She was still in the dark until the moment she gave birth and her baby girl was immediately taken away, said Harrison Stark, senior staff attorney at the ACLU. She had no idea that while she was in labor, hospital officials were relaying updates to the state — including details of her cervix dilation — and had won temporary custody of the fetus. At one point, the state sought a court order forcing the woman to undergo a cesarean section
That part is messed up, someone should know about losing custody long before it happens, I could believe maybe there’s some justification about the unborn child being harmed if the mom knew?
But it doesn’t seem weird to me for there to be a list of pregnant people they want to keep their eyes on. I have a co-worker who was visited by an agency before their first kid was born to check out his house and they made some recommendations. The reason he was on their radar is as a kid they had to intervene with his parents, so they wanted to be sure the cycle was broken. He’s a great dad to 3 kids now and no issues, they’re just doing their job
To me it makes total sense for them to identify and track potential problem parents
My sister adopted my niece and later my nephew, who have the same biological mother. The bio mom has lived a rough life and has my sympathy, but she’s not a good mother and every minute that she has children in her care, they’re being neglected at best. Unfortunately, she doesn’t seem to care much about getting pregnant, so she’s had 7-8 kids at this point.
I’d rather the state keep her name on a list than let children suffer or sterilize someone against their will. I don’t really see a fourth option.
the state sought a court order forcing the woman to undergo a cesarean section
The state of Vermont wanted to force a woman to be cut open against her will.
Absolutely fucking disgusting. Those who made this possible should undergo the same procedure without their consent.
I mean, at least do that with the men, too.
i wish they had this before i was born