a new low. Seems every GOP president we get is a new low.
It’s the boiling frog overton window methodology to convert from a democracy to a theocratic oligarchy…
Or that Dick Cheney said he would vote for a democrat. You’d think that would help influence a few more people. The guys who were considered the hard right just 10-15 years prior are now saying “nah, fuck that guy. He’s a lunatic”.
You’d think that would help influence a few more people.
Who is that convincing? Nobody likes Dick Cheney, so nobody is taking his advice on who to vote for. What it did is convince some Democrats that their party is even further to the right than they thought.
The people it would be influencing would be the older republicans. Basically the Reaganites. They’re not the brainwashed maga, but still vote republican. It should have helped show them that the guy they thought of as a warhawk and far right wing won’t even vote for the guy then maybe they shouldn’t either.
Admittedly, I didn’t like Harris walking around with Liz Chaney because main steam democrats are already too centrist. It would never help sway republican voters but would scare away democratic voters to be seen hand-in-hand with a person who praised trump in his first term.
They’re not the brainwashed maga, but still vote republican.
Do those people actually exist? I thought that all of those people had converted to MAGA.
It’s hard for me to imagine somebody liking Dick Cheney, but it’s even harder for me to imagine somebody liking him so much that he could convince them to vote for the opposition. WTF were the Democratic consultants smoking?!
“Why didn’t the endorsement of Satan himself, and not the cool one that believes in free will and feminism, the rapey and murder one, not sway people to our cause?” - libs
Still not voting for mike penis on the next round if they haven’t burnt me in an oven with my family and friends complete naked.
Don’t worry, you won’t have to vote, it’ll be fixed! /s
Oh that’s right. The 3rd one.
He isn’t.
That guy is still hanging around?
Of course in this instance he’s 100% correct, just really goes to show how much of a unscrupulous hack Mike Pence is for hanging his hat on the first administration.
I have no reason to believe that Mike Pence will ever get the hang of “the truth”
Hanging is exactly what they tried to do with him.
And he still supported Trump afterwards.
Screw the broken clock metaphor. Pence isn’t always wrong, but it’s like finding glitter in a pile of shit.
the orange ousted him and tried to have him killed.
The dumbest possible timeline where I am forced to agree with a religious zealot because the alternative is even worse.
Turns out the fly was actually a brain slug. It’s now in control of him and handling this situation.
Omg what a reference lol
Donnie incited a lynch mob against him and awoke Captain Electroshock
This is fucking weird
It’s the world we live in now, it’s all gonna be weird from here on out. Hopefully Mike’s conversion therapy chops are going to be focused on Donnie’s beliefs for a little while, and not gay people existing.
Can’t believe I’d ever say Mike Pence said something based, but here we are.
My prediction is that this guy has a terminal illness and is scrambling to do some good deeds before the end.
Or maybe just want revenge for his boss telling a mob to lynch him.
Maybe, but the rest of the trumpers seem like they’d be cool with any attention from the orange one. Its weird how many of them hated him and then flipped. Makes me wonder if the Russia arrangement includes kompromat services. All these right wingers have tonnes of secret dirt to go with their holier than thou attitudes and bible thumping cred.
Imaging if the GOP just impeached Trump the first dumb thing he did and let Pence be president. He would have won a second term easily and people would think politics is boring again, and go back to never paying attention to all the stupid shit they get away with
I wish people would quit treating Trump as some freakish anomaly. He isn’t. Fascism is gaining ground around the world. This is much, much bigger than the US, and it isn’t going away when Trump goes away. This is our reality now, and we have to deal with it.
My dude is getting Night of Long Knivesed for sure
Nah, he’s getting Trotsky’d. He’s not in the building anymore. Elon Musk is the one who’s up for a long-knife night.
I think musk is gonna get vance to plot an assasination against trump, then blame democrats and declare martial law and suspend the constitution.
Not necessary. Musk is already in control, and they’re ignoring the law and the Constitution and they’re getting away with it.
Imagine if Mush was the first one slain under the scotus anointed orange immunity as “an official act for the safety of the country”.
Not likely. Musk is the one in charge, and Trump will give him what he wants if he knows what’s good for him.
He’s won’t simply because he’s not relevant anymore. If he ever poses an actual threat then maybe.
Someone’s gonna get sent to his room without supper.
The one where the rules are made up and the points don’t matter.