for anyone who doesn’t know what to do and you’re feeling stuck, let me tell you what the holocaust survivors from my childhood told me they did: they started meeting in their houses to discuss acts of resistance and to build up community strength through mutual aid and solidarity. they also got strapped and put a heavy emphasis into monitoring the nazis through actually scouting what movements the brown shirts were making, and into storytelling. storytelling is how you make sure future generations hear you and your best bet at dislodging someone from the death cult they’re locked into
Many of my neighbors are N supporters. There’s a college campus nearby but I don’t feel right trying to organize with teenagers.
i encourage you to still try it anyway. there is no one i valued more as a teenager than my elders who supported me despite not being my flesh and blood. i don’t think i’d be alive today without having those adults who just said “hey, you’re you. i believe in you. you got this”
just don’t show up trying to direct them. just listen and give your advice when they want it. someday they’ll do the same for someone else, and it will be you they recollect inspiring them. our movement of love hinges entirely on the elders passing it on to the youth.
and everytime an elder supports a youth, that elder becomes immortal. we are all immortal so long as someone picks up our work and carries it forward. it is through this process that we will all someday be free. so please, don’t be scared to hang out with some teens. just make it your responsibility within their group to keep their brains safe so their souls can be safe.
Think of it as the passing of knowledge. And teens are an excellent audience, because they’d be getting one of those exceedingly rare “real talk” moments, when someone finally treats them as sentient beings.
You’d essentially be giving them a heads-up and contributing to their ability to prepare while better informed.
I am in a workers assembly, and our biggest hurdle has been convincing people gen-X and boomer aged to join. A lot of teenagers and 20 somethings, quite a few millenials (including myself), and people up into their 70’s. Please help organize, regardless of your age. If anything, being older will be a huge boon as you can teach them to avoid pitfalls you’ve already fallen into, how to avoid mistakes you’ve made.
Please, anyone interested in resisting read this guide. Even if you work in an office building you can fight back. Work for an ultra-corrupt group in an office setting? It includes that, too.
My country got rid of a fascist state 50 years ago. My grandfather was part of the political police. He was a monster.
Anything to prevent that again.
Pushing stupid people will be a good start.
Find like minded people, collective action is always stronger than individual action. If you don’t currently have a community that is engaged, consider joining a Unitarian Universalist congregation. Unitarians in the US and Europe resisted the German Nazis by creating documents and providing refuge for Jewish people fleeing the Holocaust. Many congregations today have active social and environmental justice groups, often focusing on local action with low barriers to entry. Nobody is expected to believe any particular scripture, but UUs have a common set of principles, the first being everyone has inherent worth and dignity.
This is it.
It doesn’t have to be UU but you better find a team.
I’m not a fan of the religious aspect. What are some other options?
I volunteer at the local indie theatre group.
I visited the local queer bookshop today and left with an invite to a local queer hike and a lead on sea shanty night at the local bar. Put out feelers, talk to people, and find like-minded folks around you.
Yeah, I’ve attended some UU stuff, and they’re by far the best of the religious groups I’ve looked into. But the spirituality is a bore and I just plain don’t believe in ‘worship’. Give me a ‘church’ without a god, please — just good advice, good conversation, people who aren’t monstrous, and maybe a potluck on Thursday nights.
You could maybe look for humanists, but I don’t know of many outside Harvard/Cambridge, MA.
Hey, appreciated. I hadn’t thought of them, had a fun time poking around the website, and I’m going to the next humanist shindig in a coupla weeks. (:
This is pretty cool, I’ve never heard of this thanks for sharing.
Never heard of them, but I see that they are calling out the Israelis in the same way as they did the nazis. I’m not into religion, but good on them.
If you speak with UUs, many of us would say we are also not really into religion 😆 my congregation has a number of firm atheists. A lot of the sermons are more about human values, finding lessons from history or science, and lived experiences. However, we do tend to celebrate high holidays from numerous religious traditions. It’s highly variable across congregations though. My big draw other than collective environmental action is the music program.
