Underfunding education, healthcare, housing…
Overfunding his buddies, the alcohol industry, and a horrific war on cyclists.
Vote this fool out while we still can.
Underfunding education, healthcare, housing…
Overfunding his buddies, the alcohol industry, and a horrific war on cyclists.
Vote this fool out while we still can.
Not using Strava doesn’t mean I’m devoid of data or tracking. I use cycling computers and smartwatches to track my rides, as well as TrainingPeaks, with a coach, to plan out and analyze my efforts after a race or workout. TrainingPeaks also functions as a journal where I keep notes on how I felt through different training cycles or events.
LOL. Yeah, I mean, if you’re already training and tracking using other services and devices (did the author say bike computers and smartwatches??), you don’t need Strava on top of that.
I’m forced to Strava (fake info, alias, etc…) only because the group I meet with posts on Strava and Instagram, and I refuse to go back on Instagram.
There is value to using these platforms, if your goal is to improve your fitness. But Strava in particular has enshittified their platform, so there’s far less value in using it, unless you want to pay for features on a subscription model. 🤢 Crazy that you have to pay for something, when it’s damn certain they’re selling our collective data, too.
I saw that on Kickstarter yesterday. I hope it becomes a success!
Was using the Voyager app. But now I use the Voyager PWA version through the Hermit app.
I love the taste! I just hate how damn expensive it is, so I don’t by it anymore.
I guess it’s time to put my 500Mbps upload bandwidth to good use!
Yes! That would actually be more accurate.
Just snuck up on everyone without warning! 🫣
As a child once told Trump: “Shut your mouth.”
That’s the real problem: we aren’t prioritizing the non-car user experience.
Why do we have to make any concessions when it comes to cyclists, pedestrians, or the disabled communities? The default should be to prioritize and accommodate them first, then public transport, then cars.
We are doing things ass backwards here in Ontario.
Borderlands 2 was amazing, and Borderlands 3 had amazing graphics. But I felt like there was no need to continue the franchise after that, and I’m actually surprised that they are.
I’m glad I had the opportunity to visit quite a few US cities.
But after Trump’s first term, I basically stopped wanting to go to the US.
It no longer feels like a welcoming place, nor is it a place I want to give money to as a tourist.
Allegedly a bullseye.
There’s a point of diminishing returns with bikes that some would estimate to be much, much lower than $12,000, even for an e-bike.
And for a bike like that (e-MTB), it’s even more difficult to justify the costs, because it’s not a car replacement like an e-cargo bike could be.
Cons: None
Bro, the bike is $12,000. 😵
to present a united front
Is that being sarcastic? Some don’t even think that Trump is doing anything wrong, and that Canada is the one with the problem.
I think there’s a disconnect of what people mean by fast and slow here. A slow cyclist is still going at 15km/h, and 30km/h isn’t even that fast,
What’s the context? Country bike lane or urban trail? 30km/h on an urban bike trail is too fast. That’s why places that do post speed limits for cyclists often have them at 20km/h or slower.
Whereas electric wheelchairs are optimized to move within walking speeds, so about 4-6km/h. Having someone move 5km/h share space with someone going 20km/h+
I disagree. If you’ve even been in a sufficiently wide bike track, you’ll realize there are no real conflicts.
The issue is that very few tend to be very wide, so any conflict is a result of the design, and not the concept.
is like having roads that share 60km/h with those going at 20km/h.
Yes, a single, narrow road in that scenario would create bottlenecks. Although, this is common on roads where farm equipment is used.
The more accurate comparison would be a multi-lane road where slower drivers are on the right side, while faster drivers are on the left. They have enough width over those multiple lanes to avoid conflicts.
We’re asking that bike lanes be sufficiently wide to also avoid conflict.
Not to mention that some bike lanes are actually too narrow for wheelchairs to fit.
100% agreed. Too narrow for bike trailers, cargo bikes, trikes, and mobility scooters.
That’s why we need laws that make it mandatory to have WIDE lanes for these users.
there’s entire sections of the city that have zero side walks as well, but those areas also have zero bike lanes despite allowing cars to go 40km/h or even higher.
We have a few places like that around here. It’s unnerving to say the least, and I wish they were only going 40km/h… I’ve clocked cars and large trucks going well over 80km/h (in 50km or 60km/h zones) as I white-knuckle through on my bike.
Yes, been using them for years. No real complaints. They are very quick to get back if you need support.
I couldn’t even join my city’s club unless I was on their private Facebook group to get updates. Nah. I’m not doing that.