Just a reminder to use your local library, they’ll often have plenty of movies and TV shows to rent either at a very low price or fully free. Perfect complement for the seven seas
Local library here has streaming services with lots of classic movies (watched some Akira Kurosawa flicks). And other streaming services thru there have educational kids’ stuff. Also, free museum passes. Telescopes. Musical instruments. Video games. Online newspapers and magazines. Pretty badass.
some libraries even have a small streaming service, so you don’t have to leave the house
Local libraries rock.
Best of luck, Canada. I’m seeding for you.
Cancelled my Netflix and prime and subbed to CBC gem.
One big problem with our country is that our own identity and culture has been eroded by American pop culture. It’s honestly good to get away from American media and focus on Canadian made content otherwise we our identity and culture just blends into American culture and I hate that.
It’s tragic too when there is so much Canadian media that gets overshadowed as a result. I’ve been picking up Orphan Black again which is a fantastic series, but too many Americans have never heard of it.
My wife loved orphan black! I didn’t know it was Canadian. We both loved Kim’s convenience. And Kenny vs Spenny is an all time great.
Kim’s Convenience was an awesome show, until that last season… but yeah, definitely worth emphasizing Canadian gems like these.
hello fellow clonecluber <3
Hell yeah! On my previous watch, I only got through almost 2 seasons, hopefully I will finish this time. I’ve forgotten a lot, so it’s kind of nice not knowing what to expect again.
I was looking up the show on TV Tropes, and I completely forgot about Helena’s crazy cult arc, for example…
I remember being obsessed with this podcast, too, if you’re interested (I believe it started with the third season)
They only had a Twitter and FB, so there’s not really a website to link to. I don’t know if it still works but it was pretty fun back in the day.
Ah thanks, not one for podcasts but good to be aware of!
Canadians were some of the OG tv pirates. They were the hookup for hacked satellite boxes in the 90’s.
It’s why most of the shows I watched as a kid had the maple leaf in the corner.
I tried searching for this but only found recent news. Anywhere I can read about this? Wikipedia, article, or book?
I love tech history.
There’s a little bit in this Wikipedia article but I can’t find much either.
IIRC it mostly stemmed from a lot of US tv channels not being available in Canada at the time. So to make them available, they started hacking satellite descramblers and Direct TV cards. Then they found a giant market in the US willing to buy these boxes and cards to get free tv.
There were people in the US making them too, but the Canadian stuff was more reliable and updated quicker when Direct TV changed codes.
This is great! Thank you.
We had a big ass satillite dish in the backyard when I was growing up, and I remember my dad needing to input these codes every so often to unlock a bunch of channels.
Nice rock you live under.
Trump’s been threatening to Anschluss Canada as the 51st state and been planning on tariffs and other fuckery to harm Canada. So a lot of Canadians are cancelling services provided by US-based companies and pirating entertainment instead.
I did know about the 51st state thing but wanted to know more about the boycott. thanks.
Are people really buying into this 51st state nonsense? It’s never going to happen. Orange man is a legit professional shit talker. Damn near everything he states shouldn’t be taken seriously. I’ve easily learned to ignore his words and simply focus on his actions.
Unfortunately, you really can’t afford to ignore his words, because sometimes they do lead to actions. Hell, people ignoring his words is how he got re-elected in the first place.
The annexation stuff might be nonsense, but nevertheless, previous US administrations always treated Canada as a partner. Trump treats them like an enemy, despite them having done absolutely nothing wrong. So I fully understand the Canadian people, why would they continue to give money to companies in a fascist dictatorship? The US under Trump are not much better than Russia, China, Iran, Israel, North Korea, etc.
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That’s exactly what people said about a certain austrian during the 1920/1930s, regarding his speeches.
As the events leading to WW2 has teached us, words turn into actions frighteningly fast.
Everyone was doubting that Russia would invade Ukraine right until it happened.
When an idiot is in charge, prepare for idiocy.
I don’t really know who was doubting it, they had already invaded a couple years prior, it’s not wonder they wanted to finish the job
Either way, if it’s an opportunity to even slightly impoverish shitty Americans I’m rock hard on board with it.
The real win IMO would be for a collective Canadian identity to emerge from this so we can stop aping shitty, fake, trite, tasteless American bullshit.
Netflix is really shit as a subscription anyway, it’s gone downhill with the amount of ‘tiers’ and constant slop production that encourages cancelled 1-season shows over longer, fan-driven works.
Hey Canada, just so you know: I’m an European, and I watch “Son of a Critch” and “Shoresy”
“Set the tone!”
Ukraine had to start banning Russia funded slop after the invasion…
Maybe doing it before the invasion would have been better.
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People paid for Netflix?
Suckers come from both sides of the border
Thanks for the reminder. Just cancelled
regardless, this would be a good time for countries to strengthen laws protecting against foreign ownership of media companies and heavily regulating foreign media companies operating in countries instead of opening up the floodgates and letting american companies control the culture.
the quality and selection are better on certain websites with weird little cartoon character avatars
I cancelled two weeks ago expecting it to be difficult, but I don’t really miss it. Maybe something happens when you get old, but I just don’t have the will to commit to a series or a binge watch anymore. What I’ve started doing is borrowing movies at the library, which is free and takes forever, but is oddly charming.
Argh, eh!