That sctually sounds great. I’ll look into it. I’d be surprised to find myself associated with any religion again but for the right one, I guess why not.
Try to take Hitler out should be hopefully on many people’s minds. Em… should’ve been.
Let’s not forget who it was that was above his bunker when he killed himself: the Red Army. The Communists.
Lets not forget that stalin was allied with Hitler early on, and they only came to be at odds because Hitler stupidly invaded Russia. The “communists” are not some sort of default good guys back then, or now. They are as morally bankrupt and inhumane as the capitalists, just poorer.
Stalin wanted a closer alliance with the Nazis.
I don’t think that’s a particularly good idea. Hitler was charismatic, but there’s a pretty strong impression among historians that he made a lot of dumb decisions that ultimately helped the Nazis lose. If you take out the bungler after they’re already in power, he gets replaced by a more competent leader who won’t make as many mistakes.
Leave the tangerine there but take out his support, like fElon, Miller and Bannon.
Yes. Let’s never do anything to improve our situation because it might actually deteriorate. With that kind of mindset, you better never leave your bed.
I didn’t say never do anything, I said this specific thing could most likely do more harm than good.
Seems to be that the most effective thing for the Allied resistance to have done would’ve been to target the competent people around Hitler, who were not only potentially more dangerous, but also less well-protected by the SS. Senior advisors (especially “true believers” and policy wonks), yes-men pushing his agenda through the legislature, partisan judges, etc.
I don’t want to martyr myself though
It’s interesting because it also showed the hypocrisy of most western governments. On one side these governments were happy to support and in fact rushed to support ukraine. On the other side, the same was not afforded to palestine, in fact the opposite. (Giving aid to israel, etc)
This includes people too, but its been very clear with governments.
it was right and good to support Ukraine, but i think where the buck stopped for so many countries is Ukrainians are white and Palestinians are brown. sure, in western countries we often strip Ukrainians access to the concepts of whiteness when they have aid needs other than weaponry, but they still get at least some access to the power of whiteness in colonialism when it suits whiteness. Palestinians, no such luck
There is also a lot about who their enemy is. When US will attack Mexico or Canada, there will be way less universal support to them because US is still seen as a “good guy” in a cultural sense. The same goes to Israel for historical reasons. Russia however is universally understood to be bad, they didn’t manage to wash their reputation when they had a chance, and it doesn’t seem like they really tried.
Cultural sense is relative. Quite a few cultures understand the US being one of the greatest evils in the world.
Until recently, those were kind of in minority. The rest saw US on a spectrum from a volatile trading partner to a volatile ally, baring those who didn’t see US as much at all.
Im not sure many see the US as the good guy anymore. I think maybe they see the US as the shallow, bullying, good looking popular kid with a lot of money, who the other kids who just want to keep their heads down follow by default.
So much of politics resmbles the 3rd grade school yard.
To be honest, Russia-Ukraine’s war is at EU’s doorstep, meanwhile Israel-Palestine’s war is in middle east. I think that’s at least one reason.
To say that they would care about the other more, sure. To say they continue their support of israels genocide? No.
If Ukraine started the war by invading and killing 1000 Russian civilians (and making sure to record lots of video of it), they probably would’ve gotten a lot less support too.
It would be interesting to see what would’ve happened if Israel just straight up invaded Gaza with no provocation. I doubt western governments would’ve sent weapons to Hamas, but I do think Israel would’ve been roundly criticized and aid cut off.
Yes, because the Palestinians started everything on oct 7th, not the fact they’ve been ethnically cleansed for the past 80 years. Not the fact that Israelis have been systemically killing them and taking their land for the past 80 years. This hypocrisy is not new, but it become apparent to a lot more people who didn’t know about it before.
Israel has invaded Palestinian land in the past with no provocation, I mean, thats how the state of israel was created…
Western countries rarely actually care about justice. Usually its a political tool they use to their advantage, never against themselves or their allies.
Israel did that so many times throughout it’s existence, there is no ways to list them all.
Decades ago, as a schoolboy in Germany, this was a fascinating scenario to mull over. Especially because it seemed so unlikely. Well…hold tight everybody.
