I immediately thought " look at this Dr Seuss, leg shavin mother fucker, what is this guy’s deal!?"
Glad someone else saw it too
I immediately thought " look at this Dr Seuss, leg shavin mother fucker, what is this guy’s deal!?"
Glad someone else saw it too
Is it your cake day ?
After this fine display by maga and the DINO’s I see a schism coming from both parties.
I laugh . For years I always had crap knives and i use them every day for work and on a farm. Reluctantly baught a TOPS fixed blade , didn’t break the bank but it is a solid utilitarian knife (100% us made) and I can’t believe how well it holds an edge. I have been using it daily and it replaced my razor knife for most jobs.
Cardboard doesn’t stand a chance
Holy shit, that little thing is playing a cello !
Just be like my neighbor, his backdrop is a state park with hiking trails. He got his guns taken years ago when he flipped out and had a domestic incident but he got em back. Murica! Fuck yeah !
I think it is a fucking dumb ass that can’t even do drugs right
I drove 80’s and pre 92’ VW’s up until 2019 and now I’m exclusively driving pre 04 VW’s . They are futuristic to me , heated sats , heat , AC its crazy .
I’ve amassed enough maintenance parts and transmissions to keep me going indefinitely…or until some jackass makes them illegal then I guess I’ll just ride a bike
I knew that was Bmore ! Right on
“Little Buddha” staring Bridget Fonda , chris Isaak and Keanu Reves in black face
" Dinosauria We" by Charles Bukowski
He nailed it.
Not mine , I know exactly how much cash I’ve got …except for the coinstar bucket but that’s for real emergencies
It’s way deeper than that. Its hard for someone who doesn’t live their life suffering in agony every day to understand. I’m not saying you need to understand but be happy if your lucky enough to not be going through that. Apathy and despair is all some people know. It’s a cry for help that in this age will probably never get answered.
I know some people with the born dead, fuck it , throw the trash at the can not in it mentality and their life is not good.
Now if there’s a person who has never had a bad day in their life that they didn’t cause themselves and they go around doing some dumb shit like that they can get fucked
56k + karma up for grabs hit me … where’s that polish chick with the dab rig
You guys should build a wall.
Seriously, don’t even let me in. It would just be a matter of time before I fuck something up
He was supposed too but then like a million other things came up that he had to fix so don’t worry about the stupid food right now ok . Cmon people, bootstraps, recession starts soon. Let’s goooo🦾🦾🦾
They forgot about bofa . They are the only planets