Pucker those starfish, it’s gonna get bumpy
Happy to report that I, a white christian-looking man, would probably get hauled to a death camp for openly supporting LGBTQ+ and minorities, and openly criticizing the government’s behavior. Both of my cars, and my motorcycles, have enough stickers saying as much.
This is America today:
What is this from?
The Man in the High Castle TV Series, about an alternate universe where the axis powers won WW2 and invaded the USA. It’s interesting to watch, even if its a very fucked up scenario.
WW2, vietnam, Israels genocide in Gaza, the invasion of Ukraine, desert storm, the iran-iraq war, pakistan vs India, china vs india… so many wars… In a sense they are all the same war. Its humanity against the worst impulses of itself that always threaten to define all of us. The western rules based order was supposed to the antidote for that cycle or left-right swing and resource coveting, and now the technocrats, fascists, and centrists have tossed that on the floor and pissed on it in the name of their own cleverness. They never understood why they were in politics to begin with, beyond manipulating tactical events for some selfish douchebaggy structural advantage. Thats what Kissinger got wrong, and Biden too. Empty ends-justifies-the-means reasoning in leadership leads directly to fascism. Thats part of what the man in the high castle was supposed to illustrate.
When you’ve oversimplified things to the point where you’ve become useless to anyone, you’re not as clever as you think you are.
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Methinks you’re bitter the genocide you were certain to happen ended up not happening. Kinda gross how you’re rooting for genocide to happen and are upset that it didn’t. It was a war, and the war is over. But much like anti-vaxxers in the pandemic, you made it your identity and you can’t let it go.
Social media made you angry over something, and you made bad decisions because of it. Now your poor choices have contributed to bad things happening now and you are looking to blame the people trying to prevent because you don’t want to admit you were scammed by social media.
You’re wondering why Kamala Harris isn’t speaking out against Trump? It’s because the election campaign is over. You may wish you could have a do-over and have her still trying to convince you to vote for her. But the election is over and you can’t go back and do the right thing now. You let evil prevail and you gotta live with that. Stop blaming others for your inaction.
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- Step 1. try to make people aware of right and centrist’s collaboration danger via dialogue and protest
- Step 2. see everything goes wrong anyway
- step 3. wait to see if fascism burns the world faster than climate change because understanding human brain is probably not capable of handling mass media propaganda even facing imminent death
step 4. realize that, quite literally, the only way to fight fascism is to use their tactics agains them because fighting in good faith hasn’t worked at all. Propaganda, bought out politicians, rules for thee but not for me…
Yeah, at some point violence becomes the only answer remaining but it cost a lot to someone “normal” to start walking this path
I plan on starting a non-profit apartment complex and create a network amongst businesses to ensure that my tenants never have to worry about losing their rights to life.
I have a 1000 year plan that includes buying farmland, hiring medical staff and creating deals for entertainment until we can all start learning to lean on each other again.
A Declaration of Globalization: 1000 Year Plan to Save the World is in progress and will be made available for free everywhere I can once it’s written. The more people that start the process in their home country, the faster we can put it into motion
I think we’ll be lucky is humanity is still here in ten years, and you’re planning for a thousand — but I love your optimism, kind stranger.
My expectation is to die within the next 4 years. Unfortunately, I’m an “undesirable” according to my admin. However, if I can get the idea out and the ball rolling then I can only hope someone sees it to fruition
“You’re doing it now”
Browsing Lemmy?
I’m doing my part
The only difference is that the Nazis were at least somewhat competent. Watching this administration pretending to be Nazis while walking themselves off a cliff is just… Bizarre. I expected things to be bad, I expected things to be stupid, I didn’t expect things to be THIS dumb
They were not competant at first. Quite the opposite actually. The established institutions that feared socialism and communism above all else ensured the Nazis gained the competence they needed to invade the Soviet Union. (And engage the Phoney War.)
Interesting, I thought the post was referring to what’s happening in palestine
I’m telling everyone I can about the wild and crazy changes since most social media and news outlets are censoring it.
Post meme in social media…
I would vote harder.